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22 Cards in this Set

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Rebirth of interest in learning and art.

*Changes began in Italy around the 1300s

*Traders bought and sold goods from every region

-Rich grew richer, gave money to support artists

Looking to the past

*People re-examined the ideas of the Greeks and Romans

*Focused on literature. ideas, buildings, art


*People began to focus on improving the world

rather than hoping for a better after-life

*emphasized the importance of human nature and the abilities of humans to change the world.

Who is Michelangelo?

*painter, poet, architect, and sculptor

*art became an important way to understand man, God, and nature

What is the Printing press?

*Invented around 1450 in Germany

*-before the press, books were carefully hand copied

What are the effects of the printing press?

1. Increased literacy

2. Allowed ideas of the Renaissance to spread to large number of people

More Trade, Stronger Rulers

*1492 Columbus lands in the Americas while searching for a shortcut to India

*-begin trading spices , gold, silver

*other European countries began to trade overseas

What are the effects of trade?

*wealth of the trade mostly went to monarchs

*some went to traders or merchants

*feudalism declined because lords grew weaker and kings gained power

What is a monarch?

*Rulers such as Kings and Queens

The Age of Monarchs


*Monarchs became absolute Monarchs (complete control)

Ex: King Louis 14th

Who is King Louis 14th?

*ruled from 1643-1715

*believed his power to rule came from God and to go against his wishes meant to go against God

*taxed France heavily, lived a life of luxury

What is the English Revolution?

*People began to believe that a king should not have all the power

*took King Charles I to court because he refused to share power with parliament, then out to death

*no more absolute power

What is the American Revolution?

*the idea that people should have a say in their government spread to the Americas

What is a colony?
*territory ruled by another nation
What happened in 1776?

*13 colonies rebelled against the British King because they felt that the laws weren't fair and they weren't being represented in Parliament
What happened at the 1789 Revolution in France?

* people used extreme violence to overthrow their government/the king

* created chaos

* inspired new radical theories about politics and economics

What happened in the revolution of Science?

*Basis of worldview religion went from religious to scientific

-influenced by the Renaissance and humanism

-carefully observed nature and only wrote down what they observed

-then based their theories on the facts they observed

What is the scientific method?

*started in part with a man named Copernicus

-He shocked the world by saying that Earth rotated around the Sun

-needed procedures to test their ideas

What is Robert Boyle known for?
*ideas about temperatures and the behavior of gases set the stage for modern chemistry
What was William Harvey known for?

*discovered how blood circulates
Who is Antonie van Leeuwenhoek?

*known for techniques for making lenses for microscopes

Who is Isaac Newton and what is he known for?

*invented calculus to test his gravity theory

*using his theory and calculus, demonstrated how the moon and planets move