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40 Cards in this Set

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a financial supporter of the arts
example: Cosimo's grandson Lorenzo
focused on worldly subjects rather than on the religious issues of medival thinkers
the way something is viewed, making distant objects smaller than those close to the viewer, making scenes 3-dimensional
The Book of Courtier
written by Baldassare Castiglione, it describes manners, skills, learning, and virtues that a member of the court should have
The Prince
written by Niccolo Machiavelli, used personal experience and knowledge of the past to guide rulers on how to gain and maintain power
The Praise of Folly
written by Erasmus, he uses humor to expose the ignorant and immoral behavior of many people in his lifetime
written by Thomas More, it described an ideal society - everyone is educated and lives in harmony
Don Quixote
written by Miguel de Cervantes, mocks the romantic notions of medieval chilvalry
government run by religious leaders
a portion of the city that minority groups were forced to live in
someone or something that is accused of doing something wrong so that people have someone to blame
the belief that God has already decided where you are going to go after you die
canceling a marriage
to withdraw a statement
the common language of a certain place
a possible explanation for something
when a deceased person is said to be a saint
theory that the sun is the center of the universe
charging and trying someone of heresy
Martin Luther
denounced Church abuses, rejected 5 of the 7 sacraments and believed that the Pope was not the only person who could interpret the bible.
John Calvin
set up theocracy and believed that the bible should be taken literally
King Henry VIII
wanted to end papal control over the Church and caused the break of the Catholic Church. he denounced Martin Luther
William Shakespeare
author of many famous plays and stories
money was paid to the church to buy a piece of paper that people were led to believe lessened the time they and/or their dead loved ones would have to wait to get into heaven
Johann Gutenberg
used a printing press to print bibles and worked with movable type processes
acts preformed by the Church and its members. and example would be baptism
Nicolaus Copernicus
proposed the idea of a heliocentric universe
Johannes Kepler
calcuated the orbits that the planets traveled around the sun
Galileo Galilei
agreed with Nicolaus Copernicus. he was forced to publically agree that he was wrong and that the earth was at the center of the universe
Robert Boyle
discovered how to distinguish between individual elements and chemical compounds
Francis Bacon
stressed experimentation and observation
Rene Descarte
thought human reasoning was the best way to understanding
Isaac Newton
proposed the idea that nature follows uniform laws and identified the force of why the planets moved as gravity
Peace of Augsburg
a treaty that ended the struggle between two religious groups; Lutheran and Catholic
Charles V
protected Martin Luther from execution as a heretic even though he opposed him
Frederick of Saxony
believeing he was wrongly persecuted, he took Martin Luther into his custody after the Diet of Worms outlawed him.
Diet of Worms
addressed the issue of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation
known as members of the reformed church in France
John Knox
leader of the Protestant Reformation
Johann Tetzel
accused of selling indulgences so that enough money could be raised for St. Peter's Basilica