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100 Cards in this Set

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What vitamin will decrease the chances of neural tubular defects?
Folic Acid
What is a relatively safe antibiotic to use during pregnancy?
Cephalexin (Keflex)
What medication is used to tx infertility in polycystic ovarian syndrome?
What anti-androgen can be used in PCOS?
What hormone peaks during the luteal phase?
At what age should screening for cervial cancer occur on a non-seexually active female?
18 years of age
What is the most common gynecological cancer in the United States?
Endometrial cancer
What is the median age of endometrial cancer at time of dx?
60 years old
What is the most common type of endometrial cancer? The second most?
1. adenocarcinoma
2. mucinous
Name the top three risk factors for endometrial cancer.
1. Nulliparity
2. Late menopause
3. Diabetes mellitus
Most common symptoms of endometriosis
1. Irregular bleeding
2. prolonged heavy periods
3. spotting
Treatment for advanced and reccurent endometrial cancer.
High-dose progestins
Most common sites for Endometriosis
1. Ovaries
2. pelvic peritoneum
3. round ligament
4. fallopian tubes
5. sigmoid colon
What type of patient should be given Rho-Gam?
Mother Rh negative; Baby Rh positive
What is the gestational age of a baby when the fundal height is at the umbilicus?
20 weeks
What are the side effects of Danazol?
1. acne
2. weight gain
3. edema
4. hirsutism
What are the side effects of gonodotropin releasing hormone?
1. hot flashes
2. decreased bone density
What are the risk factors for gestational diabetes?
1. + family hx of DM
2. previous birth of macrosomic infant
3. HTN
4. >30years old
5. glycosuria
Cervical dilation is complete at what size in diameter?
10 cm
What is the test of choice in evaluating dysfunctional cervical bleeding?
Endometrial biopsy or dilatation and curretage
Besides ovarian, when is CA-125 elevated?
Fallopian or endometrial cancer
Most common cause of post partum hemorrhaging?
Uterine Atony
What pathology woud you expect with epithelial cells covered in bacteria on wet mount. Tx?
1. Bacterial vaginosis
2. metronidazole (flagyl)
What pathology would you expect with yeast and hyphae on a wet mount? Tx?
1. vaginal candidiasis
2. flucanazole
Oval trophozoite that is flagellated, ph in urine is alkalotic(5.5) what is the organism?
Patient presents with "strawberry cervix" what should she be treated for and with?
1. Trichomonas vaginalis
2. metronidazole (flagyl)
What is the most common cause of vaginitis?
Gardnerella vaginalis
What is an extension of the endometrial glands and stroma into the uterine musculature?
Definitive tx for Adenomyosis
30 year old black female presents with abnormal uterine bleeding with a non-tender, irregular, enlarged uterus. What is the probable dx?
1. Leiomyoma (fibroid)
What are some medicinal treatment for fibroids?
medroxyprogesterone, danazol, gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists
Most common causes of metritis?
1. cesarean section
2. vaginal deliveries
3. dilatation and curretage
4. IUD
What is the mild medicinal treatment for metritis?
What is the severe medicinal treatment for metritis?
IV clindamycin or gentamycin
What is the chronic medicinal treatment for metritis?
What exercise can a woman use to prevent uterine prolapse?
Kegel exercises
What are two types of functional ovarian cysts?
1. follicular
2. corpus luteum
Which cysts are larger follicular or lutein?
Lutien cysts
A 25 year old female presents with a 9 cm ovarian cyst. What is the treatment?
Exploratory laparotomy
A 27 year old female presents with a request for aid in fertility. She has PCOS, what mediaction can be provided?
clomiphene citrate
What is the most common physical finding in a woman with pelvic inflammatory disease?
Cervical motion tenderness
A woman presents with dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea, and pain in menses that suddenly stops when menses is over. What is her most likely dx?
What are the most common HPV serotypes in cervial cancer?
16, 18, and 31
What is the most common cell type in cervical cancer? What is the second most common?
1. Squamous cell carcinoma
2. Adenocarcinoma
What type of adenocarcinoma of the cervix is linked to diethylstilbestrol (DES)exposure?
clear-cell carcinoma
What is the most common infectious agent in cervicitis? What is the second most common cause of cervicitis?
1. Chlamydia trachomatis
2. Neisseria gonnorrhoea
A patient presents with possible cervicitis. Upon PE the discharge is thick and creamy. What is the probable organism?
Niesseria gonorrhea
A patient presents with possible cervicitis. Upon PE the discharge is thin and grey. What is the probable organism?
A patient presents with possible cervicitis. Upon PE the discharge is white and curd-like discharge. What is the probable organism?
A patient presents with possible cervicitis. Upon PE the discharge is purulent. What is the probable organism?
A patient presents with possible cervicitis. Upon PE the discharge is foamy and greenish-white. What is the most probable organism?
A patient presents with possible cervicitis. Labs reveal intracellular diplococci. What is the oragnism and tx?
gonorrhea and tx with ceftriaxone or azithromycin
How long does it take for CIN1 to become cervical cancer?
7 years
How long does it take for CIN2 to become cervical cancer?
4 years
What is the treatment for CIN1 and how often is it preformed?
Colposcopy every 3 months
How is the excision of lesions in a CIN 2 or 3 patient performed
Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP)
What is the most effective way to treat a large cystocele?
At what age is menopause considered premature?
40 years old
Early decerleration implies what?
Uteroplacental insufficiency
Variable deceleration implies what?
chord compression
Late deceleration implies what?
placental insufficiency
In pregnancy, when is the triple screen performed?
15 to 18 weeks
What tests comprise the triple screen?
1. serum alpha-fetoprotein
2. beta-hCG
3. estriol
If mother is + for diabetes, when is the Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) performed?
2nd trimester
Besides neural tube defects, what else does a + alpha-fetoprotein provide?
possible Down Syndrome
What is the fasting results and one hour results for a + gestational diabetes on OGTT?
1. 95-100mg/dL for fasting
2. 170-190 mg/dL for one hour
A technique used by the PA to determine fetal lie by palpating the abdomen.
Leopold's maneuver
What score is needed on a Bishop score to recommend vaginal delivery?
8 out of 13
How low of a score on bishop score is used to recommend a possible ceasarean?
< 6 out of 13
What two methods can be used to perform an induction?
1. amniotomy
2. pitocin
If baseline fetal heartone is 110-160 why would it be above 160?
1. Infection
2. Hypoxia
3. Anemia
What bishop score will lead to an increased number of failed inductions?
< 5
What fetal scalp pH is considered normal? What is considered abnormal?
1. > 7.25 normal
2. < 7.20 abnormal
What are two types of episiotomies?
1. midline
2. mediolateral
What type of abortion is complete expulsion of all products?
complete abortion
What type of abortion is partial expulsion of some but not all products.
Incomplete abortion
What type of abortion is no expulsion of products but bleeding and dilation of the cervix has occured.
Inevitable abortion
What type of abortion is any intrauterine bleeding before 20 weeks gestation.
threatened abortion
What type of abortion is death of the fetus before 20 weeks gestation with complete retention of the products.
Missed abortion
What is the premature seperation of the placenta from the uterine wall?
Abruptio placentae
Risk factors for abruptio placentae?
1. maternal hypertension
2. prior hx of abruptio placenta
3. maternal trauma
4. advanced age
5. multiparity
6. smoking
7. alcohol abuse
This maneuver is employed in case of shoulder dystocia during childbirth and involves hyperflexing the mother's legs tightly to her abdomen.
McRoberts maneuver
What medications are counterindicated in a gestational diabetic patient?
Oral hypoglycemics
What are the two types of hydatidiform moles?
1. complete
2. incomplete
This results from fertilization of an empty ovum by a normal sperm.
complete hydatidiform
This results when two sperm fertilize a normal ovum at the same time.
incomplete hydatidiform
What are "grape like" clusters protruding into the vagina
hydatidiform mole
What is abnormal invasion of placentae into the uterine wall called?
placenta accreta
What are the four hypertensive states in pregnancy?
1. preeclampsia and eclampsia
2. chronic hypertension
3. chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia
4. Transient hypertension
What medication is given to decrease the risk of seziures in a patient with preclampsia?
magnesium sulfate
What type of seizures develop when a patient is eclampsic?
What does HELLP syndrome stand for?
1. Hemolytic anemia
2. Elevated Liver function tests
3. Low Platelets
What is the name of the test that detects the pH of the fluid as alkaline if amniotic fluid.
Nitrazine test
This tests detects crystallization of salts in the amniotic fluid.
Fern test
At what gestation is the RhoGAM given?
28 weeks
What is the most common location for an ectopic pregnancy?
Ampulla of the oviduct
What is the most probable dx in a patient that presents with breast malignancy presenting as itching, burning, and erosion of the nipple.
Paget's disease
What is the most common cause of bloody nipple discharge?
Intraductal papilloma
"Violin string" adhesions on laproscopy, PID with RUQ pain. What is the most probable dx?
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
What is the term for heavy bleeding during and between menstrual periods?