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40 Cards in this Set

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financial supporter of the arts
intellectual movement
focused on worldly subjects rather than religious issues
artistic technique used to give drawings and paintings a three dimensional effect
The Book of the Courtier
by Baldassare Castiglione
described the manners, skills, learning, and virtues that a member of the court should have
The Prince
by Niccolo Machiavelli
combined his personal experience of politics with his knowledge of the past to offer a guide to rulers on how to gain and maintain power
The Praise of Folly
by Desiderus Erasmus
used humor to expose the ignorant and immoral behavior of many people of his day
by Thomas More
describes and ideal society in which men and women live in peace and harmony
Don Quixote
by Miguel de Cerbantes
an entertaining tale that mocks romantic notions of medieval chivalry
Johann Gutenberg
printed the first complete edition of the Bible using the first printing press and printing inks in the West
everday language of ordinary people
William Shakespeare
English poet and playwright
wrote 37 plays (comedies, love, tragedies, history)
more than 1,700 words were used for the first time in his works
Martin Luther
95 theses
indulgences = breaking point
faith = salvation
bible = religious truth
simplified mass
emphasized sermon
John Calvin
similar beliefs to Luther
predestination and theocracy
in the Roman Catholic Church, pardon for sins committed during a person's lifetime
give up one's views or beliefs
sacred ritual of the Roman Catholic Church
Peace of Augsburg
allowed each prince to decide which religion would be followed in his lands
idea that God long ago determined who will gain salvation
government run by religious leaders
Charles V
diet of worms - council, martin Luther, wanted him to recant his theses
failed to stop Reformation
cancel or invalidate
recognize one as a saint
person, group, or thing forced to take the blame for the crimes or mistakes of others
separate section of a city where members of a minority group are forced to live
Frederick of Saxony
saved Luther from the fury of the Catholic Church
founded Wittenberg University
took Luther to Wartburg after Diet of Worms
protected Luther from the Pope and HRE
Diet of Worms
HRE summoned Luther to the diet (assembly of German princes) at Worms to get Luther to recant his theses
used secret testimony, torture, and execution to root out heresy.
prepared the Index of Forbidden Books ( a list of works considered too immoral or irreligious for Catholics to read. Included books by Calvin and Luther
people living in France that were Calvinists were Huguenots
John Knox
Calvinist preacher who led a religious rebellion.
under Knox, Scottish protestants overthrew their Catholic queen and set up teh Scottish Presbyterian Church
Johann Tetzel
priest who set up a puplit on the outskirts of Wittenberg.
Offered indulgences to any Christian who contributed money for the rebuilding of the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rome.
Claimed that purchase of the these indulgences would assure entry into heaven.
possible explanation
Nicolaus Copernicus
published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres.
proposed a heliocentric model of the universe
the sun stands at the center of the universe. the Earth was just one of several planets that revolved around the sun
Johannes Kepler
German astronomer and mathematician
used Brahe's data to calculate the orbits of the planets revolving around the sun.
supported Copernicus's heliocentric view
Galileo Galilei
assembled an astronomical telescope
observed the four moons of Jupiter moving slowly around Jupiter.
Church condemned him b/c his ideas challenged the Christian teachings
Francis Bacon
stressed experimentation and observation
wanted science to make life better for people by leading to pratical technologies
Rene Descarte
emphasized human reasoning as the best road to understanding.
Discourse on Method explained how he decided to discard all traditionaly authorities and search for provable knowledge
Isaac Newton
used mathematics to show that a single force keeps the planets in their orbits around the sun.
published Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy which explained the law of gravity and other workings of the universe
helped develope calculus
Robert Boyle
distinguished between individual elements and chemicl compounds
explained the effect of temperature and pressure on gases
his work opened the way to modern chemical analysis of composition of matter.
the belief that the universe is centered on the sun not Earth
King Henry VIII
pope wouldnt annul his marriage
took over the English church
acting through Parliament, he took the English church from the pope's rule and place dit under Henry's rule.