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26 Cards in this Set

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Loope Diuretics
Used in treatment of CHF, cirrhosis,
HTN & renal disease
- used to reduce intraocular pressure (glaucoma)
- and help w/ seizures
- onset 1-4 hrs, quicker w/IV
-recom. IV dosage 10mg/min push
Side Effects of Lasix
- dry mouth
- GI distress, give oral med w/food/milk
- orthostatic hypotension
Lasix nursing consideration
- pt. teaching important
- can become dig toxic
- monitor electolyte labs & drug toxicities
Digoxin Toxicity
classic signs
blurred vision
muscle weakness
-used to block reabsorption of Na & Chloride
(leads to inc. water & K excretion)
-help tx edema from CHF, renal & hepatic disease
preg, obese & PMS
- Diuril
- Hydrochlorthiazide (HCTZ)
- Zaroxolyn
SE: GI distress, weakness, ortho hypo, dizzy

NC: problems w/electro imbalances, potassium dilute
Sparing Diuretics
- similar to Thiazides, but potas. is reabsorbed
- used as diuretic & antihypertensive
Potassium Sparing Diuretics
- Amiloride
- ALDACTONE (good w/ascites)
- Dyrenium (triamterene)
SE: GI distress, HA, may be given w/food/milk
Combination Diuretics
- increase effectiveness or decreases the
side effects of using one diuretic alone
Combination Diuretics
- Aldactone/HTC=Aldactazide
- Triamterene 50mg/HCTZ 25mg=DYAZIDE
- Triamterene 75mg/HCTZ 50mg=Maxide
- not much potassium issues
- may see paranoia w/higher doses- goes away when stop taking
Ditropan (anticholinergic)

Acts on Bladder
- effect on bladder, relaxes smooth muscle & acts as antispasmotic
- dec. normal bladder contractions
and need to void

-Side Effects
SE: dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision, urinary retention (anticholinergic)
Contra: glaucoma, Myastynia Gravis
-works well w/other exer. like Kegel
Urecholine (cholinergic)
- bladder stimulant, causes urination
-pts. that had cath in place long time, muscles stayed open - will contract muscles
- oral or subq

Antidote: Atropine

-Side Effects
- flushed skin initially, HA, NVD, may have involuntary defication, inc. perspiration
- urinary analgesic/anesthetic
- works on bladder & ureters w/in 30 mins
- diminsh burning/urgency
- tx bladder spasms or p cystoscopy for discomfort
Urinary Antimicrobials

- Sulfas (Bactrim)
- Gentamycin (tx gram-)
- Trimethoprim (Trimpex)
- inc. fluids to help dipurse med into kidney bed
Additional Urinary Antimicrobials

- Norfloxacin (Noroxin)
- broad spectrum (tx gram -/+)
- GI distress, HA
- food/milk will inhibit absorption
give 1hr a or 2hr p meal
- only for UTI's
- only works in acidic urine, take w/Vit C
- forms formaldahyde in body & kills bacteria
- dipstick urine for acidity

- tx gram - organisms
- GI distress, blurred vision, HA, can take w/ food/milk
Nitrodurantoin (Furadantin, Macrodantin)

- broad spectrum, UTI's only
- may tint urine
- tingling of arms & legs, give w/food
-stored in dark container
-antacids w/magnesium inhibit drug
Hyperuricemia Drugs
- kidneys do not excrete uric acid
- collects in tissues/joints causing gout (great toe)
- blocks production of uric acid
- used for chronic tx of disease
- may take 6mos. to see uric acid levels change
- GI distress, HA, dizzy, can be toxic
- monitor labs
-prevent or relieve acute attacks of gout
- alters uric acid crystals ability to deposit in tissues
- not affect serum uric acid levels
- baseline bloodwork, 12 hrs to get initial effect
- watch for extravisation- do not let med infiltrate into tissues
Benemid (probenecid)
- inc. renal excretion of uric acid by inhibiting reabsorption of urate in kidney
- not effective in acute attacks
- to work, must inc. fluids
- do not give if Hx of stones, will cause more to form