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33 Cards in this Set

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old roman and greek works and arts
being the best; being different and better than beasts (animals)
wrote the canteberry tales
john wycliffe
translated the Bible to english; died before his trial
jan hes
translated Bible in bohemia; he was burnt alive
a paper that was given to people for doing good deeds, saying that they can commit a sin and it will be forgiven/excused
was sent to germany to sell indulgences, "billy mays" of reformation; can buy for yourself or dead people that you know; was selling for Leo X
st. peter basillica
huge church; great italian artists built and decorated it; money from the indulgences was used to finish it
martin luther
almost died and promised to become a monk if saved; he was very serious about his religion, spent hours in confessional, never felt good enough; wrote the 95 theses
95 theses
luther started questioning the church; 95 theses were questions about the church and the pope; someone got a hold of them and translated them, with the printing press they were spread
salvation by faith
means to have a personal relationship with God, not through the pope
diet of worms
when luther was put on trial; "Here I stand, I can do no other. Help me God"; convicted of heresy
1 - salvation by faith
2 - priesthood of all believers
3 - the 2 sacraments
wartburg castel
where luther was taken by fredrick the elector; he disguised as a knight for a year and no one knew
luther said there were only 2 sacraments - baptism and communion; the only 2 in the Bible = the only 2 that mattered
priesthood of all believers
luther said that anyone can read and interpret the Bible - not just the pope
john calvin
built the religious theocracy in genea
look at the next cards; each on its own one
T - total depravity
people are bad; people are incapable of being good on their own; you are at war with God; you can't save yourself
U - unconditional election
God is not bound by time; God picked the people who will believe; He grants people faith; predestination
L - limited atonement
Jesus did not die for everyone; He died for the elected ones
I - irresistible grace
God's grace is irresistible; you can't reject God's faith
P - perseverance of the saints
not everyone will keep faith
God already knows if you will go to Heaven or Hell
english calvinists; got on the mayflower and landed in boston, massachusetts
scottish calvinists
henry VIII
wasn't supposed to be king; his older brother died before he took the throne; he broke away from the church; married his brother's wife to keep alliance with spain; he fired the archbishop and hired his close friend so that he could divorce catharine of argon
catharine of argon
henry VIII's brother's wife; married henry VIII after his brother died
elizabethan settlement
mix of catholics and protestants; kept all of the catholic church service but brought it protestant ideas; priests can marry
wanted to change the church from the inside, out; wrote the praise of folly; was a monk; died a peaceful death while in the church
thomas more
wanted to change the church from the inside, out; wrote utopia; pointed out the problems of the church in his book
romance languages
italian, french, and spanish