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33 Cards in this Set

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Before a woman even CONCEIVES, what should we do?
Blood type, Ab screen, CBC, Rubella titer, Varicella titer, STD screen, HSV Hx, Syphilis screen
What are some of the things we need to look at pre-conception?

blah just read the list
BMI, DM, HTN, AMA ie folic acid for neural tube defects, bariatrics - folic acid, nutrition, B12, calcium
Seizures - meds safe? candidate for single drug or weaning?
What do we do on the initial OB visit?
Hx, PE, Psychosocial Hx, vitals, pap, weight, urine, pelvic cultures (gonorrhea? chlamydia?)
Whats the most important thing to do on initial OB visit?
Confirm Gestational Age

w/ 1st day of last menstrual period and Ultrasound
T/F: on initial 1st trimester OB visit, the US will show any bleeding, uterus inconsistent
A pt comes in with a positive FHT at 6-8 weeks pregnant. She is worried she will have another spontaneous abortion like she did last year. What do you tell her?
Her abortion risk with a positive FHT at 6-8 weeks is less than 5%
Whats included in the first trimester OB screen?
Blood type, Ab screen, CBC, MCV, Hb electrophoresis, Sickle cell, Cystic Fibrosis screen, Rubella, varicella, HIV, hepatitis, STD screen, Syphilis, HSV, DM, TSH
Whats the most common chromo abnormality in US?
Downs Trisomy 21
Whats your Risk of having a Down's Syndrome baby at the age of 45? 20?
45 = 1 in 55

20 = 1 in 1527

What is the first screen for Downs Syndrome we can do?
Nuchal translucency at 10-13 weeks = gives us risk of Downs by measuring the thickness of nape of neck of fetus

Pregnancy associated plasma protein A

What are the three things tested for in the Triple Screen detection of Downs?
AFP, BHCG, Ue3 (estriol)

= 60-70% detection of Downs
A woman who is 37 years old has a positive Triple screen (AFP, BHCG, Ue3 estriol). Whats the next step?
US for dates and anatomy (ie proof at bridge of nose?) and possibly do an amniocentesis
A woman who was recently transferred into your practice hands you her old chart that shows she tested positive for AFP last week. She is worried about the possibility of having a Downs baby. What do you tell her?
AFP alone has a high false positive rate, and is a poor marker for Downs alone.

It can be falsely positive for many reasons including incorrect dating, multiple gestations, tissue necrosis, defect in fetal skin, and abortion
What does the quadruple screen add to AFP, BHCG and Ue3 estriol?
Inhibin A
What does adding inhibin A do to our detection rate for Downs?
Improves it to 82% (triple screen = 60-70%)

False positive rate = 5%

Studies show a link to adverse outcomes in pts with a false positive
A 16 week gestation pt has the following: AFP = 4.2 MoM. Problem?
Yep, AFP > 2.5 MoM = Open Neural Tube Defect
A 14 week gestation pt comes in with Inc HCG and Inhibin A. Problem?
Yep, Downs
A pt of 12 week gestation comes in with Low HCG, AFP and Ue3. problem?
Yep, Trisomy 18 ie Edwards
How do we get a 93% detection rate of Downs?
Integrated Sequential Contigent screening ie...:

10-13 weeks = nuchal translucency with
HCG, PAAP-A serum testing simultaneously
15 weeks = AFP
A pt comes in and unfortunately had a false positive quad (AFP, BHCG, Ue3 estriol, Inhibin A) screen. What can you tell them they are at increased risk for?
preeclampsia, growth restricted fetus, preterm birth, fetal demise
Everything so far we've talked about have been SCREENING tests. What can we do to Actually DIAGNOSE prenatal issues?
Chorionic villi sampling
Define chorionic villi sampling
Can be done after 10 weeks
transvaginal approach using spinal needle and US
Samples developing placenta rather than penetrating amniotic membrane
What are the risks of chorionic villi sampling?
Bleeding, Limb malformations
Define Amniocentesis
Transabdominal sampling of amniotic fluid with spinal needle and US

Done between 15-18 weeks
Whats the earliest sampling diagnostic test we can do?
chorionic villi sampling at 10 weeks.

then Amniocentesis at 15-18
What are the risks associated with Amniocentesis?
Risk of Abortion = 1 in 270, so only wanna do it if absolutely necessary
When do we do an anatomical US?
20 weeks
A woman's chorionic villi sampling and Amniocentesis results produce an 82% chance of Aneuploidy. Her Anatomical US at 20 weeks is normal. What does this mean?
Her risk of Anuploidy has now decreased by half, to 41%
A pts Anatomicla US shows a banana sign and lemon sign. What cna we tell the pt about her risk?
She may have an Open Neural Tube Defect (ONTD)
T/F: genetic sonogram is not recommended for a screening test
What is 4D US used for? (ie Live 3D image)

Indicated in fetus has congenital anomalies
When is the diabetes screen done, and how is it done?
24-28 weeks

Give 50 grams and test 1 hr later,
If glu elevated, give 100 grams and test 3 hrs later
What tests do we do 24 weeks to term?
CBC, pelvic cultures, urine cultures, proteinuria, US as indicated