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13 Cards in this Set

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Inc. P BC inc. intratubular P d/t? 2 things
obstruction of tubule or extrarenal urinary system: result= dec. GFR
when use vasoconst. dec. eff and afferent. Affect on GFR? RBF?
GFR no change RBF dec.
____ has ind. effect on GFR apart from any vasoconst or vasorelax
greater at low or high plasma flow?
Filtration Fraction, greater at low renal plasma flow
aff. art. const--> on Pgc on RBF? therefore ? on GFR?

Eff. art. const ONLY at mild or mod effect on Pgc and RBF? on GFR.... changes when severe?
aff. art const: Pgc dec. Rbf dec a lil but overall dec. GFR

eff mild: Pgc inc. RPF dec.
severe: Pgc inc BUT RPF dec. so much that Pgc don't matter and get DEC. GFR!
Through ____ body able to maintain GFR even though dec. in Perfusion P
Angiotensin II
RAAS Ang II const eff and aff arterioles (___ more than ____)

SNS const both aff and efferent equally
eff more than aff.
Autoregulation= Myogenic response and Tubuloglomerular Feedback both affect ___ arterial
both autoregulatory to prevent big changes in GFR in spite of changes in ______
afferent arterial, in spite chagnes in Pressure
Tubuloglomerular Feedback: inc and dec GFR reflected as inc. and dec. in ? sensed by ?
NaCl, Macula Densa

Paracrines from Macula Densa scoot over to aff. art. to const or dilate that vessel
effect ANP?
effect dopamine (low dose)?

? protective against xs vasoconst. see w/ SNS and Ang II
ANP=aff dilation, inc both GFR and RBF, inhibit SECRETION OF RENIN

Dopamine is a vasodilation renal a.
Prostaglandins protective!

NOTE: ADH vasoconst BUT RBF and GFR remain constant!
Thick asc loop has ___ ch.? active and passive NaCl reabs.
Give someone dilate aff and const eff. effect GFR, RBF and FF?
GFR inc, RBF same, FF Inc
lose lot blood reflex response to hypotension is RAAS inc. therefore RBF inc or dec? efect on FF?

and kidney in vol. loss try maintain ? by recover solute and water
RBF dec. d/t const. therefore FF inc. BUT GFR about the same because....

kidney vol. loss try to maintain GFR by recover solute and water