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48 Cards in this Set

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What is the masticatory loads b/t nature teeth and Complete Dentures?
-Teeth: range of 44 lbs of force
-Denture: 5-6X less than natural teeth (7-9 lbs w/ maxmum of 13-16 lbs)
In complete dentures mucosa and bone do NOT sustain or support occlusal forces as well (T/F)
Total area of PDL to support occlusal force is ___ in each arch-wider distribution of force
-45 cm^2
-For complete denture: total area of support occlusal force is 22.96 for max and 12.25 for mand.
The primary stress-bearing area of the maxillary arch is?
-Residual alveolar ridge
Bone under complete dentures receives mostly what type of pressure?
-Loading in vertical and lateral vectors which tend to cause resorption
Well made denture are usually very stable and will NOT move?
-False: denture will move b/c mucosa is resilient and complete dentures, no matter how well made and are inherently unstable
What is the occlusion differences b/t natural teeth and complete dentures?
-Teeth: anterior guidance, group function with protrusion of the nonworking side in lateral excursions and disclusion of posterior teeth in protrusion
-Denture: balanced occlusion w/ complete bilateral occlusal contacts.
Labial frenum:
a: is a fold of mucous membrane
b: contains muscle fibers from the orbicularis oris
c: is an area requring relief in the maxillary denture
d: a and c
e: all of the above
d: a and c (is a fold of mucous membrane, area requiring relief in the maxillary denture)
The muscles that affect the buccal frenum are:
-levator anguli oris (caninus)
-orbicularis oris
-a and c
-all of the above
-All of the above
As the flange of the maxillary denture extends posteriorly from the labiral vestibule to the buccal vestibule, it tends to "dip down" and then rise up again. This depression of the flange of the maxillary denture is due to:
-Prominence of the malar process of the zygoma
The reason that the lingual flange of the mandibular complete denture is longer posteriorly than anteriorly is because:
-The fibers of the mylohyoid muscle run vertically
Loss of complete dentition results in what?
-Lack of fullness of vermillion border of the lips
-Deepening of the nasolabial and mental labial sulci
-Decrease the columella-philtrum angle
-a and b
-all of the above
-a and b
-lack of fullness of vermillion border of the lips
-deepening of the nasolabial and mental labial sulci
Incisal guidance:
a: is determined by the estehtic arrangement of the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth
-b: is determined by the arrangment of maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth for proper phonetics
-c: can be altered to a certain extend to provide a properly balanced occlusion
-d: a and c
-e: all of the above
The incisal edges of the maxillary edges of the maxillary central incisors are usually found:
-a: 3-4 mm anterior to the front of the incisive papilla
-b: 8-10 mm anterior to the center of the incisive papilla
-c: 8-10 mm anterior to the front of the incisive papilla
-d: Centered over the incisive papilla
B: 8-10 mm anterior to the center of the incisive papilla
The incisive papilla can be used as an anatomic landmark for:
1. midline
2. posterior palatal seal
3. positioning of the maxillary centrla incisors
4. positioning of the maxillary cuspids
5. positioning of the mandibular cuspids
-1,3,4: midline, position of maxillary central incisors and cuspids
Which factors control the development of complete denture occlusion?
-1.Condylar guidance
-2.Occlusal plane
-3.Compensating curve
-4.Incisal guidance
-5.Cuspal inclination
-All of the above (condylar guidance, occlusal plane, compensating curve, incisal guidance, cuspal inclination)
Which of the above factors is determined by the pt and CANNOT be altered by the dentist?
-incisal guidance
-condylar guidance
-compensating curve
-occlusal plane
-condylar guidance
All of the following are true except:
-Increasing film thickness will decrease retention
-Better dneture base adapation decrease film thickness
-Atmospheric pressure and surface tension contribute to retention
-Menicus of saliva is NOT affected by the peripheral border seal
-D: Menicus of saliva IS affected by the peripheral border seal
The occlusal plane should be level posterioly with:
-Superior border of the retromolar pad
-Lower 1/3 of the retromolar pad
-2/3 the height of the retromolar pad
-2/3 the height of the retromolar pad
The mandibular posterior teeth should:
1. Positioned so that the central grooves of the teeth are over the crest of the residual ridge
2.End anterior to the upward incline of the residual ridge
3.Be positioned so that the buccal cusps of the teeth are over the crest of ridge
-ONLY 1 & 2
Primary stress-bearing area of the atrophic mandible is the:
-Buccal shelf
In an atrophic mandible, the secondary stress bearing area is (are):
-Slopes of the residual alveolar ridge
The ruggae:
1.are the secondayr stress-bearing area of maxilla
2. resist lateral movement of the denture
3.should be impressed under pressure
4. Resist forward movement of the maxillary denture
5. Contain fibrous CT
6. Contain adipose tissue
In making a preliminary impression, the impression tray:
-Should be large enough to cover the entire arch
-Should at least 1/4" of space b/t the inside of the tray and the tissues
-can be dentulous tray modified with rope wax to simulate an edentulous tray
-a and b
-all of the above
All of the above
Retention is defined as:
-Resistance to vertical dislodgement towards the supporting tissue
-Resistance to vertical dislodgement from the supporting tissues
-Resistance to horizontal dislodgement
-Resistance to vertical dislodgement away from the supporting tissue
Adhesion is:
1.Physical attraction of like molecules for each other
2.Physical attraction of unlike molecules for each other
3.Depends on the viscosity of the saliva
4. Is independent of the viscosity of the saliva
-2 and 3 (Unlike molecule are attracted to each other and depend on viscosity of the saliva)
The buccal shelf:
-1.Bounded distally by the retromolar pad
-2.Bounded medially by the crest of the alveolar ridge
-3.Bounded laterally by the external oblique line
-4.Bounded anteriorly by the buccal frenum
-All of the above
Occlusion rims are used:
1.Establish the occlusal plane
2.Establish arch form
3.Establish proper support of the lips and cheeks
4.Establish the initial vertical and horizontal overlaps
5. Obtain preliminary maxillomandibular relation records
6.Establish the vertical dimension of occlusion
-All of the above
Maxillary occlusion rim is adjusted so that:
1.Anteriorly the rim lightly touches the lower during the production of f and v consonante
3.Anteriorly will usually extend inferiorly in a range level with the upper lip at rest to 2mm below the upper lip at rest
4. Provide adequates support for the lips and cheeks
5. Anteroposterior plane is parallel to a line from the infterior border of the ala to the superior border of tragus
Muscles that are involved with opening and protrusion of the mandible include:
-Mylohyoid, geniohyoid, digastric, platyama, lateral pterygoids, omohyoid, sternohyoid, stylohyoid
-All of the above
-Closing: MMT (Medial pterygoid, Masseter, Temporalis
The average interocclusal distance is:
-2-4 mm
Centric relation is defined as?
-Most posterior relation of the mandible to the maxilla at the established vertical dimension of occlusion with condyles articulatingin the anterior-superior position against the slopes of the articular eminences
Methods used to retrude the mandible include:
1.Instructing the pt to relax their mandible and allow it to move backwards and close
2.Asking the pt to place the tip of their tongue to the back of the palate and close
3.Tilt the pt back slightly in the chair
4. Turn the patient upside down and shake
Mounting the maxillary cast on the articulator w/o a face transfer:
a.Presents no problem in dvelopment of occlusion
b.may place the relationship of the teeth in a position on the articulator that is different from their relationship in the mouth
c.Can cause discrepancies in eccentric movements of the denture teeth that could leads to an unbalanced occlusion especially w/ anatomic denture teeth
-B and C
The centric relation record can be made with which of the following mediums?
2.Baseplate wax
3.Zinc-oxide eugenol paste
5.Impression plaster
6.High viscosity impression materials
7.Low viscosity impression materials
-1,3,4,5,7 (Beeswax, Zinc-oxide eugenol paste, aluwax, impression plaster, low viscosity impression materials)
The facial arbitrary face-bow is positioned?
1.13mm in front of the tragus on the ala-tragus line
2.13mm in front of the tragus on the outer canthus-tragus line
3.5mm in front of the tragus on the ala-tragus line
4. 13mm in front of the external auditory meatus on the outer canthus-tragus line
-13mm in front of the external auditory meatus on the outer canthus-tragus line
Cuspid lines may be determined by lines:
a.Drawn from the pupils in a vertical plane passing through the commissures of the lips
b.Extending lines from the inner canthus of the eyes through the commissures of the lips
c.drawn just anterior to the buccal frena bilaterally
d.a and c
e.all of the above
e.all of the above
When drawn, the cuspid line:
-Delineates the location of the distal surface of the maxillary cuspid
When a pt is requested to make the m sound, lick tehir lips, swallow, and or close their lips lightly together, the clinicians is attempting to determine the patient's:
-Vertical dimension of rest
Vertical dimension of occlusion that is excessive:
1.Will cause elimination of the interocclusal distance
2.Will cause an increased interocclusal distance
3.Will cause spasms of the muscles of the jaws
4.Will cause a generalized soreness to the residual alveolar ridge
If there exists a steep condylar guidance and a steep incisial guidance the preferred choice of occlusal design is:
-Use of anatomic teeth with a compensating curve
If there exists a Class II or Class III jaw relationship, severely atrophic residual ridges and or poor neuromusclar coordination or the patients, the preferred choice of occlusal design is:
-Use of nonplane teeth with ramping of the second molars, if needed
Anatomic teeth:
1.are very esthetic
2.are easier to balance than non-anatomical teeth
3.provide more vertical chewing stroke
4.provide more horizontal chewing stroke
Vibrating line:
-marks the posterior border of the maxillary complete denture
-is totally on the soft palate
-extends from hamular nothc to hamular passing anywhere from 2mm behind the fovae palatineae
-a and c
-all of the above
all of the above
The deflection of the lingual flange medially away from the aveolar ridge in the molar region and downward beneath the tongue:
-Caused by promience of the mylohyoid ridge in the molar region
-Caused by the contraction of the mylohyoid muslce
-Desirable b/c it allows the tongue to site upon this portion of the lingual flange to aid in retention of the mandibular denture
-Desirable b/c it allows the mylohyoid muslce to contract during function w/o displacing the mandibular denture
The amount of space that exists b/t the vertical dimension of rest and the vertical dimension of occlusion is:
-Interocclusal distance (free-way space)
The positional relationship of the mandibular incisors to the maxillary incisors during the "s", "ch" and "j" sounds is:
-the closest speaking space
The best plan of occlusion to enhance stability of complete dentures is one with a shallow incisal guidance inclination. This can be accomplished several ways, which is the least favorable way to accomplish this:
-a.Increase horizontal overlap
-b.shorten the lower anterior teeth by grinding
-c.slightly reduce the length on both max and mand. anterior teeth
-d.none of the above
-b: shorten the lower anterior teeth by grinding