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83 Cards in this Set

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What function do the nasal turbinates serve
Warming and humidifying inhaled air
A patient who is experiencing an allergic reaction states that his tongue “feels thick” and speaks at a low volume. You should immediately evaluate for:
The oropharynx and nasopharynx meet in the back of the throat at the:
The MOST obvious external landmark of the larynx is the
thyroid cartilage
On either side of the glottis, tissue forms a pocket called the
piriform fossa
The _________ cartilage forms a complete ring and maintains the trachea in an open position
The ________ membrane is relatively avascular and is covered by skin and minimal subcutaneous tissue
Anatomic dead space is about ____ per pound of body weight
1 mL
The mainstem bronchus ends at the level of the:
________ cells are found in the lining of the airways and produce a blanket of mucus that covers the entire lining of the conducting airways.
What type of medication dries secretions in the airway and prevents the cilia from removing them effectively
If the amount of pulmonary surfactant is decreased alveolar surface tension ____
In a person who is not bedridden, most pulmonary infections occur in the:
bases of the lungs
Polycythemia is a condition in which
excess red blood cells are produced in response to chronic hypoxia
right sided heart failure secondary to chronic lung disease is called
Cor Pulmonale
___________ pt's become hypercapneic and acidotic
Hypernea and tachypnea cause an ___ in minute volume
difficulty with exhalation is characteristic of what type of lung problem
obstructuve lung disease (COPD)
short brisk inhalations with a long pause before exhalation is what type of breathing pattern
____ respirations are characterised by a grossly irregular pattern that may be accompanied by lengthy periods of apnea
an unresponsive pt who OD on central nervous sytem depressants would be expected to have ___ respirations
reflex that causes you to cough if you inhale to deeply
Hering-breur reflex
reflex that keeps you from overinflating your lungs
Hering-bruer reflex
The byproduct of cellular respiration
carbon dioxide
excess carbon dioxide elimination results in
respiratiory alkalosis
_____ is an early sign of hypoxia
anxiety , combativeness
a pt that experiences orthopnea will usually be found in what position when SOB
barrel chest appearance in emphysema pt's is secondary to___
air being trapped in the lungs
what does it tell you if a pt with respiratory distress is willing to lie flat
possible acute deterioration
retractions of the sternum and rib cage is most commonly seen in
infants and small children
what is it called when the epigastrium and thorax move in opposite directions during breathing
paradoxial movement
A pt with quiet tachypnea is most likely experiencing
increased pco2 levels manifest as what sign
sleepiness or sedation
PO2 is _____
partial pressure oxygen
PCO2 is
patial pressure of carbon dioxide
_____ occurs when mild pressure placed on the liver further engorges jugular veins
hepatojugular reflux
hepatojugular reflux is most suggestive of
right sided heart failure
right sided heart failure causes ___ vascular system backup
left sided heart failure causes ____ vascular system backup
digital clubbing is indicative of
chronic hypoxia
diaphragm of stethoscope is used to asculate what type of sounds
high pitched breath sounds
if pt suffers from pneumonia you are most likely to here abnormal breath sounds where
bases of the lungs
____ are the most commmonly heard breath sounds, and have a much more inspiratory component
there are two mormal breath sounds name them
vesicular and bronchial
breath sounds heard over the lung tissue are called
vesicular breathing
inspiratory and expiratory ____ sounds are both loud, but the inspiratory sounds are shorter than expiratory
normal breath sounds heard over the thoax
the presence of diffuse ronchi in the lungs indicates
thick secretions in the large airways
a pt who is coughing up purulent sputum is indicative of
frothy sputum that has a pink tinge indicates
pulmonary edema / CHF / left heart failure
if a pt's hemoglobin level is low due to hemmorrhage you can expect the Pao2 to read
if all a pt's hemoglobin molecules are attached to oxygen the pt's oxygen saturation will read
low levels of hemoglobin will cause ____ changes in O2 saturation when _____ changes in paO2 occur
large changes, in sats will occur with small changes in PaO2
with regard to pulse oximetry the more hypoxic a pt becomes the ___ he will desaturate
purple ETCO2 detector indicates carbon dioxide level of less than
less then 0.5%
when bicarbonate ions migrate into the cerebrospinal fluid of a chronically hypoventilating patient, making the brain think that acid and base are in balance this is known as
hypoxic drive
When auscultating the lungs of a patient with early pulmonary edema, you will MOST likely hear:
crackles in the bases of the lungs at the end of inspiration
A patient who is coughing up thick pulmonary secretions should NOT take:
antitussive or diuretic
pt has excessive mucous production and a chronic or recurrent productive cough dx
chronic bronchitis
characterized by changes in pulmonary structure and function that are progressive and irreversible
The colorimetric end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) detector would MOST likely give a false positive reading in an adult if _____
pt recently drank a carbonated beverage
bell of the stethoscope is used to listen to
low pitched heart sounds
The diaphragm of the stethoscope is designed to auscultate:
high pitched lung sounds
Pneumonitis is especially common in older patients with:
chronic food aspiration
pt with pneumonia, may experience coughing fit when they roll from side to side , Why?
pneumonia isusually in one lung and localized, when pt rolls it moves the fluid and initiates coughing reflex
epligottits has become rare Why?
signs of epiglottitis
fever, drooling
why is croup mostly seen in children
childs airway is narrower so very little swelling results in airway obstruction
older pt's that have chronic food aspiration are likely to suffer from ___ more often then most people
4 common findings in pt with COPD are: abd muscle use, chronic air trappping in lungs, pursed lip breathing and ____
increased expiratory phase
bronchospasm , edema, and mucous production combined are signs of ___ airway disease
primary treatment for bronchospasm
bronhodilator therapy
corticosteroid use takes how long to reduce airway edema
few hours
primary treatment for airway bronchial edema
corticosteroid therapy
pt who presents with physical exhaustion and inaudible breath sounds DX
status asthmaticus
chronic destruction of aveolar walls results in
excessive mucous production and chronic productive cough Dx
chronic bronchitis
COPD pt has fever and localized ronchi Dx
evironmental changes such as sudden temp changes effect COPD pt's how?
exacerbates their condition
if you ventilate an asthma or COPD pt to rapidly or with to much tidal volume what may result
pneumothorax, or decrease in venous return due to high thoracic pressures
high thoracic pressure has what if any effect on venous blood supply
high pressure decreases venous return
when nonfunctional alveoli inhibit pulmonary gas exchange what happens in the lungs
intrapulmonary shunting
in early pulmonary edema you would expect what lung sounds
crakles in thebase of the lungs at the end of inspiration