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31 Cards in this Set

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what is Ethinyl estradiol? use?
estrogen with an ethinyl group to prevent first pass effect

if something has Nor or gest in its name, what kind of drug is it?
MOA of contraceptive steroids?
Combination preps inhibit ovulation.

giving estradiol/progesterone turns off the release of GnRH, thus turning of FSH/LH, thus inhibiting ovulation
if you have a combo drug such as Ortho-Novum 1/35....what is the 1/35?
1=mg of progestin

35=mg of estrogen

important because if someone is having a side effect you can lower the dose
if a person is on Ortho-Novum 10/11 28

what is meant by the numbers?
you have a biphasic drug

you are getting different doses of progesterone to start followed by a certain dose of estrogen
When would you give a pt a progestin only methods? why aren't they preferred?
if they have contraindicaions (DVT)

you get unpredictable spotty bleeding for the first year
DES is what kind of drug? Side Effect?
Emergency contraceptive

what is Levonorgestrel?
a pt with a BMI>27 must do what with respect to contraceptive steroids?
must take a higher dose...contraceptives can be sequestered in fat
how are contraceptive steroids metabolized? what does this allow for?
hepatic metabolism

allows for re-uptake and thus low dose
What are some of the mild side-effects of contraceptive steroids?
Nausea, mastalgia, breakthrough bleeding, edema are related to estrogen

Changes in serum proteins may alter endocrine function

Mild headache

Diuresis or hyperkalemia with drospirenone (progestone that is like spironolactone)
What are some of the moderate side-effects of contraceptive steroids?
Breakthrough bleeding
Weight gain
Increased skin pigmentation
Vaginal infections
What are some of the serious side-effects of contraceptive steroids? 4
Vascular disorders such as venous thromboembolic disease (slightly higher with drosperinone), myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular disease. Ortho Evra patch and 3rd gen progestins have elevated risk of venous thromboembolism.

GI disorders such as cholestatic jaundice, gall bladder disease, hepatic adenoma

Depression (progesterone)

Cancer; estrogen containing contraceptives may stimulate growth of pre-existing tumors, but risk of endometrial or ovarian cancer is less. Risk of cervical and breast cancer is controversial. Probably do not increase risk.
pt starts taking a contraceptive and after 2 cycles is still complaining of nausea, bloating, HTN, and migrane headaches... What is going on and what should you do?

giving too much estrogen

back off the dose
pt starts taking a contraceptive and after 2 cycles is still complaining of early or midcycle breakthrough bleeding, increased spotting, and hypomenorrhea...... What is going on and what should you do?

giving too little estrogen

give more
pt starts taking a contraceptive and after 2 cycles is still complaining of... increased appetite, weight gain, tiredness, fatigue, acne, oily scalp, hair loss, and hirsutism...What is going on and what should you do?

giving too much progestin

back off the dose
pt starts taking a contraceptive and after 2 cycles is still complaining of late breakthrough bleeding, amenorrhea, and hypermenorrhea... What is going on and what should you do?

giving too little progestin

give more
at what age do contraceptive pills stop giving a protective effect?

if a pt is a smoker and takes oral contraceptives, what happens as they get older
the risk of death increases as they age
what are some important contraindications of birth control? 7
thromboembolic disease

past/present history of cerebrovascular disease

hepatic adenoma

>35 years old (esp if smoker)

impaired liver function


Past/present history of malignancy of breast, repro system, or any estrogen dependent tumor
headaches are effected by contraceptives in 2 very different ways...please explain
migraine with aura-->contraindication for contraceptive

migraine that is assoc with period-->can be treated with oral contraceptives
pt has known seizures and is taking phenytoin...if a pt is on oral contraceptives what do you have to consider?

phenytoin induces microsomal drug metabolism

so you need to increase the dose or find some other form of contraceptive
how do antibiotics decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives? 2 drugs most likely to do this?

getting rid of normal flora of the gut...

remember that after hepatic conjugation the bacteria deconjugate and allow the contraceptive to recirculate. So this would be decreased on ABX

examples: rifampin (TB drug) /griseofulvin (anti-fungal)
side effects of vaginal spermicides?
– candidiasis, increased vaginal infections, toxic shock syndrome
Studies have shown that nonoxynol 9 increased the risk of HIV infection when used frequently be women at high risk of infection.
What is the MOA of intrauterine devices
do not prevent fertilization but do prevent implantation of blastocyst in uterus.

releases copper/progestin-->
Copper may block estrogen effects on endomentrium which inhibits implantation.
Progestins cause thickened cervical mucous and endometrial changes (glandular atrophy and a chronic decidual reaction) which inhibit implantation
why are IUDs good for pts who have already had their kids?
more difficult to get pregnant after IUD
what is Implanon?
long acting progestin

subQ implant, 3 year contraceptive effect
what is a concern when using long acting progestins?
Inhibition of gonadotropin release decreases estradiol levels, which may decrease bone mineral density.
a pt has been on OC for about 5 years and wants to stop it so she can get preggo. How long after stopping will she be able to make babies
within 3 months of stopping oral contraceptive use
pt calls worried that they missed a dose of the their OC. what can they do?
likely just take 2, but read package for specific instructions
what is the idea behind using a biphasic OC?
biphasic allows for lower levels of steroids to hopefully have less side effects