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100 Cards in this Set

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"Roman numeral I"
"Roman numeral II"
"Roman numeral III"
"He got four years to life for putting his human legs in someone’s mouth."
"Top hats are worn by creatures with six animal legs."
"Upside down and crossed out."
"Nine players on a baseball team, with a toe stuck out."
"Roman numeral X turned 45 degrees."
"Man in the moon’"
"Rice Field"
"Pictograph. Agriculture showed the brains of human civilization. "
"Cross over tombstone."
"I have five senses, but one mouth."
"Mother always warned, its not worth the risk of losing ones’ sight to cast the eye up to the sun."
"God made Adam’s companion in Eve. “Flesh of my flesh”."
"The two brightest things in the sky, the sun and the moon."
"A chanting mouths maybe prosperous. "
"A diamond sparkles like three suns. "
"Like the mouths of the masses waiting to consume goods that have been mass produced for consumption. "
"What’s more prosperous than two suns in the sky?"
"The sun touches its favorite flower earliest. The sunflower."
"Rising Sun"
"Atop a baseball bat is the flag of the land of the rising sun."
"30 years = 10 + 10 + 10"
"The stomach is the flesh that keeps the brain functioning."
"The opening of night into day occurs as the sun appears over the horizon/floor. "
"Gall Bladder"
"Never watch the moon and let nightbreak on your anger, otherwise it will fester in the gall bladder to make you ill. "
"The sun moves from the floor to the ceiling of the sky, day after day, marking the span of our lives. "
"Curved like the interior of a circle."
"Curved or rounded outward."
"Olden Times"
"I remember the olden times; I didn’t need a walking stick those days."
"Think to oneself, the nose is a drop mother nature placed between the eyes. "
"A drop of sun light is white when the colors are broken by a prism."
"Japanese refer the the 99th birthday as the White Year because white is what you are left with if you subtract one from a hundred. "
"Mother needs to get medicine into the kid, so she uses a walking stick to pry the mouth open."
"Drop two more zeros on ten to make a thousand."
"A thousand mouths speaking a language share a common tongue."
"Measuring Box"
"A thousand needles belong in a measuring box. But don’t drink sake out of it!"
"Rise Up"
"Even the sun would rise up if over a thousand needles."
"Nine plus a drop rounds to ten."
"The measurement should equal ten drops of glue."
"People generally endeavor to have multiple specialties and extend themselves over a number of fields: Ten rice fields glued together. "
"Needles are the speciality of Doctors. "
"The fortune-teller has a magic wand over her mouth."
"Magic wand above floor."
"Magic wand below ceiling."
"A famous magician uses a magic wand and a sunflower in his act."
"A mist falls as the moon fades in the first light of morning. "
"Side show freak! Only one of its kind, one big mouth and two animal legs. "
"An eye with animal legs, a freaky image on the seafloor. "
"A magic wand would be needed for a clam to be upright. "
"“New employees should keep their mouths shut and do their jobs.” They walk around with clams pinched over their mouths. "
"Everyone’s eye see from atop their human legs."
"Newborn Babe"
"In the olden times, newborn babes came with human legs."
"In the beginning, God made two of everything, including human legs."
"One page dropped on the shellfish’s head."
"A stubborn person begins with a belief in their head and sticks with it not matter the prevailing wisdom."
"Insignificant as a drop in the wind."
"Shell to shell combat, defeated clam is bound and gagged with seaweed."
"Ten Thousand"
"Under the floor are ten thousand yen bound together."
"A phrase is a bunch of words bound up so they fit in your mouth."
"The texture of your flesh will change due to the hot desert winds. "
"Decameron is a tale of a ten day journey taken taken by a group of people bound together."
"A ladle hold bound up drops of liquid."
"Bull’s Eye"
"The dove beside the ladle, thats your target. Shoot a bull’s eye!"
"A giraffe has horns and a nose atop a long neck."
"Fish Guts"
"Pictograph. (Also means two in the Chinese Zodiac, along with: pure, tasteful and quaint like a small fishing village)"
"Barbed tongues could start a riot."
"The fishhook must be straighten out straightaway so that it can pass through they eye of the needle."
"Atop the table the carpenter can eye all of his tools."
"Through the eye of the needle, the fate’s favorite tool, they can see what is true and what is not."
"Pictograph resembles I-beam used in construction. "
"The left is associated with sinister things like witch-craft."
"Imagine a mouth hanging down by your left side telling you to do the right thing."
"An evil spirit possess you by hanging close to your side, clinging to the flesh."
"If one were possessed by money, they would be likely to accept a bribe."
"Kings have to be crafty to collect their tributes and taxes. "
"A writer’s craft is to write many paragraphs and these pearls of wisdoms descend from their heads to the page. "
"Pictograph of guard of sword. "
"If you confuse your dagger with your razor blade, it will get a drop of blood on it."
"A knife happy chef cuts with seven dagger."
"Which object does the seducing, the long narrow object or the small round object?"
"He shines his shoes in order the seduce the sun down on them for all to see."
"Those with the money and weapons make the rules."
"The weapon behind the wealth in the company is the vice-president."
"Yelling with a wide mouth, bound up and separated from his saber, the samurai is experiencing separation anxiety. "
"Sesame Street is brought to you by the letter ‘T’. "
"The street sign at the corner of the rice field marks the village limits. "
"The little engine that could. “I think I can, I think I can ...” Spitting railroad spikes out of its mouth as it chugs along up the hill."
"Place On The Head"
"“Hitting the nail on the head” or beside it in this case. "
"Mom carries child in cocoon on back wrapped up, arms sticking out, legs bound together. "
"Every child fears the dentist finding cavities, and his hook of a drill."
"A child completely wrapped in cocoon."
"The woman has two legs, two arms and is graceful."
"A woman is fond of her child."
"Resembles likeness of a woman’s cave - vagina."