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15 Cards in this Set

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What was the medieval world view?

Although accepted universe structure was based on observation and mathematics, irregularities in planetary motion were explained away bc any scientific reasoning needed to be in line with Christianity

No concept of natural laws; God is prime mover

Earth was flat, motionless and geocentric

Scholars and Theologians more interested in how to achieve heaven; eternal fate after death more important.

God is immanent

What was St. Thomas Aquinas' view on creation?

Unmoved mover is god

World is not eternal

World is corruptible and can be spoilt by sin

Corpernicus and Brahe advocated for helicentricity in the former's work de Revolutionibus (1543)

"it is necessary to arrive at a first mover, put in motion by no other; and this everyone understands to be God"

(Summa Theologica, 1485)

Galilei Galileo's views?

We don't live in closed, Earth centred universe, but an immeasurable space.

Movement of planets were natural & not result of prime mover

"Philosophy is written in that great book - I mean the universe - ... but you [need to] understand the language and recognise the symbols in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics"

(Dialogues Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, 1632)

He distinguished between celestial and terrestrial law and came to concl. that Bible/scripture must be metaphorical.

Isaac Newton's views?

Man was made in God's image and believed gravity & motion was made by him. Based findings on Christian world view

Ivan Peterson writes;

"This mathematical machinery, by encapsulating completely the solar system's past, present and future, in principle seemed to leave no room for the unforeseen"

(Newton's Clock: Chaos in the Solar System, 1993)

Conflict between Science and world view?

Universe was seen as machine that made people feel less special, esp that it was proven to be heliocentric and not geocentric.

Led to belief in Deism

Newton unable to explain why 2 or more planets orbiting sun weren't upset by extra gravitational influence. Pierre Laplace said they were self correcting lapses, and writes;

"I have no need of that [God as a creator] hypothesis"

Stephen Hawking countered;

"Laplace's [scientific] determinism was incomplete in two ways. It did not say how the laws should be chosen and it did not specify the initial configuration of the universe"

(A Brief History of Time, 1992)

Big Bang. What and who discovered it. When?

Jean Baptiste Lamarck and Darwin on evolution?

Big bang explains origin and development of scientific laws. Big explosion happened ex nihilo 10-15m years ago and seconds later, space and time and laws began. Discovered by George Gamow in late 1940. Edwin Hubble discovered in 1929 that galaxies move apart very fast; redshift.

Lamarck believed organisms changed to adapt to changing environments. Organs no longer needed eventually disappeared. Natural selection was advantage for survival.

"a more frequent and continuous use of any organ gradually ... gives it a power proportional to the length of time it has been used; while the permanent disuse of any organ ... finally disappears."

(Philosophie Zoologique, 1809)

Darwin believed variations existed within species and depending on environment may help them survive.

"New and improved varieties will inevitably supplant and exterminate the older, less improved and intermediate varieties; and thus species are rendered to a large extent defined and distant objects"

Fundamentalist Young Earth Christians

Literal interpretation of Bible. Earth IS 6,000-10,000 years old. Life WAS created in 6 x 24 hr days. Death and decay came as a result of Adam and Eve's fall, Geology had to be interpreted in terms of Noah's flood.

Accept heliocentricity

Exact date of creation is 4004 BC based on dating procedures with biblical record by Bishop James Ussher

No death before fall OR it contradicts bible

Rejects Big Bang an Evolution.

"I have observed that ... in the year 710 [4004 BC] ... both the first day of creation and the first motion of time are to be deduced"

(The Annals of the World, 1658)

Ken Ham explains fossil records are infallible

"if you can't trust the book of Genesis as literal history, then you can't trust the rest of the Bible ... if Adam wasn't created from dust and that if he didn't fall into sin ... the New Testament can't be true either"

(Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World: Leaving a Lasting Legacy, 2008)

Fundamentalist Old Earth Christians

Accepts age of earth. 6 days doesn't neccesarily mean 6 24 hour days.

Religion always supersedes Science.

GAP creationists believe age of Earth and that certain facts about human past and Earth's age must have been omitted. May have been a gap between 6 days and Fall of Man.

PROGRESSIVE creationists reject evolution and accepts Earth's age. Animals were here from start.

Conservative Christians

Inerrancy of Bible; no fault. But biblical accounts were written in writer's time and need to be reinterpreted in light of today. Contains spiritual truths, i.e. "Let there be light" in Genesis story

Liberal Christians

Creation accounts not literally true, written by people influenced at the time, therefore likely to have inaccuracies of Science.

Ernest Lucas writes;

"[creation stories are] a form of narrative, but one in which truth is put in a symbolic way, because it was dealing with the big questions of life ... I think these are more powerfully put across in story form"

(Science and Wonders, from Russell Stanard's book, 1996)

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin believed in evolution, everything will be integrated with Christ at the Omega Point.

"noogenesis [intelligence] ascending irreversibly towards Omega through a limited cycle of a geogenesis [start of important life] ... evolution cannot attain to fulfillment on Earth except through a point of dissociation"

(Phenomenon of Man, 1955)

Stephen Meyer's thoughts on Intelligent Design?

Accepts evolution, but it must have been directed by an intelligent cause

"The [Darwinian] theory does not challenge the idea of evolution defined as change over time, or even common ancestry, but it does dispute Darwin's idea that the cause of biological change is wholly blind and undirected"

(Not by Chance, 2005)

Michael Behe's thoughts on Intelligent Design?

Some structures at biochemical level are too complex to be adequately explained by evolution alone - irreducible complexity

"a single system composed of several well-matched interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning"

(Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, 1996)

Deists thoughts on God.

God is creator, not sustainer. Act of creation was a single event when God started off the process of creation, after which God left the universe to evolve on its own w/o interference

Can accept Big Bang.

God is transcendant.

Unknowable; untouchable

God as sustainer

"Let us therefore believe that God works constantly, so that all created things would perish, if his workings were withdrawn"

(St Augustine)

God's being is not embodied in creation, but is transcendent over it.

God acts to determine physical events microscopically. Physical universe not deterministic, but open causal system.

John Polkinghorne argues God's act of creation is a continuing act. Universe is an open and flexible system where patterns can be seen to exist, and the beauty of these patterns are mathematical - more likely than chance.

Big Crunch

Universe will collapse into same state it began, and then another BB will occur to start off new universe. Therefore universe will last forever but would continually go through phases of expansion and contraction

"The universe undergoes an endless sequence of cycles in which it contracts in a Big Crunch and re-emerges in an expanding Big Bang, with trillions of years of evolution in between"

(Paul J. Steinhardt, The Endless Universe: Introduction to the Cyclic Universe, 2002)


Although acceptable to those who believe in biblical accounts of day of judgement, but it goes against notion that God created one universe only. Also why would God send people to an eternal life of punishment?

"If we discover a complete theory, it should in time be understandable by everyone, not just by a few scientists. Then we shall all, philosophers, scientists and just ordinary people, be able to take part in the discussion [of why the universe exists]"

(Stephen Hawking, The Mind of God, 1996)

How universe came to be may never be solved.