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26 Cards in this Set

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Differentiate between abrupt answers of Nat-m and Tarent
Nat-m fears embarrassment from her long elaborate answer.
Tarent is too hurried to care about formalities
Nat-m doesn't want consolations because its bad enough that you know her problems.
Tarent is extroverted, energetic and shallow.
Does the abseent minded person suffer from mental defect?
They are not attentive because they are preoccupied by something else
a. Slow nerve transmission and focus on delusive fears such as they will go insane.
b. Low vitality and averse to mental work.
c. Alternating dull and alertness,

Med, Alumina, plat, causticum, Hell, Puls, Sep, zinc
a. Alumn
b. zinc
c. med
a. can't adapt. can't hurry
b. suppressions decrease mental vitality
c. Don't know what day it is. more anxious when the time is set.
Absorbed means?
Fixed on certain thought
Mind is working, but can't go beyond their own problem
Where are they absorbed?
a. Hell
b. Mez
c. nux-m
a. confused because so scared of acute symptoms
b. apprehension in the pit of stomach
c. automatic conduct and no short-term memory
a. Stupification w/ all symptoms.
b. Syphilitic symptoms of Merc. Problems are in skin, ears, bones, neuralgias. Not where feels anxiety.
c. Problem follows shock from infection feel like typhoid periodic attacks. Confused and lost.
Which state is more out of reality. Deeper like going into schizophrenia.

a. Abstraction of mind.
b. Absorbed,
c. Dull
a. Abstraction of mind
Found in nux-m, phos when broken down by many misfortunes, sep for little children,
Why are the nosodes only first degree for abstraction of mind?
There are no provings. They are clinical symptoms.
Tub, carc, tub med, syph are nosodes
Cross references to Abusive include?
Cursing, insolent, quarrelsome, rudeness
Attitudes and expressions to start interpersonal conflict.
Difference between fruitless activity of verat and tub and Tarent
Tarent and tub are aggressive. Verat is more sensorious.
Why is Stannum involved in fruitless activity?
A tubercular remedy is in constant motion. Weakened by respiratory disease he does a little bit of everything and can't finish.
Column 14 the structure has failed (Ger, Plumb). Row 5 their creativity (voice) has suffered a set back. Desperate effort to avoid corrosion.
Pain gradually increases and decreases w/ the sun.
Like silicae creates an inner and outer world.
Vertigo Remedies: Match symptoms:
phos, gels, glonoinum, lach, conium aconit, arg-nit, bromium, borax cocculus, bry, Calc-carb, Ferr-phos, nux-v, pulsatilla, theridion
a. After exertion of eyes like ruta. One sided headaches.
b. Morning on waking.
c. sudden
d. looking up gets vertigo, watching mountain climbing is sympathetic vertigo. Calc-carb has it too.
e. From sun strokes. Pulsing arteries (2 remedies from different families)
f. From downward motion (elevator)
g. Falls backwards, when walking over bridge and sees running water below him
h. Any kind of movement agg
i. from a lack of sleep. Can cause vomiting.
j. Face changes colors (red to pale or visa versa). Anemia. Often weak muscles.
k. Dull, dizzy drowsy, diploipa, staggers.
l. Gastric (Gratiola) after a meal. The more common one starts with other sensitivities (odors, asthma, urticaria)
m. Looking up and down. in open air. more in evening.
n. From eating fatty food (loves them).
o. W/ car sickness and closing eyes.
p. Whole room spins. Amel closing eyes. Agg turning in bed
q. old people after sleep. Too shy to converse.
a. Nat-m
b. Lach
c. Aconite
d. Arg-nit
e. Bell, Glon
f. Borax,
g, Bromium
h. Bry
i. Cocc
j. Ferr-phos
k. gels
l Nux-v
m. phos
n Puls
o. Theridion
p. Conium
q. Ambra Geisea
a. Little hammer head pain
b. wakes into all aggravations.
c. Acute shock. Generally sudden onset of symptoms
d. The argentium part is imaginative and proned to panic.
e. Blood rises to the head.
f. Baby throws out arms laying him in the crib.
g. Halogen 4th row. Nobody to protect them from ghosts. Insecure and completely alone.
h. Keynote agg from movement
i. Keynote
ji. Sympathetic and emotional metal. full blooded, but sensitive.
k 4 "D's" keynote
l. hypersensitive to simulants but loves them yet wants tranquility.
m. Aged people exhausted by visual stress.
n. Keynote
o. Nausea and vomiting w/ least motion. Meniers (china-sulph). Feels noise through its whole body.
Motion sickness. Who feels better sitting out on the deck. Who doesn't
Tabacum needs air. Doesn't help cocc. Cocc is sick on the deck.
A solanaceae but much milder than the Bell trio. The sick one on deck is sympathetic to the suffering of others.
Difference between metastasis in Puls and Abrotnum.
Pulsatilla disease wanders. Its the same disease. Mump from the parotid glands to the mammalary glands (women) or testicles (men). A disease is suppressed by drugs and becomes a much more serious marasmus with emaciation from below to upwards.
Medically, the term metastasis only means movement of the disease. It is not limited to cancer.
Name the remedy
Prolapsed abdominal organs seem related to worse hemorrhoids and involuntary urination lying down.
Bloating of abdomen and every extremity (including lips and face) with menses. Dragging sensation w/ menses and uterine disorders.
Characteristics of an intermittent fever
A series of chills, heat and sweats
It's not just that the fever returns at a regular time, although that it one pattern.
A fever paroxysm should be thought of as a primary or secondary symptom?
Secondary symptom
A secondary symptom happens as a reaction to the primary symptom.
In the Boenninghausen method of repertorization, which has greater priority, the primary or the secondary symptom
The secondary symptom
The more important symptom is also the concommittant symptom to the chief complaint.
In the Boenninghausen method, can the symptom that contradicts the secondary symptom be considered?
Contradictory symptoms are part of the whole. Although it seems to me that they can also be part of a different layer. In complex diseases, you need to heal the top layer first. If the symptom is unrelated to that layer, you ignore it.
She is cold yet wants to lay on the bathroom floor. Rubric?
coldness and shivering yet averse to covering
Carbo-v, Camphora
Becomes angry in lower respritory trac and mucus membrane, skin. Not as yeilding as Puls.
Puls become angry when forced out of her castle.
avoiding confrontation. Lyc is a coward. --- is just touchy. He is afraid to be alone but not because he loves the person. Workaholics like aur. No fantasy. Will not tolerate expression of own emotions
Stores suppressed eomtions in stomach w/ cramping pain. Ticklish and start easily are other ways of avoiding confrorntation. Very priincipled with black and white values.
Aliments after rubrics are usually which miasm (Dockx page 14)
hyper Sensitive therefore get exhausted.
Mental emotional case has a tendency to strongly aggravate w/ a 200c. How do you test if the remedy is working?
Give a 6c. If you get a short amel then try a 1 M or 10 M to avoid the aggravation. If you get no amelioration, try another remedy. David Owen Principles p. 211.
Principle of changing potencies to avoid aggravation. Low potencies are less likely to aggravate.
Sulph-acid is restless, exhausted and nervous. How is she not like ars who is similar?
Ars is orderly, often productive and methodical in his restless activites and concerns. Sulph-ac is mild mannered and quiet normally. As she becomes exhausted she hurries but fruitlessly..
Tarent is restless but totally efficient and business like. She is unlike those to exhausted remedies because hurrying gives her energy.
Rubric: Antagonism with herself:
Sepia is eager to make relationships by serving people, but when they come, she is thinking of all the reasons why she doesn't want to serve them. At the same time she is a perfect hostess. Kali-carb treat people out outrageously when she invites them for dinner for a very different reason. What is it?
Kali-carb is afraid to be alone so she desires company. She really just wants to stay busy and occupied but does not want to adapt to others or show her feelings to them. She has no real warmth for others.
Nat-carb is the gentle, selfless refined one. Yet she develops strong aversios to certain people. You could never mix her up with Kali-carb.
Therapeutics: An acute remedy does not finish a case. You should try what category of remedy
The chronic of the acute. Eg.
Acute Chronic
Bell Calc-c
Coloc Kali-c
Both Kali-c and Coloc have stitching pains as a general symptom. (ie a general symptom occurs anywhere in the body)