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35 Cards in this Set

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natural androgens

testosterone (short & long acting)
Testoderm, AndroGel, Androderm, Depo-Testosterone, Depotest

ind: androgen replacement therapy, palliation of female mammary cancer, male hypogonadism

route: implantable pellet, gel, transdermal patch
dose: short-acting: 25-30 mg 2-3 x/week
long-acting: 50-400 mg q 2-4 weeks
>>weight gain, HA
weight gain of more than 2 lbs should be treated by physician for edema
natural androgens

testosterone propionate
ind: androgen replacement therapy, male hypogonadism, palliation of female breast cancer
route: inj
dose: 50-400 mg q2-4weeks
name side effects of androgens?
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. may cause elevated blood levels of Ca, Na, P, K and cholesterol. hypoglycemia, pruritus, jaundice, and alteratiosn in libido. in men, breast engorgement, impotence, male pattern baldness, and acne are expected. in females who are on androgens for an extended period of time may experience amenorrhea or menstrual irregularities. hot flashes, HA, sleep disorders, increased libido, vaginitis, and masculinization are apparent: deepening of the voice (often permanent), loss of breast mass*, increased facial and body hair*, increased muscle mass*. *=may reverse when testosterone therapy ceases.
synthetic androgen

ind: male hypogonadism, female breast cancer
route: po
dose: 5-20 mg qd
synthetic androgen

ind: endometriosis and fibrocystic disease in women
route: po
dose: 400mg bid
synthetic androgen

Oreton, Adroid-25, Testred
ind: hypogonadism, breast cancer in women
route: oral and buccal tablets
dose: 10-50 mg qd
synthetic androgen

ind: aplastic anemia, weight gain
route: po
dose: 2mg tid
synthetic androgen

ind: breast cancer, anemias resulting from aplastic anemia
route: inj
dose: 50-100 mg/week

ind: benign prostatic hypertrophy
action: used to decrease the mass of an enlarged prostate gland.
route: po
dose: 5 mg qd
**WARNING**this drug is teratogenic, use contraception, if applicable

ind: benign prostatic hypertrophy
action: used to decrease the mass of an enlarged prostate gland.
route: po
dose: 5 mg qd
**WARNING**this drug is teratogenic, use contraception, if applicable
Alpha-adrenergic Blocker

ind: benign prostatic hypertrophy
action: relax the smooth muscle of the prostatic tissue to reduce obstruction
route: po
dose: 1-10 mg qd
Alpha-adrenergic Blocker

ind: benign prostatic hypertrophy
action: relax the smooth muscle of the prostatic tissue to reduce obstruction
route: po
dose: .4mg qd
Alpha-adrenergic Blocker

ind: benign prostatic hypertrophy, mild hypertension
action: relax the smooth muscle of the prostatic tissue to reduce obstruction
route: po
dose: 1 mg qid
name uses of estrogens in males and females?
in females: treat hypogonadism, postpartal breast engorgement or lactation, relieve symptoms of menopause, dysmenorhea, endometriosis, dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

in men: inoperable prostate and testicular cancers, in males, estrogen treatment causes reversable feminization during estrogen treatment.
name side effects of estrogen treatment?
in females: cholasma (A patchy brown or dark brown skin discoloration that usually occurs on a woman's face and may result from hormonal changes, as in pregnancy), photosensitivity, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and risk of gallbladder disease. infertility, dysmenorrhea, breast tenderness and enlargement, increased susceptibility to thromolytic disease

>>increased sense of ewell being, high levels lead to depression that may lead to psychosis.

both sexes: aggrivates asthma, epilepsy, migranes, heart disease, urinary tract disease, increase symptoms of diabetes mellitus.
estrogen preparations

oral: Estrace
transdermal: Estraderm, Vivelle, Climara
vaginal ring: Estring
ind: menopausal symptoms, female hypogonadism
dose: oral: .5 to 20 mg qd in cycles, transdermal: .05-1mg app 1x or 2x q/week, vaginal ring: change ring q 3 months
estrogen preparations

estradiol valerate
Delestrogen, Gynogen-LA
ind: menopausal symptoms, female hypogonadism, prostate cancer
route: inj
dose: 5-20 mg q 2-4 weeks
estrogen preparations

estradiol cypionate
ind: menopausal symptoms, female hypogonadism, postmenopausal osteoporosis, prostate cancer, metastatic breast cancer
route: inj
dose: 5-20 mg q 2-4 weeks
estrogen prepartions

esterified estrogen
Estratab, Menest
ind: menopausal symptoms, female hypogonadism, breast cancer
route: po
dose: .3 to 1.25 mg qd
estrogen preparations

esterified estrogen with methyltestosterone
ind: menopausal symptoms, female hypogonadism, breast cancer
route: po
dose: 1.25 to 2.5 mg qd
progestin: the female hormone secreted from day 14 to day 28 of the menstrual cycle. it changes the secretions of the cervix, reducing uterine contractions, maintains the corpus luteum. also stimulates the development of ducts and glands in preparation for lactation, but does not cause lactation
what are synthetic progesterones called?
progestins or progestogens
why are synthetic progestins or progestogens preferred over natural progesterone?
synthetic progestin and progestogens are more effective, because they last longer in the body and are not as readily metabololized by the liver
what are progestins used to treat?
progestins are used to treat amenorrhea and abnormal uterine bleeding from hormone imbalances, for contraception, in combination with estrogens for HRT in menopause, and as a therapy for renal and edometrial cancer. when used to treat infertility, it causes a negative feedback.
what are side effects of progestin therapy?
weight gain, stomach pain, cramping, swelling of the face and legs, HA, mood swings, anxiety, weakness, rashes, acne, insomnia. menstrual changes, and breast tenderness may occur and liver dysfunction and phlebitis are more severe adverse reactions. glucose intolerance is seen in women who are prone to diabetes mellitus and fetal teratogenic effects have occured.
Crinone, Gesterol
ind: amenorrhea, abn. uterine bleeding
route: inj, vag. gel
dose 5-10 mg qd x6-8 days for abn. uterine bleeding
oral: Provera, Amen, Cycrin
inj: Depo-Provera
ind: endometrial hyperplasia, secondary amenorrhea, abnormal uterine bleeding, (Depo-Provera: contraception)
dose: 2-10 mg qd x5-10 d for amenorrhea, abn. bleeding, Depo-Provera 150 mg q 3 months as contraceptive
ind: amenorrhea, abn. uterine bleeding
route: inj
dose 375 mg q 4 weeks for amenorrhea, uterine bleeding

Micronor, Norlutin
ind: amenorrhea, abn. uterine bleeding, endometriosis, contraception, prevention of endometrial hyperplasia with estrogen therapy
route: po
dose: 2.5 mg to 10 mg in cycles for amnorrhea, .35 mg qd for contraception, 5 mg for prevention of endometrial hyperplasia
monophasic oral contraceptive

ethinyl estradiol/
Loestrin, Ovcon, Brevicon, Ortho-Novum, Genora
drug concentration: the daily dose of estrogen and progestin remain constant throughout the menstrual cycle.
dose: various strengths are avl, estrogen is in mcg (micrograms) and progestin in mg
monophasic oral contraceptive

ethinyl estradiol/
route: po in cycle pack
drug concentration: the daily dose of estrogen and progestin remain constant throughout the menstrual cycle.
dose: estrogen is in mcg (micrograms) and progestin in mg
monophasic oral contraceptive

ethinyl estradiol/
route: transdermal patch
drug concentration: the daily dose of estrogen and progestin remain constant throughout the menstrual cycle.
dose: estrogen is in mcg (micrograms) and progestin in mg
monophasic oral contraceptive

estinyl estradiol/ levonorgesterel
Levlen, Nordette
drug concentration: the daily dose of estrogen and progestin remain constant throughout the menstrual cycle.
dose: estrogen is in mcg (micrograms) and progestin in mg
monophasic oral contraceptive

estinyl estradiol/norgestrel
Lo-Ovral, Ovral
drug concentration: the daily dose of estrogen and progestin remain constant throughout the menstrual cycle.
dose: estrogen is in mcg (micrograms) and progestin in mg
monophasic oral contraceptive

estinyl estradiol/desogestrel
Desogen, Ortho-Cept, Mircette
drug concentration: the daily dose of estrogen and progestin remain constant throughout the menstrual cycle.
dose: estrogen is in mcg (micrograms) and progestin in mg