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17 Cards in this Set

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What effect do high estrogen levels have on cervical mucus?
Cause it to be clear and stringy (spinnbarkeit)
What effect do predominantly progesterone have on cervical mucus?
Cause it to be cloudy, thick and sticky.
What causes increase in body temp mid cycle?
Progesterone (0.5C)
T or F. Combine ocp causes cancer?
T or F. The combined ocp affects future fertility?
T or F. Oral contraceptive pill is as effective as Depo Provera?
Depends on usage. They are the same if pill is used perfectly(97%), typical use however depo is better.
What are the 4 main mechanisms by which the pill works?
-suppresses gonadoptropins (FSH and LH) thereby stopping ovulation
-interuption in tubal peristalsis
-atrophic changes in endometrium which are not conducive to implantation
-alteration of cervical mucus making it less hospitable to spermatozoa
What are some benefits of the OCP?
-regular bleeding cycles
-increased bone density
-decreased risk of PID
-reduction in ovarian cysts and breast masses
-decreased acne and hirsutism
-decreased risk of ovarian, endometrial and colon cancer
What are some risks of OCP?
-estrogen increases clotting factors
-DVT and pulmonary embolus risk is increased in all OCP users (but still not as high as during pregnancy)
-Arterial TE (MI and stroke) risk increased for high dose, smokers or over 35
-small increase risk of breast cancer
What are some contraindications of the OCP?
undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
-<6wks postpartum and breast feeding
-over 35 and >15 cigs a day
-valvular heart disease
-migraine with neuro
-current breast ca
-diabetes with complications
-severe cirrhosis
-liver tumor
What are important when starting the pill?
Discuss side effects (transitional)
-use condoms 3/12 screen for stds
-what to do for missed pills
How does progestin work?
-inhibits LH so stops ovulation (40% may continue to ovulate)
-atrophic endometrial changes
-alters cervical mucus
Which birth control methods prevent ovulation?
Combined OCP
Contraceptive ring
DMPA injection
Which birth control methods prevent fertilization?
Progestin only pill
Mirena IUD
What are two methods of emergency contraception?
Pills (Plan B (levonorgesterol) or Yuzpe)
IUD (Copper)
What are the time frames for use of emergency contraception?
Pills -up to 5 days
IUD -up to 7 days
What are some side effects of emerg contraception?
Nausea, vomitting, dizziness