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89 Cards in this Set

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Week 4-What forms the epithelium and stroma of the ovary (hint: embryogenesis)

Germ cells migrate to urogenital ridge which induces proliferation of the mesoderm epithelium

Week 6-What forms through invagination and fusion of coelomic lining epithelium?

lateral Mullerian ducts

Upper unfused portions of the mullerian ducts form what?

Fallopian tubes

Lower fused portions become what? (hint: 3)

Uterus, cervix, and upper vagina

Urogenital sinus forms what? (hint: 2)

lower vagina, vestibule

Mesonephric ducts that fail to regress may become what?

Gartner duct cysts (also called paratubal or tubal remnant cysts)

What is the most frequent cause of human fungal infections?

Candida albicans

Patients with low neutrophils or T helper 17 cells are prone to infections with what bacterium?

Candida albicans

Which conditions predispose a pt to Vaginal candidiasis?

Pregnancy (or OCP usage)


Immunosuppressed (cancer, HIV, transplant pts)

Diabetes mellitus

Burn patients

Indwelling Catheter

Pt present with intense vulvovaginal pruritis, erythema, & swelling. Says she has a thick white discharge described as "cottage-cheese-like." what test would you order?

PAP smear, KOH test

What findings on KOH test would be + for candidiasis?

Pseudohyphae, fungal organisms, yeast forms

Pt presents w/ fever, malaise, tender inguinal nodes. Pelvic pain. Purulent discharge. Dysuria. DDx?

Genital HSV (probably T2). (Fun fact: only 1/3 females symptomatic but ALL males are symptomatic)

Immunocompetent patients have HSV recurrence d/t:

stress, trauma, hormones, temperature changes, UV radiation, etc.

Immunocompromised patients have HSV recurrence (more commonly) d/t:

meningitis, hepatitis, pneumonitis

What is the worst case scenario w/ HSV?

Active primary infection in mother at time of delivery-high mortality rate for infant

Large flagellated ovoid protozoan causing frothy yellow vaginal discharge

trichomonas vaginalis

Pt presents w/ dyspareunia. On exam you see a fiery red vaginal and cervical mucosa (colpitis macularis)-called a strawberry cervix. Dx?

trichomonas vaginalis

Main cause of bacterial vaginosis? (hint: gram - bacillus)

Gardnerella vaginalis

What are the clinical and histological findings of gardnerella vaginalis?

Thing, green-gray, malodorous (fishy) vaginal discharge. Pap smear with "clue cells" CAN CAUSE PREMATURE DELIVERY

Small gram-negative obligate intracellular bacteria (hint: most common bacterial STD in the world)

Chlamydia trachomatis

Chlamydia infections:

Elementary body-->

Reticulate body-->

Elementary body: metabolically inactive

Reticulate body: metabolically active

Which form of chlamydia is infectious?

Elementary body: infectious form in endosome

Which 2 organisms are the major causes of PID?

Chlamydia & Gonorrhea

How do you test for Chlamydia?

Nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT's)

Child with rash on trunk, arms, and legs. Claims several of the other kids on the wrestling team also have it. Lesion shows pearly, dome-shaped papules that do not appear to be purulent w/ an umbilicated center. You suspect which virus?

Molluscum contagiosum: on histo see molluscum bodies (cytoplasmic viral inclusions)

Child comes in with raised papules on genitals, lower abdomen, buttocks, and inner thigh. The papules are not purulent and appear to be umbilicated. What should you consider in your ddx?

child abuse--sexually transmitted molluscum contagiosum (MCV-2)

Gram - diplococcus (coffee bean shape)

(hint: in males it causes urethral discharge)

Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

How to diagnose Gonorrhoeae

culture or NAAT's.

N. Gonorrhoeae can become disseminated with which complement deficiency?

Bartholin gland abscess or infection may be the initial presentation of which organism?

N. Gonorrhoeae

33yo Woman, married, trying to conceive for 6 years. Not previously sexually active, but husband has been sexually active since age 14 with numerous partners. She has had regular pap smears for the past several years and had an ectopic pregnancy 3 years prior. Ddx?

Gonorrhoeae. Tubal stricture and scarring most likely causing infertility-irreversible.

Lichen sclerosus and squamous hyperplasia are examples of what?

Leukoplakia--itchy and scaly

57 year old woman. post-menopausal for 5 years. Presents w/ atrophic labia (appear to be agglutinated), & constricted vaginal orifice. Dx?

Lichen Sclerosus

Histology of lichen sclerosus shows what?

Degeneration of the basal cells, hyperkeratosis, sclerosis of superficial dermis, lymphocytic infiltrate in underlying dermis.

Women with lichen sclerosus are at risk of developing which cancerous lesion?

Squamous cell carcinoma

condyloma acuminatum caused by? vs Condyloma latum caused by?


CL: Syphilis

45 yo woman presents with white lesion on vulva. Biopsy shows hyperkeratosis and thickened epidermis. What caused it?

Chronic rubbing or scratching to relieve pruritis (Squamous cell hyperplasia is Dx)

Which types of HPV cause condyloma acuminatum (genital warts)?

6 and 11

What is koilocytic atypia & what is it associated with?

viral cytopathic change characterized by atypical enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei w/ perinuclear halo. HPV.

Vulvar glandular neoplasm

Extrammary Paget disease

Most common type of vulvar cancer? Age group?

Squamous cell carcinoma (patients over 60)

Most vulvar cancers are HPV related T/F?

F. 30% are HPV related (younger pts). 70% non-HPV related (older pts).

HPV related vulvar carcinoma shows up in reproductive age patients with which precursor lesion? Which type of HPV?

Classic VIN. (formerly carcinoma in situ or Bowen disease)


Classic VIN and warty vulvar cancer associated w/ other HPV lesions?

Yes. 10-30% have HPV related lesions involving vagina/cervix. Frequently multicentric around vulva.

Carcinoma that is exophytic or indurated and ulcerated. Small tightly packed basaloid cells. Foci of central necrosis. Presents in 6th decade.

Basaloid carcinoma.

Carcinoma that is exophytic, has papillary architecture, prominent koilocytic atypia

Warty carcinoma

Non HPV related vulvar carcinoma precursor lesion is called what?

Differentiated VIN or VIN simplex

Vulvar carcinoma that has a high frequency of TP53 mutations

Non HPV related vulvar carcinoma

Non HPV related carcinoma presents in older patients than HPV related vulvar carcinoma. T/F?

T. Non HPV 8th decade. HPV 6th decade.

Lichen sclerosus is a risk factor for which type of vulvar carcinoma?


Pruritic, red, crusted, maplike area on labia

Extramammary Paget disease

cytokeratin 7 + cells says what?

Epithelial tumor (seen in extramammary paget disease)

Failure of mullerian duct fusion

septate or double vagina

submucosal cyst in lateral wall of the vagina. Arise from wolffian (mesonephric) duct rests. Assoc w/ dyspareunia. Consider what?

Gartner duct cyst

Adenosis (remaining endocervical epithelium in adulthood) related to exposure to what?

DES (diethylstilbestrol)

Vaginal adenosis can cause what kind of carcinoma?

Clear cell adenocarcinoma

Greatest risk of vaginal cancer is from?

Cancer of vulva or cervix--arises from high risk HPV (16, 18)

(fyi squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina is very rare)

Upper 2/3 of the vagina drain to which lymph nodes?

Pelvic.-->so you wont see LAD

Vulva and distal 1/3 of vagina drains where?

Inguinal lymph nodes

Child less than 5 with polypoid rounded, bulky masses (grapelike clusters) protruding from vagina. Tumor cells resemble a tennis racket.

Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (also called sarcoma botryoides)

Mature squamous epithelium found on which part of cervix?


Columnar, mucus-secreting epithelium found on which part of cervix?


Transformation zone

Squamocolumnar junction where most pathology occurs--sensitive to HPV

glycogenated squamous cells that are shed are food for lactobacilli. This makes the vagina acidic (pH 4.5) T/F?


What is the purpose of an acidic vaginal environment?

Suppress growth of other bacteria & candida. Produce H202 which is bacteriotoxic.

Bleeding, Intercourse, Douching, and Antibiotics make a pt more resistant to candida and other forms of vaginosis. T/F

F. D/t an increase in pH that alters the normal flora and production of H2O2

Endocervical polyps are a common cause of what?

Bleeding or spotting between periods

HPVs are DNA or RNA viruses?


Most common type(s) of HPV in cervical cancer?

16 (60%)

18 (10%)

90% of HPV infections cleared by 24 months. However persistent infections can occur. Major risk?

Chronic infection increases risk of cancer dramatically

HPVs affect which kinds of cells?

Immature basal cells in transformation zone. (can't effect mature cells)

Oncogenic activity of HPV is due to which proteins?

E6 & E7 (reason for prolonged infection)

E6: inhibits p53.

E7: inhibits p21 and RB-E2F (CAUSES INCREASED CDK4/Cyclin D-->marker for pathologists).

What is the purpose of the upregulation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16?

Characterizes high-risk HPV

HSIL at risk of developing into?

Squamous cell carcinoma

Koilocytic change/atypia due to?

HPV-->viral protein E5 in ER produces the "halo"

Diagnosis of SIL is made by:

Nuclear enlargement

Variation in nuclear size/shape


Course Chromatin granules

CIN classification:

Lower 1/3

Upper 2/3

L1/3: LGSIL (CIN 1)

U2/3: HGSIL (CIN 2-3)

CIN 3 designated by?

full thickness hyperplasia

Proliferation marker usually restricted to basal layer in CIN but E6/E7 prevent cell cycle arrest so seen in upper levels


What are the worst types of cervical carcinoma?

Mixed adenosquamous or neuroendocrine--bad prognosis

Average age of cervical carcinoma in US is?


Stage 0


Stage 1

Carcinoma in cervix

Stage 2

Carcinoma outside of cervix into vagina but not lower 1/3. Not yet to pelvic wall.

Stage 3

Carcinoma extended to pelvic wall. No cancer-free space between tumor and pelvic wall. Lower 1/3 of vagina now involved.

Stage 4

Carcinoma beyond true pelvis or involved the mucosa of the bladder or rectum.

Cervical cancer mets

Lung, liver, bone-->can be initial presentation

Death from cervical cancer most often d/t?

Local tumor invasion rather than distant mets

Treatment of LSIL

None. Watch to see if progression occurs.