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31 Cards in this Set

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pt presents to your office complaining a breast pain shortly prior to menstruation. What is the likely developmental problem?
a. Milkline Remnants

i. Supernumberary nipples or breasts result from persistence of epidermal thickening along milk line

usually come to attention as a result of painful premenstrual enlargements
a pt comes to your office and says that they have been told that they have accessory axillary breast tissue that has expanded the normal ductal system into the chest wall and tail of Spence....they wonder why this is important. You tell them...
the expansion can give rise to carcinomas outside the breast proper
a pt presents to your office with an inverted nipple. You ask her if it has been like this her whole life or if it is a new finding. Why does it matter?
if it is congenital, it will likely self correct

if it is new it may indicate presence of underlying cancer or inflammatory disorder
When is a female most likely to obtain acute mastitis? What is the most common pathogen?
i. Related to lactation and nursing --> during this time, breast is vulnerable to bacterial infection because of development of crack and fissures in the nipples --> s. aureus most common pathogen
a patient presents to you with a painful subareolar mass. You suspect periductal mastitis. What is the most likely cause?
pt has a poorly defined palpable periareolar mass and is having thick white nipple secretions...what is this?
Mammary duct ectasia

NOT ASSOC WITH SMOKING (like periductal mastitis)

often mistaken for ca
an 18 year old skank shows up to your office with breast pain. On exam you see she has both nipples pierced. What is likely going on? What could be another presentation?
d. Granulomatous Mastitis

due to foreign objects

Other presentation:
systemic granulomatous diseases (Wegners, TB, sarcoidosis)
pt presents with a painless palpable mass with skin thickening and retraction. In her history you see both an injury and prior breast surgery. What is this mass?
Fat Necrosis
a 35 yo pt has a small mobile, firm mass with sharp edges composed of epitheilal and stromal tissue... what is this? benign or ca?

i. Most common benign tumor of the breast, normally around age 35

note: this can get bigger with increased estrogen (such as in preggo)
a 60 year old woman comes in with a large bulky mass of connective tissue and cysts. It has "leaf like" projections..what is it? Benign or ca?
Phyllodes tumor

benign but has potential to become malignant
your 40 year old lady pt presents to you with concern over recent bloody nipple discharge...you immediately know she has:
d. Intraductal Papilloma
Why is obesity a risk factor for malignant cancer?
adipose tissue serves as major source of estrogen in postementopausal women by converting androstenedione to estrone
what race is at highest risk for malignant breast cancer?
this malignant lesion is i. Always incidental biopsy finding since it is not associated with calcifications or stromal reactions that produce mammographic densities (ie mammograms not helpful)
and is More common in young women
d. Lobar carcinoma in citu (SCIS)
pt presents with is a palpable mass, dimpling of skin or nipple retraction...what does she likely have?
Invasive ductal carcinoma not otherwise specified

i. Tumor that has extended across the basement membrane and has access to lymphatics and vessels
early sexual intercourse, multiple partners, smoking, STD (HIV), HPV types 16, 18

are all risk factors for what?
Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia
c. Invasive cervical carcinoma manifests in three distinct patterns, what is the most common?
your damn tech dropped a whole pile of slides and now you have to go through them and figure out what's what. You pull up a slide and see whorls of kertinized cells...what is this?
Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix

'keratin pearls'
you obtain an ultrasound of a woman's pelvis and note that she has fluid in the fallopian tubes (remember you can only see these if there is a problem!). You suspect suppurative salpingitis. The cause is normally?
this is a common cause of infertility in areas of the world where TB is prevalent
b. Tuberculous salpingitis
Cystadenocarcinoma- most common malignant ovarian tumor; microscopically will see papillary structures with psammoma bodies; associated with tumor markers....? 3


Lynch syndrome
a pt has an ovarian fibroma..(bundles of spindle shaped fibroblasts) what else might you see with this (2)
Meigs syndrome

1. Meigs syndrome- triad of fibroma, ascities, pleural effusion (hydrothorax)
this tumor can cause the following:

precocious puberty in kids
irregular menses in reproductive age
vaginal bleeding post menopause
Granulosa (theca) cell- estrogen producing tumor
this is the most frequent benign tumor of female germ cells and can contain hair or teeth..how is it different in males?
Mature teratoma

in males this would be malignant!
common lesions along lateral walls of vagina and derived from wolffian (mesonephric) duct rests; 1-2 cm fluid filled cysts in submucosa
a. Gartner Duct cysts
i. Papillomavirus induced squamous lesion --> mainly types 6 and 11
ii. Sexually transmitted, benign tumors with verrucous gross appearance, frequently multiple
iii. Involve perineal, vulvular and perianal regions
iv. Microscopic- proliferation of stratified squamous epithelium, acanthosis, hyperderatosis and nuclear atypia in surface cells
a. Condyloma acuminatum (venereal warts)
i. Patients present with thin, green/gray malodorous discharge
ii. Bacterial cultures show gram negative bacillus (g. vaginalis) and often other streptococci
b. Gardnerella vaginalis (bacterial vaginosis)
iii. Marked by pruritus, erythema, swelling and curdlike vaginal discharge
c. Candidiasis

i. Yeasts are part of many women’s normal flora and the development of symptomatic candidiasis is typically a result of a disturbance in the vaginal microbial ecosystem
ii. Diabetes, antibiotics, pregnancy and compromised immunity are permissive to infection
i. Yellow/green frothy vaginal discharge, vulvovaginal discomfort, dysuria, dyspareunia

ii. Characteristic ‘strawberry cervix’
d. Trichomonas vaginalis

iii. Remember, you have to treat both partners with this **
epithelial thinning and subepithelial fibrosis, resulting in the skin becoming thin, pale/grey and parchment-like. The labia becomes atrophied and the introitus in inward. This commonly occurs postmenopausal and has many features of an autoimmune disorder.
Lichen Sclerosis (vulva)
a non-specific condition caused by rubbing or scratching the skin. Characterized by acanthosis of the vulvar squamous epithelium causing hyperkeratosis. Not a major cancer risk.
Lichen Simplex Chronicus (vulva)