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22 Cards in this Set

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what is a biochemical abnormality that refers to an elevation of the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels and is related largely to a decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR)?
which type of azotemia will be seen with hypoperfusion of the kidney?
prerenal azotemia - no damage to paranchyma, function lost due to impaired perfusion
which type of azotemia occurs during urine flow obstruction below the level of the kidney?
postrenal azotemia
when azotemia progresses into renal damage with secondary involvement of the GI, peripheral nerves, and heart it is called?
This clinical presentation matches which renal disease?

glomerular syndrome dominated by the acute onset of usually grossly visible hematuria, mild-moderate proteinuria, and hypertension
Acute nephritic syndrome
This clinical presentation matches which renal disease?

characterized by heavy proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, severe edema, hyperlipidemia, and lipiduria
nephrotic syndrome
This clinical presentation matches which renal disease?

a glomerular, interstitial, vascular, or acute tubular necrosis which leads to oliguria or anuria with recent onset of azotemia
acute renal failure
This clinical presentation matches which renal disease?

characterized by prolonged symptoms and signs of uremia, and is the end result of all chronic renal parenchymal disease
chronic renal failure
This clinical presentation matches which renal disease?

causes polyuria, nocturia, and electrolyte disorders
renal tubular damage
This clinical presentation matches which renal disease?

characterized by bacturia or pyuria and may be assymptomatic with infections sites including the kidney or bladder
This clinical presentation matches which renal disease?

renal colic, hematuria, recurrent stone formation
the classic presentation of acute nephritic syndrome is?
acute postreptococcal glomerulonepgritis
what is the GFR in diminished renal reserve?
what is the GFR in renal insufficiency?
what is the GFR in renal failure?
what is the GFR in end-stage renal disease?
what are the two genetic influences that cause ADPKD?
1. Chromosome 16p13.3 (PKD1) <-- most common (85%)
2. Chromosome 4q21 (PKD2)
This clinical presentation matches which renal disease?

insidious onset of hematuria, followed by symptoms of chronic renal such as proteinuria, polyuria, and hypertension
what is the most likely extrarenal congenital abnormality seen in people with ADPKD?
liver cysts
berry aneurysms are associated with which reneal disease?
what is the genetic basis fo ARPKD?
gene mutation (PKHD1 on chromosome 6p21-23) which results in defect in fibrocystin which may serve as a receptor adding in the differentiation of collecting-ducts and biliary growth
what are the 2 cystic diseases of the medulla?
1. medullary sponge kidney
2. nephronophthisis-Medullary Cystic Disease Complex