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128 Cards in this Set

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How is blood supplied to the kidneys?

Via the renal arteries which are branches of the abdominal aorta.

How is blood drained from the kidneys?

Via renal veins, which are branches of the inferior vena cava.


Functional unit of the kidney.

Cortical nephrons

85%. Loop remains within the cortex of the nephron. Removal of waste products and reabsorption of nutrients.

Juxtamedullary nephrons

Longer loops of henle. Extend deep into the nephron medulla. Urine concentration.

Renal functions

Renal blood flow, glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and tubular secretion.

How many nephrons does each kidney contain?

1 to 1.5 million.

The kidneys receive approximately 25% of:

Blood pumped through the heart at all times.

Blood enters the capillaries of the nephron through the:

Afferent arteriole. Supplies blood to kidneys.

Where does the blood flow to after it enteres through the afferent arteriole?

Glomerulus, then efferent arteriole.

What does the varying sizes of arteriole do help create?

Hydrostatic pressure. Important for glomerular filtration and to maintain consistency of glomerular capillary pressure and renal blood flow within glomerulus.

Where does blood flow to after it leaves the efferent arteriole?

Peritubular capillaries and the vasa recta. Flows slowly through the cortex and medulla of the kidney close to the tubules.

What do the peritubular capillaries surround?

Surround the proximal and distal convoluted tubules, providing important reabsorption of essential substances from the fluid in the proximal convoluted tubule and final adjustment of urinary composition in the distal convoluted tubule.

Where are the vasa recta located? What occurs here? What does it maintain?

Adjacent to the ascending and descending loops of Henle in juxtamedullary nephrons. Major exchanges of water and salts take place between the blood and medullary interstitium. Maintains osmotic gradient in medulla, which is necessary for renal concentration.

Average body size

1.73 m^2.

Average renal blood flow

1200 ml/min.

Average renal plasma flow

600-700 mL/min.

The glomerulus consists of:

A tuft of 8 capillary lobes, the walls of which are referred to as he glomerular filtration barrier.

Where is the glomerulus located?

Within the Bowman's capsule, which forms the beginning of the renal tubule.

Function of the glomerulus

Nonselective filter of plasma.

Filtration factors

Cellular structure, hydrostatic and oncotic pressure, and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.

What 3 glomerular filtration barrier cellular layers must plasma pass through?

Capillary wall membrane, basement membrane, and the Bowman's capsule inner layer.

Endothelial cells of the capillary wall

Differ by containing pores and are referred to as gene started. Increase capillary permeability, but don't allow the passage of large molecules and blood cells.

Bowman's capsule inner layer

The thin membranes covering the filtration slits formed by the intertwining foot processes of the podocytes.

Basement membrane

Further restriction of large molecules.

Shield of negativity

Repels molecule with a positive charge. Molecules small enough to pass through the three layers of the barrier.

Why is the shield of negativity important?

Albumin, the primary protein associated with renal disease, has a positive charge and would easily pass the barrier.

What % of plasma proteins are albumin?


Juxtaglomerular apparatus

Regulation of arteriole size. Maintains glomerular blood pressure at a relatively constant rate regardless of fluctuations in the systemic blood pressure.

Low systemic blood pressure

Larger afferent and smaller efferent. Prevents decreased glomerular blood flow.

High systemic blood pressure

Smaller afferent arteriole. Prevents overfiltration and glomerular damage.

Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS)

Regulates blood flow to and within the glomerulus. Responds to blood pressure and plasma sodium changes that are monitored by juxtaglomerular cells in the afferent arteriole and the macula densa of the distal convoluted tubules.

What does the macula densa initiate?

Initiates RAAS in response to blood pressure changes.


An enzyme produced by the juxtaglomerular cells and is secreted and reacts with the blood borne substrate angiotensin to produce the inert hormone antgiotensin 1. Responds to low sodium levels.

What happens as angiotensin 1 passes through the alveoli of the lungs?

ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) changes it to the active form angiotensin 2.

How does angiotensin 2 correct renal blood flow?

Causes vasodilation of afferent arterioles and constriction of the efferent arterioles, stimulating reabsorption of sodium and water in the proximal convoluted tubules, and triggering release of aldosterone by the adrenal cortex and antidiuretic hormone by the hypothalamus.


Retains sodium in the distal convoluted tubules.

What does the actions of angiotensin 2 produce?

Constant pressure in the nephrons.

Normal glomerular filtration rate

120 mL/min of filtrate.

Specific gravity of ultrafiltrate as it leaves the glomerulus


When does reabsorption start?

When the plasma ultrafiltrate enters the proximal convoluted tubules.

Active transport

Carrier proteins and cellular energy needed for transport back to blood.

Where is glucose, amino acids, and salts reabsorbed in active transport?

Proximal convoluted tubules.

Where is chloride reabsorbed? (Active transport)

Ascending loop of Henle.

Where is sodium reabsorbed? (Active transport)

Proximal and distal convoluted tubules.

Passive transport

Controlled by the differences in the substance concentration gradients in both sides of the membrane.

Where does water reabsorption occur? (Passive transport)

Through the nephron. Exception is ascending loop of Henle. Accompanies high amount of sodium reabsorption in the PCT. PCT, descending loop of Henle, and collecting duct.

Where is Urea reabsorbed in passive transport?

PCT and ascending loop of Henle.

Where is sodium reabsorbed in passive transport?

Ascending loop of Henle.

Maximal reabsorptive capacity

Plasma concentration of a substance that is normally completely reabsorbed reaches an abnormally high level and substances found in urine.

Renal threshold

Plasma concentration of a substance at which active transport stops and increased amounts are excreted in the urine.

Glucose threshold

160-180 mg/dL.

What does threshold distinguish?

Excess filtration from tubular damage.

Tubular concentration: descending loop of Henle

Passive absorption of water into high osmotic gradient of the renal medulla.

Tubular concentration: ascending loop of Henle

Chloride actively reabsorbed, sodium passively reabsorbed, and walls are impermeable to water.

Concurrent mechanism

Maintains concentration in the medulla. Medulla is diluted by the water from the descending loop. Reconcentrated by sodium and chloride from the filtrate in the ascending loop.

DCT: tubular concentration

Aldosterone controlled sodium reabsorption if needed by the body.

What does reabsorption depend on?

Osmotic gradient in the medulla and the hormone vasopressin.

Final filtrate concentration

Water reabsorption controlled by ADH in response to body hydration.


Controls permeability of DCT and CT walls to water. Amount of ADH produced by the hypothalamus determines permeability.

What is the final determinant of urine volume and concentration?

Chemical balance in body because ADH is determined by state of hydration.

What is the final determinant of urine volume and concentration?

Chemical balance in body because ADH is determined by state of hydration.

ADH regulation

Increased body hydration = low ADH = increased urine.

Decreased body hydration = increased ADH = decreased urine volume.

Tubular secretion

Involves passage of substances from the blood in peritubular capillaries to the tubular filtrate.


Filtrate to peritubular capillaries.

Function of tubular secretion

Eliminating waste products not filtered by the glomerulus and regulating the acid base balance in the body through the secretion of hydrogen ions.

Major site for removal of non filtered substances


Normal blood ph


How is ph of blood maintained?

Buffering and elimination of excess acid: dietary intake and body metabolism.

What does the buffering capacity of blood depend on?

Bicarbonate returned to blood: secretion of hydrogen ions into filtrate, 100% of bicarbonate reabsorption, and occurs in PCT.

Actual exertion of excess hydrogen ions depends on:

Tubular secretion.

In PCT, ammonia is produced from:

Breakdown of amino acid glutamine. Reacts with the hydrogen ion to form ammonium ion.

Disruption of acid base balance causes

Metabolic acidosis (diabetics) and renal tubular acidosis (incorrect function of tubules).

Renal function test evaluate:

Glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion , and renal blood flow.

Test that measures glomerular filtration

Clearance test.

Clearance tests

Measure rate at which the kidneys can remove a filterable substance from the blood. Substance analyzed can't be reabsorbed or secreted by tubules. Stability of substance during a long urine collection period. Consistency of plasma level. Availability of the body. Availability of tests to measure the substance.

Substances measuring GFR

Creatinine, beta 2 micro globulin, cystatin c, radioisotopes, exogenous procedure (infused into you), and endogenous procedure (in body already).

Creatinine clearance test

Creatinine is current routine substance.

Advantages of creatinine clearance

Waste product of muscle metabolism found at relatively constant plasma level. Automated chemical tests, calculate an eGFR utilizing serum creatinine and do not require urine testing.

Disadvantages of creatinine clearance

1. Tubular secretion increases with high blood creatinine levels.

2. Gentamicin, cephalosporins, and cimetidine (acid blocks) inhibit tubular secretion.

3. Bacteria breakdown creatinine if urine is stored at room temp.

4. Diet heavy in meat during timed collection increases urine creatinine.

5. Not reliable with muscle wasting diseases.

6. Accurate results depend on accurate collection of 24 hour urine specimen.

7. It must be corrected for smaller/larger body surface area.

Greatest error of creatinine clearance

Improperly timed urine specimen.

Principle of creatinine clearance test

To determine amount of creatinine (mL) completely cleared from the plasma during 1 minute. Report in mL/min. Referred to as glomerular filtration rate. (GFR)

Required measurements of creatinine clearance

Urine volume in mL/min (v)

Urine creatinine in mg/dL (u)

Plasma creatinine in mg/dL (p)

Calculation of urine volume

Creatinine production

Produced as a result of muscle metabolism. Therefore, normal values are based on body size; the larger the person, the more creatinine produced.

Normal values of creatinine

Men: 107-139 mL/min

Women: 87-107 mL/min

Values lower in older people

Plasma creatinine 0.5-1.5

Reason for increased clearance. Causes of low creatinine clearance.

Pregnancy. Concerned about low values.

Causes: COPD, CHF, dehydration, glomerulonephritis, and nephrotic syndrome.

eGFR modification of diet in renal disease formula

Doesn't require weight. Used different variables including BUN, albumin, and ethnicity. Advantage: without weight all calculations are available from lab computer.

Methods not requiring urine collection

Cystatin C: small protein produced by all nucleated cells. Filtered by glomerulus.

What is cystatin c absorbed by?

Renal tubules and broken down, none is secreted.

Cystatin C

Doesn't require urine collection. small protein produced by all nucleated cells. Filtered by glomerulus.

What does cystatin c monitor?

Pediatric patients, diabetics, elderly, and critically ill patients.

Beta 2 microglobulin

Doesn't require urine collection. Small protein that dissociates from human leukocyte antigens at a constant rate.

What is beta 2 microglobulin removed by?

Rapidly removed from the plasma by kidneys.

What is beta 2 microglobulin a sensitive indicator of?

Decrease in GFR.

What is beta 2 microglobulin unreliable in?

Patients with immunological disorders and malignancies.

Exogenous method

Radioisotopes: measures disappearance of an injected isotope. Iothalamate. Provides simultaneous visualization of the kidneys.

Tubular reabsorption tests

Good indicator of early renal disease. Measures renal concentrating ability (salts and water). Often termed concentration tests.

Baseline for determining concentration

1.010 SG of original ultrafiltrate.

Control of what is necessary for accurate results of tubular reabsorption tests?

Control of fluid.

Clinical significance of renal function tests

Results are based on functioning nephrons. Monitor extent of known renal disease. Determine feasibility of administering medications that may build up to toxic blood levels.


Has replaced SG as the test to assess renal concentration.

SG includes:

Number and size of molecules.

Osmolality includes:

Number of small molecules; Na and Cl are both equal to a large urea molecule.

Clinical unit of measure for osmolarity


Colligative properties

Solution properties related to number of molecules in the solvent, lower freezing point, higher boiling point, increased osmotic pressure, lower vapor pressure, and urine/plasma values compared with those of pure water.

Osmometry method of choice

Freezing point is method of choice.

Renal concentration osmolarity

Overnight deprivation of fluid for 12 hours.

Urine: depends on fluid intake or exercise for renal concentration osmolality. Values of urine osmolality.

Greater than or equal to 800 milliosmoles.

Ratio of urine to serum more accurate: controlled intake ratio


What is needed if tests are abnormal? (Renal concentration osmolality)

Further studies. ADH. If not enough, more urine is produced.

Actual measure of vapor pressure osmometers

Dew point: temp at which water vapor condenses to a liquid.

Vapor pressure osmometers

Microsamples on small filter paper disks in sealed chamber; a appearing sample forms vapor. Temp lowered, vapor condenses, thermocoupler measures heat of condensation that raised temp to dew point.

What sample is used for vapor pressure osmometers?

Serum. Used to test sweat also (chloride). Cystic fibrosis.

Interfering factors for tubular reabsorption tests

Lipemic serum: affects both instruments, insoluble lipids displace serum water.

Lactic acid: elevates readings in both instruments, separate or refrigerate within 20 mins.

Volitile/Ethanol: Elecate results for freezing point osmometers l, no effect on vapor pressure instruments.

Clinical significance of osmolarity tests

Evaluating renal concentrating ability, monitoring course of renal disease, monitoring fluid and electrolyte therapy, differential diagnosis of hypoatremia and hyperatremia, and evaluating secretion of and response to ADH.

Free water clearance

If enough water is secreted. Expands serum:urine ratio. Osmolar clearance performed first using water deprivation, timed urine, and serum.

Explanation of free water clearance

Ultrafiltrate has same osmolarity as plasma. Indicates if enough water is excreted to remove wastes and the kidney's response to body hydration.

Secretion is dependent on:

Renal blood flow.

P-Aminohippuric Acid (PAH)

Test for renal blood flow.

What is PAH secreted in? What is it bound to?

PCH, not by glomerular filtration. Plasma proteins.

When is PAH removed from blood?

Removed completely each time it comes in contact with functional renal tissue.

PAH test values

Normal values based on normal hct. Only in plasma, so normal would be 600-700 mL/min effective renal plasma flow. About 8% doesn't come in contact with functional renal tissue.

Normal acid levels

70 mEq/day of acid in form of H+, H2PO4-, and NH4+.

Normal acid levels

70 mEq/day of acid in form of H+, H2PO4-, and NH4+.

Alkaline tide

First morning, postprandial 2 to 8 pm. Lowest pH at night.

Renal tubular acidosis

Inability to produce an acid in urine = metabolic acidosis.

PCT = ___________

DCT = ___________ (titeatable acidity/urine ammonia)

PCT = secretion of H+

DCT = secretion of NH3

Titratable acidity/ urine ammonia test procedure

Measurement of pH, titratable acidity, and ammonia. Prime patients with load of ammonia chloride. 2 hour urine specimen. Titratable free H + and total acidity. Total acidity - titratable acidity = ammonia.