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39 Cards in this Set

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direct the making of each body cells machinery, including enzymes, provide instructions for all structural components


Need nutrients, have different replenishing rates

Specialized cells

Group together to form tissues and organs

(i.e. fat cells -> fat tissue)

Red blood cells as an indicator of malnutrition

Body Fluids and the Cardiovascular system

fluid intake aids circulation of fluid to cells

Blood and Lymph

Deliver oxygen and nutrients to body cells, carry carbon dioxide and waste away

Lymphatic Vessels

pick up most fats from intestines and transport to blood -> circulates fluid

Extracellular fluids

Surrounds cells, allows exchange of material

Intracellular fluids

provides medium for cell reactions

Extra organs in cardiovascular system

Intestines, liver, kidneys

Hormonal and Nervous System

Communicator within body, co-ordinates and regulates processes

Respond to need for food, govern act of eating, regulate digestion and call for stress response


Chemical messengers -> are released directly into blood by glands

Regulate reaction to stress, affect hunger and appetite, menstrual cycle/pregnancy

Hormones of the Pancreas

Insulin (takes glucose from blood - when eating)

Glucagon (releases glucose - in between meals)

Nervous system with hormones...

regulate hunger and appetite


Consciousness i.e. hunger


Physiological reaction to hunger (i.e. gurgling stomach)

Consciousness can override this

Fight or flight reaction

Stress response for survival, neurotransmitters epinephrine/norepinephrine released

Pupils widen, breathing quickens, heart pumps oxygen to muscles, blood pressure rises

Effect of flight or fight on digestive system

Metabolism speeds up, liver releases glucose, fat cells release fat, digestive system shuts down


(Irritable bowel syndrome) -> high stress shuts down digestive system - constant stress upsets nutritional uptake

Components of the Immune System

Skin (physical barrier), lungs and digestive tract lined with membranes to prevent microbes penetrating (sensitive to vitamin and nutrient deficiencies)

Antigen - microbe/substance foreign to body

White Blood Cells

Phagocytes, Killer T-Cells, Helper T-Cells, B-Cells


Scavenger cells first to defense -> ingest invaders send messages

Killer T-Cells

Read and remember invades from phagocyte's messages, defend body

Helper T-Cells

Read and remember invaders, do not attack but help the other immune cells


Release antibodies (kill invaders and remember them)


"Hunger hormone" secreted by stomach

Chemical tastes

Sweet, sour, bitter, salty "umami"/savory

Aroma, texture, temperature

Other flavor elements - affect food intake

Balance variety, moderation and adequacy

Promotes optimal utilization offoods

Healthy gastrointestinal tract (GIT)

Help promote proper functioning; malnutrition impairs digestion, impaired digestion worsens malnutrition

Gastrointestinal tract

Flexible muscular tube, digestive tract and alimentary canal (mouth->anus) and pancreas, liver, gallblader

GIT functions

Regulated by endocrine and nervous systems

Digestive tract

breaks down complex food into smaller, absorbable nutrients and undigested wastes by mechanical/chemical means

Organs that participate in mechanical digestion

Mouth (chewing, saliva moistens), esophagus (food passes through esophageal sphincter), stomach (mixing, churning, grinding, peristalsis moves food along through pyloric sphincter)

Organs that participate in chemical digestoin

Mouth (amylase works on starch, lingual lipase -> milk fats)

stomach (gastric juice, starts protein digestion (pepsin))

pancreas (pancreatic juice with bicarbonate neutralizes stomach acid, digests CHO, proteins, fats)

Small intestine (proteases)

gall bladder (bile to emulsify fats and oils for enzymes)

liver (metabolize CHO, protein and fats to simplest elements)

large intestine (digest some fibre)

Problems with digestion

Food allergy/aversion/intolerance (lack of enzymes)/poisoning


Do not eat enough -> too much acid produced + harms stomach

Surgical complications



IBS (alternating diarrhea/constipation)

Food and drug interactions

heart burn


GERD Causes

Overweight, choices of food, carbonated foods

GERD Relief

Antacids, acid reduces, acid controllers (too much can make it worse)

Eat small, frequent meals and eat slowly

Limit caffeine, alcohol, smoking, trigger foods (certain herbs/spices, vegetables, sugar replacers)

Wait 2-3 hours after eating before laying down

Wear loose fitting garments

Storage of macro/micronutrients in body

Fat (fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K)

Liver and muscles (glycogen and starch)

Muscles (protein)

Bones (Ca, Na, other minerals)

Excretion of macro/micronutrients in body

Kidneys - adjust blood composition in response to removal of water, wastes/toxins

Lungs - exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, excrete some alcohol

Liver - processes other wastes in blood stream for removal through digestive tract and kidneys