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27 Cards in this Set

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Male genital development

SRY gene on Y chromosome produces testis-determining factor (testes development).

Sertoli cells secrete Mullerian inhibitory factor and that suppresses development of paramesonephric ducts. Leydig cells secrete testosterone that stimulates the wolffian/mesonephric duct into internal male (except prostate). Testosterone is the turned into DHT via 5-alpha-reductase which turns the genital tubercle and urogenital sinus into male external and prostate

What does the paramesonephric duct become

-mullerian duct abnormalities

internal female: fallopian tubes, uterus, upper vagina

mullerian duct abnormalities: can present as primary amenorrhea with fully developed secondary sexual characteristics (indicator of functional ovaries)

what does mesonephric duct become

-seminal vesicles, epididymis, ejaculatory duct, ductus deferens

what is uterus didelphys

paramesonephrics completely dont fuse and you have 2 vaginas, 2 cervix, 2 uterus etc

What if you dont have sertoli cells or lack MIF?

both male and female internal with male external

Male female analogs

Genital tubercle

genital tubercle

urogenital sinus

urogenital sinus

Urogenital folds

labioscrotal swelling

glans penis and glans clitoris

corpus cavernosum/spongiosum and vestibular bulbs

bulbourethral glands (cowper) and bartholin glands (greater vestibular glands)

prostate and urethral/paraurethral glands (Skene)

ventral shaft of penis and labia minora

scrotum and labia majora

why does epispadias occur

assc with

abnormal opening of penile urethra on dorsal (superior) side due to faulty positioning of genital tubercle

-assc with exstrophy of bladder




Processus vaginalis: males and female and what is it

male: anchors tests within scrotum

female: ovarian ligament and round ligament of uterus

male: forms tunica vaginalis

female: obliterated

-evagination of peritoneum

lymphatic drainage


distal vagina, vulva, scrotum

proximal vagina, uterus

para aortic

superficial inguinal

obturator, external iliac, hypogastric nodes

infundibulopelvic ligament

-other name

-what does it do


-procedure, might hurt?

suspensory ligament of ovary: ovaries to lateral pelvic wall. Contains ovarian vessels.

-ligate in oophorectomy to avoid bleeding

-risk of damaging ureter during ligation

cardinal ligament

what does it do


what is at risk during ligation?

cervix to side wall of pelvis

-contains uterine vessls

-ureter at risk of injury during ligation of uterine vessels in hysterectomy

round ligament

what does it do

travels thru?


uterine fundus to labia majora

-derivative of gubernaculum

travels thru round inguinal canal

-above the artery of sampson (the anastomoses of uterine artery and ovarian artery. runs under round ligament

broad ligament

what does it do



uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries to pelvic side wall

-contains ovaries, fallopian tubes and round ligament

-mesosalpinx, mesometrium, mesovarium

ovarial ligament

what does it do

medial pole of ovary to lateral uterus

-derivative of gubernaculum

female histology

ovary: simple cuboidal

fallopian: simple columnar ciliated with a few peg cells (secretory)

uterus: simple columnar with long tubular glands

endocervix: simple columnar

ectocervix: stratified nonkeratinized squamous

vagina: stratified nonkeratinized squamous

female sexual cycle

excitement: uterus elevates, vaginal lubrication

plateau: expansion of inner vagina

orgasm: contraction of uterus


-mediated by autonomic nervous system

male sexual cycle

erection nerve

emission nerve

ejaculation nerve

erection: parasympathetic via pelvic nerve

-NO causes increased cGMP which causes SM relaxation --> vasodilation --> erection

-NE causes increased Ca2+ which causes SM contraction which is antierectile

-Emission: sympathetic via hypogastric nerve

Ejaculation: visceral and somatic nerves (pudendal)

sperm pathway

seminiferous tubules


vas deferens

ejaculatory duct




Which cells are temperature sensitive?

Sertoli: with increased temperature you get decreased inhibin and decreased sperm production

Sertoli cells

respond to

-what 2 things do they secrete?

-what do they form


-what can they also produce?

-respond to FSH

inhibin to inhibit FSH, and androgen binding protein to maintain local levels of testosterone

-tight junctions b/w sertoli cells form blood testis barrier to protect from autoimmune

-support and nourish sperm

-regulate spermatogenesis

-produce MIF

-convert testosterone and androstenedione to estrogen via aromatase

Leydig cells

respond to




secrete testosterone in presence of LH;

-not affected by temperature

-also contain aromatase

what are 3 sources of estrogen

-what are the relative potencies

changes in pregnancy

ovary: 17B-estradiol

placenta: estriol

adipose: estrone via aromatization

estradiol > estrone > estriol

50x estrone and estradiol

1000x increase in estriol, indicates fetal wellbeing



what do they do? what cells?

LH: stimulates desmolase in theca cell to create androstenedione from cholesterol

FSH: stimulates aromatase in granulosa cell to create estrogen from androstenedione (from theca cell)

how does estrogen change transport proteins, SHBG, HDL and LDL

what does it do to myometrium

what does it do to estrogen, LH and progesterone receptors

increases transport proteins

increases SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin)

increases HDL

decreases LDL

-estrogen increases myometrial excitability

-upregulates estrogen, LH and progesterone receptors

sources of progesterone

-corpus luteum, placenta, adrenal cortex, testes

how does lactation occur?

what is indicative of ovulation

the fall in progesterone after delivery disinhibits prolactin --> lactation

-increase in progesterone

functions of progesterone



-uterine muscle and myometrium


-estrogen receptors

-body temperature

-stimulation of endometrial glandular secretions and spiral artery development

-maintainence of pregnancy

-decreases myometrial excitability

-produces thick cervical mucus to inhibit sperm entry

-increases body temperature

-uterine SM relaxation

-decreases estrogen receptor expressivity