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75 Cards in this Set

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What glands have both endocrine and exocrine functions
hetocrine glands
what are the organs which produce gametes?
What are those structures that are essential in caring for and transporting gametes and in women for the implantation and development of the fertilized egg
accessory (secondary) sex organs
What are the characteristics that are not essential for the reproductive process but are generally considered sexually attractant features
secondary sex characteristics
What are structures that are dervied from common developmental structures (primordial) and serve common functions in adults
primary reproductive organs
what do primary reproductive organs produce
what are structures that carry gametes away from the gonads toward the site of fertilization or to the outside of the body
What are 3 medical terms for sexual union btwn a male and fmeale
sexual intercourse
what is the daiamond-shaped area of the pelvis that is btwn thighs
what are the skeletal landmakrs of the perineum
symphysis pubis
ischail tuberosities
what is the anterior triangle of the perineum
urogenital triangle
what is the posterior triangle of the perineum
anal trianlge
as the peritoneum folds around the various pelvic organs, it produces 2 major dead-end recesses or pouches. what is the anterior pouch formed btwn the uterus and urinary bladder?
vesicouterine ouch
As the peritoneum folds around the various pelvic organs, it produces two major dead-end recesses or pouches. What is the posterior pouch formed btwn the uterus and rectum
rectouterine pouch
what are the primary sex organs of the female
what are the accessory sex organs of the female
uterus and uterine tubes
mammary glands
where are the ovaries located
pelvic cavity, lateral to uterus
what double fold of peritoneum attaches to each ovary at the hilum of the ovary and secures the ovary to the broad ligament
what is the rounded cord of fibrous and muscular tissue extending from each superior angle of the uterus to the innter extremity of the ovary of the same side
ovarian ligament
what structure attaches to the lateral edge of each ovary and projects superolaterally to the pelvic wall
suspensory ligament
what structures extend from both sides of the uterus toward the ovaries
uterine tubes
what structure surrounds and suspends the uterine tubes
mesoalpinx (of braod ligament)
what is the free, funnel-shaped, lateral margin of the uterine tube?
what are the numerous fingerlike folkds at the lateral margin of the uterine tube
what is the pear-shaped, thick-walled muscular organ within the pelvic cavity of the female
what is the broad, curved, superior region of the uterus extending btwn the lateral attachments of the uterine tubes
what is the major middle region of the uterus
what is the narrow transition zone of the uterus btwn the body and cervix
what is the narrow, inferior portion of the uterus that projects into the vagina
what is the narrow channel within the cervix of the uters?
cervical canal
collectively what are the muscles of the pelvic floor that support the uterus
pelvic diaphragm and urogenital diaphragm
what structures run from the lateral sides of the uterus through th einguinal canal and attach to the labia majora and hold the the uterus in an anteverted position
round ligaments
what ligaments of the uterus run from the sides of the cervix and superior vagina laterally to the walls of the pelvis and restrict inferior movement of the uterus
transverse cervical ligaments
what ligaments connect the the uterus to the sacrum
uterosacral ligaments
what ligament of the uterus is a peritoneal drape over the uterus
broad ligament
what artery supplies the uterus
uterine artery
off internal iliac artery
what is the outer layer of the utuers
what is the thick, middle tunic of the uterus composed of smooth muscle
what is the innter most tunic of the utuerus
what is the fibromuscular tube of the female reproductive system that serves as both the copulatory organ and the birth canal
what is the external opening of the vagina
vaginal orifice
what structure is formed by mucosal folds that project into the lumen of the vagina to form a vascularized, membranous barrier
what is the collective term for the the external genitalia of the female
what is an expanse of skin and subcutaneous connective tissue immediately anterior to the pubic symphysis in the famel?
mons pubis
what is the fibromuscular tube of the female reproductive system that serves as both the copulatory organ and the birth canal
what is the external opening of the vagina
vaginal orifice
what structure is formed by mucosal folds that project into the lumen of the vagina to form a vascularized, membranous barrier
what is the collective term for the the external genitalia of the female
what is an expanse of skin and subcutaneous connective tissue immediately anterior to the pubic symphysis in the famel?
mons pubis
what are the paired, thickened folds of skin and connective tissue on the lateral sides of the female external genitalia
labia majora
what are the paired medial folds of skin and connective tissue of the female external genitalia
labia minora
what is the small erectile organ at the anterior part of the vulva? it is homologous to the penis
on the center of the breast what is the cylindrical projection containing numerous openings of excretory ducts that transport milk
what is the pigmented area around the nipple
what internal structures of the breast extend from the deep fascia overlying the pectoralis major to the skin
suspensory ligaments
tiny ducts from the alveoli and lobulees of the breast merge to form what structures
lactiferous ducts
as each lactiferous duct approaches the nipple it expands to form what structure
lactiferous sinus
what are the primary sex organs of the male
what skin covered sac of the male reproductive system houses the testes
the blood vessesl and nerves to the testis travel from within the abdomen to the scrotum in what multilayered structure
spermatic cord
what structure is an extension of the internal abdominal oblique andhelps to regulate the temperature of the testis
cremaster muscle
what plexus of veins within the spermatic cord captures heat from the testicular artery in order to help cool the testis
pampiniform plexus
what comma-shaped structure composed of an internal duct and an external covering of connective tissue lies on the posterior side of the testis and is where sperm mature and become mobile
what thick walled tube travels within the spermatic cord, through the inguinal canal and within the pelvic cavity
ductus (vas) deferens
as the ductus deferens approaches the superoposterior edge of the prostate gland, it enlarges into what structure
ampulla (of the ductus deferens)
what structure conducts sperm and a component of seminal fluid through the prostate toward the urethra
ejaculatory duct
what accessory glands of the male reproductive system are located on the posterior surface of the urinary bladder adjacent to the ampulla of the ductus deferens
seminal vessicles
what accessory gland of the male reproductive system is a compact encapsulated organ that is shaped like a walnut and is located at the base of the bladder
prostate gland
what are the paired, pea shaped accessory glands of the male reproductive system located within the urogenital diaphragm on each side of the urethra
bulbourethral glands
what is the copulatory organ of the male
what is the internal portion of the penis
what is the elongated, movable portion of the penis
body (shaft)
what is the tip of the penis
what is the circular folds of skin over the tip of the penis