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91 Cards in this Set

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3 types of edema and causes
localized edema (venous or lymph obstruction). Bilateral edema isolated to legs and arms of ambulatory individual (congestive heart failure- increased capillary hydrostatic pressure). Face edema alone (hypoproteinemia- can result from liver or kidney failure)
treatments of edema
support socks, diuretics, elevation of affected area, aldosterone blockers, ACE blockers, blockers of angiotensin II receptors
normal hematocrit
42-45 for males
38-42 for females
hypovolemia causes
hemorrhage, draining wounds, abscesses, diarrhea, comiting, sweating, renal disease, decreased aldosterone, burns, intestinal obstruction, fever, ascites, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
Hypervolemia causes
excess administration of isotonic fluids, chronic renal failure, liver disease, malnutrition, increase aldosterone when normal feedback inhibited (aldosterone or renin secreting tumor)
hyponatremia causes
decreased sodium intake (rarely), diuretics, adrenal failure (decreased aldosterone), water replacement after excess diaphoresis, vomiting, diarrhea, or gastrointestinal tract, aspiration; decreased fluid excretion due to renal disease, fluid therapy in patients with high ADH levels
clinical hyponatremia
cell swelling, muscle weakness due to decreased height of action potentials, lethary, confusion, apprehension, seizure, coma due to action potentials and brain swelling, low BP (due to poor depolarization of heart
chronic hypernatremia and hyponatremia
osmolites- have to correct slowly to avoid balance to CNS because so good with osmolite action
hypernatremia causes
impaired thirst, dysphagia, profuse sweating, watery diarrhea, polyuria of diabetes, diet (rare), kidney failure
clinical of hypernatremia
cells shrink, convulsions, pulmonary edema, thirst, fever, dry mucous membrane, restlessness
normal osmolality, hematocrit, Na+ and K+ levels, Ca++ levels, Phosphate levels
290-310 mOsm/L. 42-45 for males, 38-42 for females. 135-150 mEq/L. 3.5-5.0 mEq/L. 4.5-5.5 mEq/L. 2.5-4.5 mEq/L
things that effect plasma [K+]
cell death and growth, diuretic increase K+ loss, Na+ and RAAS (aldosterone increases loss), low activity of sodium/potassium ATPase (low ECF K+)(due to low Oxygen, Insulin, glucose)
causes of hypokalemia
decreased k+ intake, diuretic, antibiotics, GI surgery, increased aldosterone, malnutrition, trauma, burns, insulin therapy, corrected long term acidosis, acute alkalosis, hypoxia
clinical manifestations
nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmias.
hyperkalemia causes
large increase in uptake (hard to do), kidney failure, low sodium diet, too little aldosterone
clinical hyperkalemianess
muscle weakness (long refractory period), flaccid, dilated heart (""), ventricular fibrillation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, digital numbness and tingling
treatment of hyperkalemia
correct condition, oral/rectal cation exchange resins (bind K+), dialysis, Insulin and glucose injections
three hormones w/ calcium and Phosphate
PTH, vitamin D, Calcitonin (aldosterone, angiotensin, ADH with sodium and potassium and water)
calcium functions
bones and teeth, blood clotting, hormone secretion, exocytosis, cell receptor function
hypocalcemia clinicalness
increases Na+ into cell- increased excitability (partial depolarization), muscle cramps
normal osmolality, hematocrit, Na+ and K+ levels, Ca++ levels, Phosphate levels
290-310 mOsm/L. 42-45 for males, 38-42 for females. 135-150 mEq/L. 3.5-5.0 mEq/L. 4.5-5.5 mEq/L. 2.5-4.5 mEq/L
things that effect plasma [K+]
cell death and growth, diuretic increase K+ loss, Na+ and RAAS (aldosterone increases loss), low activity of sodium/potassium ATPase (low ECF K+)(due to low Oxygen, Insulin, glucose)
causes of hypokalemia
decreased k+ intake, diuretic, antibiotics, GI surgery, increased aldosterone, malnutrition, trauma, burns, insulin therapy, corrected long term acidosis, acute alkalosis, hypoxia
clinical manifestations of Hypokalemia
nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, cardiac arrhythmias.
hyperkalemia causes
large increase in uptake (hard to do), kidney failure, low sodium diet, too little aldosterone
clinical hyperkalemianess
muscle weakness (long refractory period), flaccid, dilated heart (""), ventricular fibrillation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, digital numbness and tingling
treatment of hyperkalemia
correct condition, oral/rectal cation exchange resins (bind K+), dialysis, Insulin and glucose injections
three hormones w/ calcium and Phosphate
PTH, vitamin D, Calcitonin (aldosterone, angiotensin, ADH with sodium and potassium and water)
calcium functions
bones and teeth, blood clotting, hormone secretion, exocytosis, cell receptor function
hypocalcemia clinicalness
increases Na+ into cell- increased excitability (partial depolarization), muscle cramps
hypercalcemia clinicalness
decreases Na+ movement into the cell- decreased excitability, muscle weakness, increased bone fractures, kidney stones, constipation (most immediate). Either come from diet of calcium or failure of D3 (liver failure) so break down bone
hypophosphatemia clinicalness
osteomalacia, muscle weakness, bleeding disorders (platelet impairment), anemia, Leukocyte alterations, antacids bind phosphate
hyperphosphatemia clinicalness
hypocalcemia- high levels associated with low calcium levels
compensation vs. correction
comp- getting normal pH through renal and resp. Correction- reestablishment of normal blood pH, [bicarbonate], and [carbonic acid]
extracellular pH and how it affects plasma potassium
remember acute and chronic alkalosis and acidosis and how H+ push K+ out of the cell etc and how the body adjusts to chronic conditions to give overall lower or higher [K]
renal bicarbonate buffer mechanisms
secretion of H+ into urine and recovery of bicarbonate from urine and creation of new bicarbonate from the kidneys (primary active secretion of H+, buffering of secreted H+ by phosphate, direct production of ammonium (through glumaine breakdown), and buffering of H+ by ammonia (combine in tubule to form ammonium)
sources of intracellular H+
anaerobic (non-mitochondrial) metabolism of glucose (ATP hydrolysis and production through Pyruvate to Lactate production) and diabetic ketoacidosis (prominent source of H+)
normal blood pH
pCO2 and HCO3- arterial blood pressures to determine acid/base status
basic< pCO2 of 40 mm Hg<acidic
acidic<HCO3- of 24 mM<Basic
Respiratory acidosis causes
depression of respiratory center (drugs or head trauma), paralysis or trauma of respiratory or chest muscles, chronic pulmonary disease
respiratory acidosis symptoms
change in awareness and muscle control (restlessness and apprehension to lethargy and muscle twitches to coma). shallow breathing
Respiratory Alkalosis (most common)
caused by: O2 deficiency at high altitudes, fever, acute anxiety
respiratory alkalosis symptoms
dizziness, confusion, tingling in extremities, coma (late)
metabolic Acidosis causes
diabetic ketoacidosis, extreme prolonged exercise, renal failure, severe diarrhea
metabolic acidosis symptoms
headache, lethargy, coma, deep and rapid respiration (Kussmaul breathing), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Metabolic Alkalosis causes
loss of gastric juices due to vomiting or suction of stomach, excess bicarbonate ingestion or infusion
Metabolic Alkalosis symptoms
weakness, muscle cramps, hyperactive reflexes, respiration slow and shallow, confusion, convulsions
pH and calcium
acidosis increase plasma [Ca++] and leads to depression of CNS. Alkalosis decreases plasma [Ca++] and leads to hyper-excitability of CNS
what are the hormones the Kidneys secrete?
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, erythropoetin, conversion of Vitamin D to usable form
remember weight loss reduced obesity-associated RAAS activity
RAAS activity overactive cause adipose tissue making more of those things
remember renin KO mice are resistant to both weight gain and insulin resistance
doesn't produce renin, maintain insulin sensitivity and not get fat. Also have higher metabolic rate and poorly absorb and create fat
remember reduced Ang II explains effects of Renin KO
also, adipose expresses MR, obese adipose has more MR, blocking MR improves IS and reduces inflammation
blockage leading to dilation of ureter
blockage leading to dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces
tubulointerstitial fibrosis
deposition of excessive amount of extracellular matrix in kidneys, result of prolonged blockage
blockage can result in loss of some functioning nephrons
compensatory hypertrophy
counteracts negative consequences of unilateral damage- causes an increase in size of functioning nephrons in unaffected kidney (not any new nephrons)- obligatory growth- caused by somatomedins (growth factor) and compensatory growth (unknown)
postobstructive diuresis
transient increase in urine production after removal of obstruction
kidney stone formation
supersaturation of one or more salts, precipitation of salt due to pH lowering or temperature increases, growth into a stone via crystallization or aggregation. Also affected by crystal growth-inhibiting substances, particle retention, and matrix (organic material from urea metabolism of pathogens during infection)
Kidney stone manifestation
renal colic- pain in the flank and radiation to the groin, very mild hematuria and constipation
acontractile detrusor with or without urethral sphincter incompetence
damage below S1 vertebrae- bladder will not contract until super full so have problem excreting
detrusor hyperreflexia
damage above C2 vertebrae- bladder constantly trying to rid self of uring
detrusor hyperrreflexia with vesicosphincter dyssynergia
damage between C2 and S1 vertebrae- bladder trying to purge but sphincter not relaxing
persistent UTI
stays infected after antimicrobial therapy for >3 days
complicated vs. uncomplicated UTI
patient has other health problems vs. has no other health problems
inflammation of the bladder. (form of UTI)
Manifestations: frequency, painful, urgent urine and lower abdominal and/or suprapubic pain
inflammation of ureter, renal pelvis, or renal parenchyma (form of UTI)- Chronic or acute- "drug or bug"
pyelonephritis clinicalness
fever, chills, frequent and painful urination, tenderness in back, bacteria in urine, white blood cell casts, bipsy reveals scarring and tissue destruction in chronic disease, repeated episodes can cause kidney failure and high urine flow
pyelonephritis treatment
antibiotics or anti-fungal agents, remove urinary obstruction if present, stop taking drug if drug toxicity
nephritic sediment
hematuria, blood cell casts
nephrotic sediment
proteinuria (3.5 g or more/day), lipiduria. Due to glomerular injury- find hypoalbumenia, edema, hyperlipidemia, and lipiduria)
sediment of chronic glomerular disease
waxy casts, granular casts
nephrotic syndrome types
glomerulonephritis, IgA nephropathy (Berger disease), membranous glomerulonephritis, focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis, minimal change disease (lipid nephrosis)
immunoligic abnormalities, drugs or toxins, vascular disorders, systemic disease, viral causes- due to deposition of circulating soluble antigen-antibody complexes, formation of antibodies against glomerular basement membrane, and strep release of neuraminidase
IgA nephropathy
Berger's disease- form of acute glomerulonephritis- seen 2-3 days after URT or GI viral infection - IgA binds glomerular mesangial cells, inducing proliferation- not able to filter
membranous glomerulonephritis
deposition of antibodies in basement membrane- activation of immune complex- increased membrane permeability and thickening (thickening but more holes)
focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis
scarring of glomerulus
minimal change disease
lipid nephrosis- most common form in children- no glomerular changes discernible with microscope- slight structural change in epithelial cells
nephritic syndrome
slight proteinuria (<3.5 g/day). Hematuria (RBC casts). small pored in podocytes
types of nephritic syndrome
acute postinfection glomerulonephritis (2-3 weeks after strep infection- immune complexes deposits in the glomerulus- macrophage recruitment- capillary endothelial cell proliferation) and Crescentic glomerulonephritis (antiglomerular basement membrane disease or Goodpasture syndrome. Ab form against basement membrane)
renal insufficiency
decline to about 25% of normal GFR (our kidneys adapt so well that we don't notice inefficiency till less than 25% of function
renal failure
less than 10% of renal function remaining- Azotemia/Uremia
Acute Renal Failure (ARF)
happens w/in hours, Oliguria (low urine output), most cases reversible if treated
types of ARF
preprenal (most common- cause by impaired renal blood flow- renal vasocontriction, hypotension, hypovolemia, hemorrhage. GFR rate declines due to decrease in filtration pressure). Intrarenal (acute tubular necrosis is most common cause- ischemia post surgery, nephrotoxic toxin induced kidney damage- sue to some antibiotics, anesthetics, chemotherapeutics, and imaging dyes- damage to tubular epithelium). Postrenal (rare)(occurs when urinary tract obstructions affect the kidneys bilaterally- back leak)
three stages of ARF
initiation phase: phase where filtration is decreasing, toxicity is occurring (prevention of injury possible)
Maintenance phase: when filtration has stabilized in its still compromised state (oliguria, Azotemia- weeks to months)
Recovery phase: when renal function is re-established (diuresis)
low urine output
increased creatinine and urea
chronic renal failure
is the irreversible loss of renal function that affects nearly all organ systems (Diabetes mellitus and hypertension)
Chronic Renal Failure Progression
Reduced renal reserve- GFR goes to ~50%
Renal insufficiency- when symptoms first start showing
Renal failure- azotemia, acidosis (not excreting H+ and conserving HCO3-), hypernatremia, hyperkalemia, etc
End-stage renal disease (ESRD): almost no GFR
Chronic renal failure can lead to osteoporosis because?
kidneys are last step of Vitamin D activation, so not absorbing Ca++ w/out vitamin D
kidney dialysis
works by simple diffusion- takes 3-5 hours, 3 days/week