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54 Cards in this Set

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Incidence of gyn tumors
Put these in order
1) cervical
2) endometrial
3) Ovarian
Prognosis of gyn tumors
which of these is worst???
1) cervical
2) endometrial
3) ovarian
1) LH, FSH, Test
2) Effect of LH change
3) enlarged cystic ovaries-->?
4) other risk associations
5) Treatment?
1) LH and Test incr...FSH decr
2) incr. LH->anovulation, hyperandrogen
3) amenorrhea, infertility, obesity, hirsutism
4) insulin resist, incr. endometr. cancer risk
5) wt. loss and OCPs gonadotropin analogs, clomiphene or surgery
Ovarian Cysts
1) distended grafian follicle. assoc. hyperestrinism and endo hyperplasia
2) hemorrhage into persistent corpus luteum. Menstr. irreg
3) bilat. multiple b/c of gonadotropin stim. assoc choriocarcinoma and moles
4) blood containing cyst from ovarian endometriosis varies w/menstrual cycle
1) Follicular cysts
2) Corpus luteum cyst
3) Theca lutein cyst
4) chocolate cyst
Germ Cell Tumors of Ovary
1) similar to male seminoma
sheets of uniform cells
2) rae, malig. develop during preg
Large hyperchromatic syncitiotrophoblasts. incr. frequency of theca lutein cysts
3) Found ovaries, testes, sacrococcygeal region young kids
very aggressive
4) 90% germ cell tumors
2-3 germ cell layers
5) dermoid cyst vs. immature teratomoa vs. struma ovarii
1) Dysgerminoma
2) Choriocarcinoma
3) Yolk sac (endodermal sinus tumor)
4) Teratoma
5) mature: dermoid cyst (benign)
immature: aggressive malig
struma; thyroid tissue-->hyperthyroid
Serous cystadenoma
20 % non germ cell tumors
bilater w/ fallopian tube-like epi
Serous cystadenocarcinoma'
Of what organ is this a tumor?
1) malignant or benign?
2) how common are they?
3) often unilateral or bilateral?
50% ovarian tumors
malignant and *often* bilateral
Mucinous cystadeoma
1) what type of cell secretes the mucin?
2) malignant or bening?
3) one cystic structure or many?
mutilocular cyst w/ mucus secreting epi; benign
mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
malig. intraperitoneal accumulation of mucinous material from ovarian or appendiceal tumor
Brenner tumor
Benign. looks like bladder
bundles of spindle shaped fibroblasts

ovarian, non-germ cell tumor
Meig's syndrome
1) What is the triad?
2) What is the sensation felt in the groin?
3) What organ is this a tumor of? What cell type is it?
triad of ovairan fibroma, ascites, hydrothorax
Pulling sensation in the groin

ovarian non-germ cell tumor
Secretes estrogen-->precocious puberty (kids)
causes endometrial hyperplasia or carcinoma in adults. There may be a mass that is visualized on exam.
Granulosa cell tumor
Call Exner boides
Granulosa cell tumor

ovarian non-germ cell tumor
small follicles filled with eosinophilic secretions in Granulosa cell tumor
Call Exner bodies
GI malg that met to ovary--mucin secreting signet cell adenocarcinoma
Krukenberg tumor

ovarian/non germ cell tumor
Vaginal carcinoma
What are the 3 types??
1) Squamous Cell
2) Clear Cell
3) Sarcoma botryoides
Vaginal squamous cell
Secondary to cervical SCC
Clear cell adenocarcinoma of vagina

What exposure is this associated with?
Esposure to DES
Sarcoma of vagina (rhabdo variant)
girls<4; spindle shaped tumor that is desmin positive
Ovarian cancer markers
1) incr. CA-1,25 ig general marker

Risk factors: BRCA-1, HNPCC
Benign Breast Tumors
1) Fibroadenoma
2) Intraductal papilloma
3) Phyllodes tumor
Malignant breast tumors
1) Non-invasive
Ductal carcinoma in-situ
2) invasive
a) invasive ductal
b) invasive lobular
c) medullary
d) comedocarcinoma
e) inflammatory
f) paget's disease of the breast
Most common breast tumor
,25 y/o
small mobile firm masss w/ sharp edges
incr. size and tenderness w/preg
not a precursor to breast cancer
Benign tumor of lactiferous ducts
serous or bloody discharge from nipple
intraductal papilloma
large bulky mass of connective tissue cysts

tumor has leaf-like projections. some
may be malignant
Phyllodes tumor
malignant is called cystosarcoma phyllodes
1) At what stage in life are malignant tumors of breast most common in women?
2) From what tissue do they typically arise? (2)
1) common postmenopause
2) mammary duct epithelium or lobular glands
1) Which receptors and hormones are expressed in malignant breast tumors?
2) What do you give for ER/PR positive tumors?
1) estrogen/progesterone receptors (erbB2) HER-2 is an EGF receptor
2) Tamoxifen
What is the most impt. prognostic factor for malignant breast tumors?
1) Axillary lymph node involvement
Malignant breast that is noninvasive; cancer early malig w/o basement membrane penetration
DCIS (Ductal carcinoma in-situ)
invasicve breast cancer
firm fibrous mass. worst and most invasive very common
Invasive ductal
multiple, bilateral orderly rows of cells
invasive lobular
flshey cellular lymphocytic infiltrate good prognosis
medullary breast tumor
ductal tumor w/caseous necrosis
lymphatic involvement; red, swollen; peau d'orange (breast skin resembles an orange peel)
eczematous pathces on the nipple
large cells with clear halo suggest underling carcinoma (also seen on vulva)
1) Paget's dz of breast
2) Paget cells
Risk factors for malignant breast tumors
1) gender 2) age 3) <12 b/f 1st period
4) 30 b/f 1st preg 5) >50 b/f menopause 6) FHX

Risk NOT increased by fibroadenoma or nonhyperplastic cyst
Common breast conditions
1) most common cause of breast lumps
2) breast abscess
3) benign painless lump
4) boobs on a dude
1) fibrocystic disease
2) acute mastitis
3) fat necrosis
4) gynecomastia
1) Fibrocystic disease
a. common age
b. symptoms
c. risk of other conditions
d. histo types (4)
a. 25-meno
b. breast pain and lesions
c. no incr. risk carcinoma
d. 1) Fibrosis : hyperplasia stroma
2) Cystic: fluid filled, blue dome
3) Sclerosing; incr. acini and intralob. fibrosis
4) Epith. hyperplasia; incr. number epi layers in term duct lobule *incr. carcinoma w/atyp cells
chics >30y/o get it.
occurs during breast feeding.
incr. risk of staph infection through cracks in nipples
acute mastitis
What is the most common pathogen associated w/ breast feeding?
staph aureus
what causes fat necrosis
injury to breast tissue-->benign painless lump. Fat necrosis
What causes gynecomastia?
3) Drugs: (4) + Some Drugs Create Awesome Knockers
1) hyperestrogenism
a. cirrhosis, testicular tumor, puberty, old age
2) klinefelter's
3) Drugs:
a. estrogen
b. marijuana
c. heroin,
d. psychoactive drugs+ Sprironolactone, Digitalis, Cimetidine, Alcohol, ketoconazole
a. symptoms
b. acute vs. chronic
a. dysuria, frequency, urgency, low back pain
b. acute; bact staph
chronic: bact. or abacterial
Men >50 y/o

incr. frequ. nocturia, can't start and can't stop stream. dysuria
Benign prostatic hyperplasia!!
NOT hypertrophy
Not pre-malignant
pathophys of BPH
incr. estradiol and sensitization to DHT growth promoter
complications of BPH
1) Distension and hypertrophy of the bladder
2) hydronephrosis
3) UTI
Signs BPH
1) physical exam
2) lab
1) nodular enlargement of periurethral lobes ofthe prostate gland compressing the urethra into a vertical slit
2) incr. PSA
Man >50 y/o
Low back pain-->
DRE-->hard nodule in periph zone

In what lobe does the growth typically arise?
Serum alk phos (incr)
PSA (incr)
Prostatic Adenocarcinoma

typically a posterior lobe growth
Undescedned testis; lack of spermatogenesis due to incr. body temperature a
1) what tumors are cryptorchidism associated with?
2) Waht incr. your risk of cryptoorchidism?
Associated with incr. risk of germ cell tumors
prematurity incr. risk of cryptorchidism
What are the tersticular germ cell tumors?
1) seminoma
2) embryonal carcinoma
3) Yolk sac (endodermal sinus) tumor
4) choriocarcinoma
5) Teratoma
Malignant pianless testicular enlargement; most common testicular tumor.
1) seminoma
Test. tumor: Affects males age 15-35. Large cells in lobules with watery cytooplasm and a fried egg appearance.