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40 Cards in this Set

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why do men end up getting more UTIs after 50
prostate enlargement

and kidney stones :(
Nosocomial UTI are often caused by what?

10% increase chance each day
community acquired infections that cause UTI are normally due to what bug?

E. Coli
what other bugs make up the remaining 20% of community acquired UTI (just take a look)
Staphylococcus saprophyticus
Enterococcus (Grp D strep)
what are 2 important biochemical characteristics about E. Coli
Indole positive

ferment lactose
Enterococcus (Grp D strep)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Staphylococcus coag neg

make up the majority of what type of UTI?
nosocomial infections
what is one of the most common causes of nosocomial infections (bug)? how does it occur

What is one of the reason biggest reasons for the start of UTI?
blocking micturition

normally you slough off some of the cells to stop bacterial
what is normal pH of urine? what pH does bacteria like to grow in?
normal: 5

bacteria grow in: 7
what Ig is a host defense for UTI?
Secretory IgA
most commonly how do pathogens end up causing infection? from what?
Ascending pathway (usually feces)

goes up
This is not normal, but if you have an infection in your urinary pathway that was descending (aka coming from an infected body site) what would be the cause?
most important bacterial virulence factor for UTI?


P and type 1 fimbriae
The more compromised the host defenses, the ____ _____ required of E. coli to cause an infection
less virulence
what is nonsecretor status? who is this likely in?
ABO antigens are not present in secretion... which lowers the host defense against UTI

likley in Biddies
most common cause of urethritis?
dysuria and mucopurulent discharge caused by sexually transmitted agents =
dysuria, frequency, and urgency caused by multiplication of enteric organisms within the bladder
what are often used as a rapid screening test in office for cystitis?
LN Strip (nitrite and leukocyte esterase)
A positive LN strip is indicative of what normally?
E. coli
fever, flank pain, and systemic signs caused by invasion of the kidney tissue by enteric organisms, would see white blood cell casts
Cystitis vs Pyelonephritis?
Cystitis: lower UTI-- dysuria, frequency, and urgency caused by multiplication of enteric organisms within the bladder

Pyelonephritis -- upper UTI--fever, flank pain, and systemic signs caused by invasion of the kidney tissue by enteric organisms, would see white blood cell casts
Patient has normal urinary tract without underlying disease =

how many organisms present?

what is it/are they?

typical pt?
Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections

1 organism

E. coli

Sexually active WOMAN
Patient has functionally, metabolically, or anatomically abnormal urinary tract =
Complicated Urinary Tract Infections
the following are pts that you are likely to see what in?

Young child or neonate
Young adult male
Pregnant female
Catheterized patients
Complicated Urinary Tract Infections
will you see pseduomonas for a normal uncomplicated UTI?
shit naw!

look for E.coli in that
Upper urinary tract stones that involve the renal pelvis and extend into at least 2 calyces are classified as....
Staghorn Calculi
What are staghorn calculi composed of?
75% are composed of a struvite-carbonate-apatite matrix
What accounts for 10 to 15 % of all stones?

Struvite stones (staghorn calculi)
Struvite stones are most often caused by?


(can also be Klebsiella)
what are 2 important ways to prevent your urine specimen from being altered
Refrigeration at 4oC

Commercial urine transport kit (contains boric acid and sodium formate)
Blood agar is used to grow?

MacConkey agar is used to grow?
Blood agar= G+

how does cranberry juice help prevent UTI?
Cranberries contain 2 compounds with anti-adherence properties that prevent fimbriated E. coli from adhering to uroepithelial cells:

Tx for Acute uncomplicated cystitis in women (non recurrent)
Short course (3 da) oral TMP/SMX1 or Nitrofurantoin 1o Fluoroquinolone 2nd
Tx for Acute uncomplicated cystitis in women (recurrent)
Eradicate infection then TMP/SMX
tx for acute cystitis in child < 5

tx for Acute uncomplicated pyelonephitis (mild-moderate)
7 days oral
tx for Acute uncomplicated pyelonephitis (severe hospitalized)
Parenteral until fever gone Fluoroquinilone or Genta+amp Ceftriaxone Piperacillin
Followed by 14 days oral
tx for Complicated UTI mild-mod
10-14 days oral Fluoroquinolone
tx for Complicated UTI severe
Parenteral till fever gone Amp + gentamicin Piperacillin-tazobactam Ticarcillin-clavulanate Imipenem-cilastin Fluoroquinolone Followed by 14-21 days oral