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62 Cards in this Set

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How much cardiac output do both kidneys receive?
How much blood does kidney filter?
all of it
Main job for the kidney?
remove metabolic wastes extreted through the urine Na+ is reabsorbed keep what you want and get rid of extra
What are the kidneys endocrine functions?
Produces erythropoietin (RBC synthesis) makes renin (BP and volume maintenance) activated vitamin D 1,25 hydroxylation also deals w Ca+
What is the hilium?
Medial border of the kidney site where renal veins and arteris enter and the renal pelvis exsists
Where does the ureter originate?
the pelvis
What is the capsule surrounding the kidney made of?
connective tissue and 2 layers of sm muscle inner (myofibroblasts) outer (fibroblasts and collagen)
cone shape in medullary tissue
cortical tissue contained i nmedulla extra flows out (ice cream)
What is mostly found in the medulla?
collecting tubules and collecting ducts
The cortex is identified by its
renal corpuscles and PCT
pyramids are also known as
lobes+ surrounding cortex tissue, they go into lobules which is CD and CT and all the nephrons it drains
How does fetal kidney develop?
Starts w medulla and tissues grows and squishes togther get nice smooth outer and the lobes/lobules squish together each column w associated pyramid next to it
Which has more blood supply cortex or medulla?
cortex so appears more reddish brown
What is found in the cortex?
Renal corpsucles, convoluted and straight tubules of nephron, collecting ducts, and vascular supply
Whats is in the medulla?
straight tubules, collecting ducts, and vasa recta
What are medullary rays?
In the medulla with only straight tubules they are perpendicular to the cortical, one direction to renal pelvis
What surrounds medullary rays?
Cortical labryinths of RC, convulted tubules
What is the function of the renal corpuscle?
filtration apparatus filters blood to get rid of waste and keep protein/albumins
Where is renal corpuscle located?
beginning of nephron and found in cortex only!
Renal corpuscle consists of
glomerulus and bowmans capsule
describe the glomerulus
afferent capillaries enter leave as efferent capillaries are fenestrated so have gaps
Describe the bowmans capsule
2 layers parietal thin squamos epith, makes a cup for all coming out to catch in continuous w cuboidal w PCT , other layer= visceral of all cells individual podocytes w foot processes and slits hugging endothelial of glomerulus outer layer of filtration apparatus
What is the vascular pole or the renal corpuscle?
afferent and efferent artioles penetrate the bomwman's capsule
What is the urinary pole of renal corpuscle?
proximal convulted tubule begins
Wheres is filtratoin caught?
Parietal layer of bowmans
What does the vascular pole have?
juxtaglomerular apparatus
What does the visceral layer have?
How are podocytes function?
attache to basement membrane of endothelialy cells of glomerulus and allow small particles through
Minimal-change idsease
effacement of foot processes so large proteins get through
Describe the filtration apparatus
endothelial fenestrations, basement membrane, filtration slits
What is Good Pasteurs disease?
antibody against type IV collagen needed for basement membrane
Proximal convoluted tubule epithelium is
simple cuboidal
Specific characteristics of PCT
long microvilli on lumen sie, star shaped lumen, larger cell diameter than DCT
What does the nephron loop have
simple squamos or low cuboidal and a large lumen in the medullary rays, permeable to Na+ creating the hypertonic tissue fluid
DCT characteristics
1/3 long as PCT, clean round lumen more nuclei than PCT, reabsorb Na+ and secrete K+. reabs bicarb and secrete ammonium
what makes up the JXT apparatus
macula densa, juxt cells in afferent arteriole..in the DCT all the nuclei in macula densa part of jxt
DCT are
salt sensing cells tell juxt to incr so they reabs Na and water follows incr water in vascular
simple epithelium flat cells get
thicker as go to cortex bc more to collecting ducts to handle, thick cuboidal
two distinct cell types in collecting tubules and ducts
principal (light) and intercalated cells (dark)
principal- where ADH acts w aquaporin channels
intercalates- H+ and bicarb secreted
Explain the renal blood supply
: artery and vein enter at pelvis..arcuate, interlob, interlob concentrate in cortex afferent branch of interlob that’s why cortex has all blood supply
Why does cortex have more blood supply?
arcuate arteries course in between cortex and medulla give rise to interolobular which concentrate in cortex
Interlobular arteries give off
branches, afferent arterioles, one to each glomerulus
efferent arterioles branch to form
peritubular capillaries
What is the arteriole rectae?
efferent arterioles of juxtamedullary corpuscles descending into medullary pyramid; Ascend as venulae rectae
arteriole rectae and venule rectae make the
vasa recta forming the countercurrent exchange
Function of the papilla/calyx
removale/stroage of urine
Papilla is the point of the
pyramid drains into minor calyx and becomes major calyx
What are the major calyxs?
branches from the renal pelvis
what do the 3 U's have?
transitional epitherlium specialized for transfer and storage
What is the area of cribrosa?
where ducts open to free space
What is also in common w 3 U's
mucosa, muscularis, adventitia
What is the flow of urine?
area cribroa-->minor calyx-->major calyx-->renal pelvis-->ureter-->urinary bladder--> voide through urethra
What is the sm muscle layer in the U's
2 layers inner is longitudinal and outer is circular sm muscle parallel bundles mixed w CT
What is the ureter?
parid tubular structures convery urine from kidneys to urinary bladder
What shape does ureter make
star-shaped lumina
Describe the urinary bladder
reservoir for urine, 3 openings 2 for ureter and one for urethra..
what is the trigone?
3 openings, smooth and constant thickness
What does the smooth muscle from the bladder form?
detrusor muscle
What does the detrusor muscle do?
contraction compresses the organ nd forces urine to urethra
male urethre has how many segments
3, 20 cm long
What about females urethra
3-5 cm