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49 Cards in this Set

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What is a prominent invagination of the cortex located at varying depths within the medullary substance of the kidneys?

Column of Bertin

What is a fusion of two septa into a single column?

Column of Bertin

What is a bulge of cortical tissue on the lateral surface of the kidney?

Dromedary Hump

Where is a Dromedary Hump most commonly found?

On the left kidney

What is a triangular, echogenic area typically located anteriorly in the superior pole of the kidney?

Junctional Parenchymal Defect

What is a result of partial fusion of two embryonic parenchymal masses (Ranunculi) during normal development?

Junctional Parenchymal Defect

What is lobar fusion/lobes fuse twisted?

Lobar Dysmorphism

What does Lobar Dysmorphism commonly occur with?

Duplicated systems

What are increased deposits of fat in renal sinus with parenchymal atrophy?

Sinus Lipomatosis

What can Sinus Lipomatosis cause?

Enlargement of the sinus region and increased echogenicity

What is a normal intrarenal pelvis that lies within the central sinus?

Extrarenal pelvis

What is the appearance of an Extrarenal pelvis?

Cystic area within the renal pelvis

What are two separate collecting systems with each ureter entering the bladder?

Complete Duplex/Bifid System

What are two separate collecting systems with one ureter entering the bladder?

Incomplete Duplex/Bifid System

What is the most frequency congenital anomaly in neonates?

Incomplete Duplex/Bifid System

What is the failure of the kidney to form/develop?

Renal Agenesis

Does Renal Agensis occur bilaterally or unilaterally?


What is an extra kidney that is though to develop similar to the duplicate collecting system?

Supernumery Kidney

What is the fusion of the polar regions of the kidneys during fetal development?

Horseshoe Kidney

What are the two horseshoe kidneys connected by?


Where would the isthmus be located in regards to the aorta?

Isthmus is anterior to the aorta

What are some associated pathologic conditions related to a horseshoe kidney?


Anomalous extrarenal pelvis

Urinary calculi

What is the fusion of the medial poles with one double collecting system?

Cake kidney

What is it called when the kidney fails to ascend from its origin in the true pelvis?

Pelvic kidney

What is the most common renal ectopia?

Pelvic kidney

With a pelvic kidney, is the kidney malrotated with the pelvis facing anteriorly or posteriorly?


What is a kidney that migrates through the diaphragm into the thoracic cavity?

Thoracic kidney

What is it called when both kidneys are found on the same side?

Crossed Renal Ectopia

What is another name for Crossed Renal Ectopia?

Crossed-fused kidney

What are the two types of Crossed Renal Ectopia and which one is more common?

Fused - most common


What is the most common complication of Crossed Renal Ectopia?

Renal Calculi

What are indications for a renal ultrasound?


Palpable mass

Elevated creatinine, BUN

Severe flank pain


Decreased urine output

What is the most common renal mass lesion?

Simple Cortical Renal Cyst

Which type of cyst has a tadpole sign?

Simple Cyst

What type of cyst is known as the kissing cyst?

Complex Cyst

What is another name for Parapelvic Cyst and where is it found?

Renal Sinus Cyst

Found in the hilum

What is a disease where small growths occur at varying locations throughout the body?

von Hippel-Lindau

Is von Hippel-Lindau an autosomal dominant or recessive disease?

Autosomal dominant

What is the most common finding of von Hippel-Lindau?

Renal cysts

Is Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease always bilateral?


Where can APKD spread to?




What is the sonographic appearance of APKD?

Enlarged kidney with multiple cysts

What is the sonographic appearance of Autosomal Recessive Kidney Disease?

Fetus presents with large echogenic kidneys

What is the most common palpable mass in neonates?

Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney Disease

What is the sonographic appearance of Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney Disease?

Multiple cysts

Absence of normal parenchyma and renal sinus

Enlarged kidneys in children

Small kidneys in adults

No vascularity

What is another name for Medullary Cystic Disease?


Is Medullary Cystic Disease autosomal dominant or recessive?

Autosomal recessive

What is a developmental anomaly that occurs in the medullary pyramids?

Medullary Sponge Kidney

What consists of cystic or fusiform dilatation of the distal collecting ducts?

Medullary Sponge Kidney