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128 Cards in this Set

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what vitamin is def in colostrun
vit D
difference between breat/cow/goat milk.
breat- low iron
cow- low vit c, high vitk and b12 with casin
goat-low folate b12 and iron, high k and cl
pregnancy respiratory alkylosis casued by...
progesterone... also increased RBC, increased GFR, decreased Hb
promial 2/3 of vagina and uterus drains to...
obturator, eternal iliac and hypogastic nodes
suspensory ligaments have what...
ovarian vessels
cardinal ligament is contains what...
uterine vessels (cervix to side wall)
round ligament is the remnant of what male structure and goes through what...
gubernaculm and inginal canal
what ligament is removed in hysterectomy...
organ has columnar, pseudostrtified, and tubular glands...
endocervix vs ectocervix...
simple columnar vs stratifided squamous (vagina is stratified non keratinized)
nerve that causes emission
sympathetics hypogastic
ejeculation innervation
visceral and somatic nerves from the pudendal
what does the arcosome and the flagella derive from in the primitive sperm?
acrosome is the golgi and the flagella is the centriole (feeds on fructose and middles has mitochondia)
which testicular cell is sensitive to temp and why would serum chem look like if destoryed?
serotli...dec inhibin with increase FSH (normal test and LH)
if non disjuction happens early...
two different in each
if non dijunction late...
two same in one
60% of sperm comes from... 40% from...?
60 from seminal vesicles-PGE and fructose

40 from postate with zinc and...therefore with zasectomy, still get some
testosterone leads to differentiation of all internal reproduction except
closure of epiphyseal plates with testosterone is due to...
aromatization (fat and sertoli cells have aromatase)
what are the early and late effects of DHT..
early- penis, scrotum, prostate
late- bald, prostate and sebaceous
potency o estrogens?
estrodiol (overys)>estrone (fat)> estriol
effects of estrogen...
myometrial excitability (opposed by progesterone)
upregulation of estrogen, LH, and progesterone receptors
stimulation of prolactin but blocked at breast
effects of protein and cholestrol on proteins and cholestrol...
increase SHBG and increase HDL, with decreased LDL
which cells in the ovary have aromatase and which have desmolase and 17-oH?
aromatase is my the granulosa cells and 17/desmolase is theca cells...T to G
which increases more in preg...estriol, estrodiol, or estrone
ESTRIOLE (indicator of fetal welling..dec in downs and 18) 1000X...50X for diol and one
secreted by the copus luteum, placenta, adrenal cortex and testes...decreases excitability of uterus, increases bodt temp and decreases estrogen receptor
which phase is constant and which phase is varible across woman....
proliferative/follicular is variable...luteal/secretory is always 14
when is follicluar growth the fastest...
during the second week of prolifaratve
in the secretory phase...which hormones are elevated?
BOTH estrogen and progerterone
why does you temp increase during ovulation?
progesterone...also think of follicular rupture mimic appendicit
what is 1 oocyte locked in for most of life
Prophase 1
what is a 2 oocyte locked in until ferilization?
metaphase 2 (p1...m2)
when is meoisis 1 and meoisis 2 compete?
meiosis 1 at ovulation...meiosis 2 at fetilization
when does implantation occur after fetilization?
6 days
when is bhCG detected in blood and when is it detected in urine?
one week and 2 weeks
what indices lactation after labor?
decreases progresterone, then sucking for oxytocin (nerve stimulation)
when does bhCG peak? which hormones continue to rise (think of the graph)
peaks at 10 weeks then goes down...prolactin, progesterone (decreases causes lactation), esttiol all increase
when and why does the curpus luteum degenerate?
during the 2nd and 3rd trimester the placenta can make its own progesterone and estriol
what makes yonger menopasue
what is the source of estrogen after menopause?
peripheral converson of androgens...estrone
what is the best marker for menopause?
increase FSH (decreased inhibin) increase LH decreased estrogen
male with dec inhib and testosterone with increase LH and FSH and increased estrogen
barr bodies and unilaterl gynecmastia
streak ovary, bicupid aoric valve, without barr bosy, decreased estrogen and increaed gonadotropes
never menstrated with increase LH and FSH...hypogonasim...fertile with IVF
female psuedoherm causes
female genital with massive exposure to androgens...exogenous of CAH
male psuedoherm
male testes with female characteristics....androgeninsesitivity (rudamentry vagina)
difference in androgen insensitivity vs 5alpha-reductase def...
andro insens- increase LH/FSH/Test
penis at 12- normal TEST/LH
discover a male has androgen insensitivy disorder...what is the next step
locate the testes in the labia major and remove them for fear of malignancy
hypogonadism with problems smelling
kallmann syndrome with decrease GnRH and downstream affetcs
effects of no sertoli cells...
no inhib of mullerian system therefor will get female by default.... and if theres testosterone around, they will be male outside
woman presents with uterus sized at 20 weeks but she is only 8 weeks gestation
compete mole
woman with hypertension in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy?
molar pregnancy
worries with molar pregnancy?
chorecarcinoma and uterine rupture (from size)
which has greater risk of becoming a malignant?
complete mole (46 XX of XY both parenal...uniparental disomy no fetal parts)
common cause of miscarriage in first week?
low progresterone... no bhcg
common cause of miscarriage in first trimester?
chromosomal abnorm (robersonian translcations)
common cause of miscarriage in second trimester?
bicornate uterus
other casues of miscarriage?
thyroid, antiphosphilid anitbodies, DM and infections
HTN after 20 weeks gestation... shows FACIAL edema, blurry vision? with hyperuricemia and thrombocytopenia
pre-eclampsia....due to leaky vessels (eclampsia comes from leaking into brain)
treatment for pre-eclampsia?
Mg sulfate with tox of decrease DTR and pulmoary edema
hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets...
HELLP syndrome
worry with eclampsia?
DIC, pulmonary edema, seizures
painful bleeding in the third trimester associated with DIC and caused by cocaine use
placenta abrupto
massive bleeding in after delivery , with patient who had prior hx of c section and placenta previa...would would you see on histo
decidua in the myometrium due to depth of attachment of the placenta
painless bleeding in ANY trimester
placenta previa
causes of ectopic preg
hx of infertility, PID, rupture appendix causing adhesions, prior tubal preg, concurrent IUD (give MTX)
postpartum hemorrhage cause?
think placenta accreta then do to retained placental tissue
insulin from baby, cause caudal regression, and often transpostion with renal agenesis and oligo
gestational DM
poly hyramnios vs oligo hydramnios
poly is 1.5L
oligo is under .5
weird causes of polyhyramnios
DM...big baby makes lots of urine
common cause of baby with oligohydramnios which is a boy?
posterior urethral valves....cant excrete urine
patient with multiple sexual partners has sudden renal failure and ultrasound show anatomical blockage of ureter?
cervical cancer spreads locally
sand paper skin of the vagina what looks white, itches and is caused by autoimmune
lichen sclerosis
chocolate cysts
can cause infertility....endometriosis
sawtooth appearence of the myometrium
teatment for leiomyoma
menopause ot continueous leoprolide
miscarriage with woman who has leiomyoma...
compression of the fallopian tubes
aggressive tumor that has a tendency to reoccur in the vagina and my protrude from the cervix, stains with desmin and is common in middle aged woman
if you suspect premature ovarian failure...whats the best thing to check?
their FSH level or LH... will have low inhibin
causes of anovulation
PCOS, fibrosis from ashermans, thyroid, eating disorder/excercie with no GnRH, cushings
labs with PCOS?
increase testosterone increased estrogen increased LH decreased FSH...give spiro, clomiphene wight loss!, OCPS
unruptrued follicle (follicular cyst) associaed wtih?
hyperestrogenism and hyperplasia
hemorrhage into CL which regresses spontaneously...
CL cyst
bilateral cyst due to gonadotropin stimulation and associated with pregnancy, choriocarcinoma and moles (bhCG)...
theca lutein cyst
sheets of uniform cells in overian tumor...increased hCG and LDH!
choriocarcinoma (syncytotrophoblasts) cause increase in theca luteal cysts...happen after?
molar preg, ectopic preg, abortion, or normal preg...ALL
primitive glomeruli in a yellow tumor of the ovary... can show in the sacrococcigeal area
yolk sac increase AFP (endodermal sinus)
teratoma that contains thyroid is a
stuma ovarii
marker for peritoneal irritation
Ca 125
50% of ovarian tumors, bilateral, psmommoma body...at rick with which conditions...
serous carinoma (HNPCC and BRACA1)
what is the most imporatnt risk factor for seroous csytadenocarinoma
family hx with HNPCC and BRACA1
pt with pulling sensation in groin...bundles of spindle shaped fibroblasts cause______ and systemically can cause
fibra with meigs causing ascites and hydrothorax
precocious puberty in young and endometrial hyperplasia in old...
granulosa cell tumor with call exner bodies which are folliclues filled with eosinophilic secretions
spindle shaped cells that are desmin positive coming out the vagina of a young girl or in the face/neck area
most common breat TUMOR...not breat cancer precursor...
LARGE mass in old bitch...leafy appearence...small chance of malig
phylloodies tumor
risks for breast cancer
total estrogen exposure, total number menstral cycle, older at first birth, obestity
ductal lumen full of cells
weird mets... orderly row of cells...loss of e-cadherins
lymphocytic infiltrate with breast cancer.... better prog
medullary...mets to periotoneum
eczemaous, ooze, crust, ulcer, bleed on breast...
pagets disease think underlying cancer
dimpling of breast and new dimple retraction...
dimpling- invasive cooper ligament (suspensory ligament)

nipple retracton- lactiferous duct involve
painful breast with... fibrosis, hyperplasia, cystic, blue dome cyst, ductal dilation, sclerosising adenosis with increased acini and fibrosis and calcificationsm epithelial hyperplasia (increaed number of cells in terminal ductal lobule)
fibrocystic change....only bad if atypia... caffine makes worse
painless lump in PE teacher
fat necrosis... 50% no trauma
marjuana, heroin psychoactive drugs...
where it all happens....
major duct?
terminal duct?
major-fibrocystic change, DCIS
terminal duct- tubular carinoma
lobules- LC and sclerosing adenosis
stroma-phyloodes and fibroadenoma
acute protatitis in young, and then old then chronic
young- gon/chlamy
old- ecloi
chronic- abacterial
increased total PSA and DECREASED free PSA with increased alk phos
prostate cancer
seminiferous tubules look hylanized and atrophic... what is the risk if this was caused by lack of dissention
cancer ...caused by prematurity...sertoli cells are sensitive therefore FSH will increase
painless testicular mass between ages 15-35, cells with fried egg appearence (uniform),...treat with
radiation (LDH increase in female)
Painful testicular mass with papillary archetecture and can increase bHCG and AFP
embyonal...differntiate into other things
yellow tumor in sack with primitive glomeruli increased AFp
yolk sac
Reinke crystals, precocious puberty in boys with color of hormon synth... can cause gynecomastia in men because of periph conversion
leydig cell tumor
1 white plaque on shaft vs one red lesion on glans vs multiple lesions in younger
Bowens (10%SCC)
erthroplasia de queyat
bowenoid papulosis
candidiasis infection of the foreskin
start up flare with leoprolide
when given continuously both T and DHT elevate then they decrline
weird uses of testoterone...
anabolic state- burn or injury
exemestane- ER breat cancer... but causes increased LDL and closure of plates
patient is given finasteride and after a significant perior of time there is no drop in PSA...
cancer is keeping it up because PSA is supposed to go down
androgen receptor blocker used in prostate cancer
side effects of ketoconazole (desmolase) and spiro...
gynecomast and ammonnhea
partial estrogen agonist that works at the hypothalmus to decrease feedback inhibition
clomoiphene... can cause simultaneous preg and visual distrub
ana EXudes AROMA
aromatase inhib anastrozole and exemestane
contraindications of OCP...
over 35 smoker or hx of clots
negatives of OCP...
increase TG and #1 is hypertension (but they do decrease endometrial and ovarian cancer)
specific for alpha receptors a and d which are in the prostate
patient with blue-green color problems, dyspenia, flushing and headache...
must be taking the blue gree little pill
what does metyraprone test?
blocks cortisol synth to see if ACTH stimulation works becasue DOC doesnt feed back
dopamine does what to labs...
decrease GnRH, decrease estrogen
mullarian agen?
no development of fallopian uterus cervix and upper vag but with normal secondary sexual characteristic and hormone profile