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68 Cards in this Set

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what do sertoli cells of the testis produce and the effect of this hormone?
Mullerian-inhibiting subtstance (MIS)- caues Mullerian duct to degenerate
what d the leydig cells produce?
testosterone- causes Wolffian ducts to develop
What makes the internal male parts develop? external? mature parts?
MIS to kill mullerian ducts, testosterone to develop wolffian ducts. DHT (dihydrotestosterone) for ourward parts (needs 5a-reductase), testosterone to develop to maturity
what causes penis at 12 syndrome?
5a-reductase defect- pseudohemaphroditism with normal virilization at puberty. no DHT in unterine to form male parts but develop at 12
Swyer's syndrome or pure gonadal dysgenesis 46
male pseudohermaphrodite- SRY deleted or defected (short arm of Y)- phenotypically female with all female internal organs minus the ovaries
sex-reversal syndromer XX male
female pseydohermaphrodite- due to presence of SRY on X chromosome- small firm testes similar to klinefelter syndrome
XY female lack of enzyme 17-hydroxylase
defect in this enzyme=no synthesis of androgens or estrogens- male pseudohermaphrodite that does not develop female secondary sexual characteristics
XY partially functional androgen receptors
male pseudohermaphrodite- defect in androgen receptor- body in between male and female- small breasts, small testes w/ little or no penis, pubic hair, lack of body hair
XY individuals with androgen receptors with weak function
appears to be a completely normal female- go through puberty due to large amount of estrogen produced because of high levels of testosterone, never menstrate. Pubic hair
lack of androgen receptors
normal female appearance with normal breast development. no pubic hair cause requires actions of androgens
pure gonadal dysgensis 46, xx
XX females that have degeneration of ovaries due to loss of short arm of one of the x chromosome- don't develop secondary characteristics because have no estrogen cause have no ovaries- can correct this with injections but will never be fertile
XX true hermaphrodite
have both female and male systems- both penis and breasts
when is puberty considered delayed?
girls= 13. Boys= 14. 95% of time a constitutional delay. 5% from disruption of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.
causes of delayed puberty
type i diabetes (insulin needed for sexual maturation), excessive exercise, hypothyroidism, marijuana use, pituitary tumor, etc.
precocious puberty definition
before 6 in black and hispanic girls and 7 in white girls. Before 9 in boys
precocious puberty classes
central (GNRH secreting tumor), peripheral (GnRH independent)
secondary effects of precocious puberty
early bone maturation, possible indication of tumor, social ramifications
causes of precocious puberty?
obesity (leptin- leptin receptors in hypothalamus and anterior pituitary GnRH and LH/FSH. pound for pound girls produce more leptin). More insulin sensitive girls experience slower breast development, lower levels of testosterone, and leptin levels. Maybe pollutants
primary dysmenorrhea
painful menstruation associated with prostaglandin release in ovulatory cycles (have higher prostaglandins in blood)- related to duration and amount of menstrual flow- cna be treated with hormonal contraceptives
secondary dysmenorrhea
painful menstration related to pelvic pathology- can occur any time in the mestrual cycle- can be treated with hormonal contraceptives
primary vs secondary amenorrhea
failure of menarche by age 14, or absence of menstration for 6 month in women who have previously menstruated
polycystic ovarian syndrome- about
oligoovulation (infrequent) or anovulation- elevated levels of androges or clinical signs of hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries. leading cause of infertility in US (~5-10%)- dysfunction of follicle development. every month, a few keep developing becasue no LH (normally cause one to diminate and the rest to degreade)- Hirsutism (facial hair)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome and weight/IR
characterized by hyperinsulinemia and IR. about 50% normal weight women with PCOS are IR- all obese women are. Insulin stimulates androgen secretion by ovaries- causes too much testosterone cause too much insulin- stimulates follicle development and maintenance, but no LH for the surge thing- improve insulin resistance with drugs and low CHO diet possibly
Pelvic Inflammatory disease (PID)
may involved any organ (salpingitis- fallopian tubes; ovaries- Oophoritis). Sexually transmitted, then disease migrates. often polymicrobial (from mixed bacteria)
infection of vagina- major causes are sexually transmitted pathogens and Candida albicans.- acidic nture of vagina provides some protection- maintained by cervical secretions and normal flora
inflammation or infection of cervix- Mucopurulent cervicitis (MPC)- purulent endocervical exudate
inflammation of female external genitalia- contact with soaps, detergents, lotions, hygienic sprays, shaving, menstrual pads, perfumed toilet paper, nonabsorbing or tight-fitting clothing- can spread to the labia
benign ovarian cysts
unilateral- produced when a follicle or number of follicles are stimulated but no dominant follicle develops and reaches maturity.
types of benign ovarian cysts
follicular (common/normal). Corpus luteum (common/normal). Dermoid cysts- tumors- can contain diverse types of tissues (teeth, hair)
endometrial polys
benign mass of endometrial tissue- Premenstrual, intermenstrual, and excessive bleeding can occur- malignancy is rare
commonly called uterine fibroids- benign tumors of smooth muscle cells in myometrium- cause abnormal bleeding, pain, symptoms related to pressure on nearby structures
benign ingrown of endometrium into myometrium
difference between cyts and fibroid
cyst= fluid filled. Fibroid- a mass
presence of functioning endometrial tissue or implants outside uterus- still sloughs- possibly from retrograde menstruation- goes up through fallopian tubes and spills into cavity
cervical cancer
usually from viral infection (~70% from HPV) (now have vaccines)
persistent and sometimes excessive secretion of milky fluid from breasts of woman who is not pregnant or nursing- can also occur in men- women also experience menstrual anbnormalities
breast cancer
most common among american women- second most common killer after lung- ages 40 to 44 leading cause of death
overdevelopment of male breast from hormones
male breast cancer
still happens- most commonly after 60- tumors resemble carcinomas seen in women- crusting and nipple discharge are common clinical manifestations
inflammation of urethra usually but not always from STD. nonSTD can be from urologic procedures, insertion of foreign objects, trauma, anatomical abnormalities
urethral strictures
fibrotic narrowing of urethra caused by scarring- commonly due to trauma or untreated or severe urethral infections
"too tight" disorders
phimosis: inability to retract foreskin from glans to penis (distal to proximal)
Paraphimosis: inability to replace or cover glans with foreskin (proximal to distal). Frequently caused by poor hygiene or chronic infections
Peyronie disease
"bent nail syndrome"- slow development of fibrous plaques (thickening) in erectile tissue of corpus cavernosa- causing lateral curvature during erection- occurs in middle-aged men and causes painful erections
penile cancer
carcinoma rare- mostly squamous cell carcinomas
where urine exit is somewhere other than where it's supposed to be- fix with surgery
inflammation/dilation of veins in the spermatic cord- caused by inadequate or absent valves in the spermatic veins- scrotum disorder
scrotal swelling due to collection of fluid w/in the tunica vaginalis- imbalance between fluid secretion and reabsorption
painless dilation of epididymis- scrotum disorder
failure of one or more of the testes to descend from abdominal cavity into scrotum
ectopic testis
testis that has strayed from the normal pathway of descent
tortion of tests
painful and swollen testis- may be spontaneous or follow physical exertion or trauma- causes twisting of blood vessels in spermatic cord
acute inflammation of testis- complication of systemic disease or related epididymitis
cancer of testis
among most curable- common in men between 15 and 35- causes painless testicular enlargement
inflammation of epidiymis- common in sexually active men- pathogenic micoorganism reached e by ascending the vas deferens from an already infected bladder or urethra
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
enlargement of prostate gland- symptoms associated with urethral compression- relationship to aging- evaluated by digital rectal exams and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) monitoring
cancer of prostate
prostatic cancer is asymptomatic until in advanced stages- symptoms similar to BPH- circumsision may reduce this- most common cancer for american males- Vasectomy, family, hormones affect growth/development, dietary factors
how is testosterone related to BMI and WHR
inversely related in men, directly related in women
what does testosterone treatment in middle-aged abdominally obese men do?
decreases visceral fat. improves insulin sensistivity
obesity and repro in women
present at 4X higher rate in women with mentrual distrubances. 45% amenorrheic women obese. teenage obesity associated with menstrual irregularity later in life
obesity in men
potential for milk hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
adipose and hormone
active. Leptin (signals magnitude of energy stores to brain- absence of receptors or hormone leads to obesity and reproductive dysfunction- increased in women with anovulation, especially PCOS), able to convert androgens to estrogens (aromatase), estrdiol to estrone, estrogen to 2-Hydroxy estrogen (relatively inactive), Androstenediol- can sore steroid hormones
obesity and high-birth weight baby
maternal obesity in early pregnancy more than doubles risk of childhood obesity and increases risk of Metabolic syndrome. Risk for developing GDM increases with weight gain (exponentially for overweight, obese, severely obese starting with 2)
obesity and repro (android, WHR)
gynecoid vs. android (higher LH, Androstenedione, estrone, insulin, lipids, lower HDL). higher WHR associated with lower conception rates, menstrual abnormalities. Hperandrogenic obesity increases androgen synthesis (increased PCOs risk in women)
obesity and miscarriage
higher BMI associated with higher miscarriage risk
obesity and fertility treaments
higher BMI required higher clomid dose (induces ovulation). Excess use associated with ovarian cancer
weight loss and exercise
plasma androgens reduce with weight loss (changes insulin, IGF, menstruation, Hirsutism decreased, spontaneous pregnancies increased). Same with exercise (lower miscarriage rate, increased conception, even before appreciable weight loss- even in infertility unrelated to ovulation (tubal blockage, male partner with oligospermia)
male vs. female tests for infertility
man: semen analysis includes sperm antibody, ultrasonographic scan of pathway, sperm function test, testosterone level and other hormones.
woman: endometrial biopsy, serum progesterone, laparoscopy, hysterosalpingogram, postcoital test
male infertility
infections, torsion of testis, high fever/temperatures, trauma, chromosome defect, durgs/toxins, poor sperm motility, antisperm antibodies by man or woman, congenital defects (varicoele), hormonal (decreased FSH, LH, testosterone, T3, T4, cortisol or increased prolactin