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47 Cards in this Set

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IN the area of moral learning, this individual is without peer. His stage theory of how morality develops in children and youth is particularly significant for others who build stage theories which include concerns about attitudes of "right and wrong." His work became the basis of James Fowler's faith stage theory in the area of moral choices.
L. Kohlberg
This theorist proposed that "direct immediate experience" is the best teaching model to use to help people if you are interested in both commitment and retention as a goal of learning.
Edgar Dale
The construct that suggests that individuals move through regular and patterned steps until development is complete or a level of normalcy is evident.
Stage Theory
This person developed the concept or system that recognizes that individuals move through regular patterns of life and that through the resolution of independent "crises" in each step of a person's development people may obtain virtues of "faith," "values," "hope," etc.
Erik Erikson
The ultimate goal of religious instruction and nurture. Without this biblical concept internalized in people's lives, Faith will only be an intellectual construct and nothing much will happen in youth's lives.
This experience provides the basis for theorists and theologians as they try to understand its myriad meanings and complexities as to its development
Religious Experience
This person saw people's growth in eight steps, all involving the resolution of certain tensions. The resolution of these tensions provides a religious value such as hope, faith, and autonomy to name just a few.
Erik Erikson
This person suggested that people move through regular steps in their religious quest. These include the process of "action," "reflection," and "evaluation." Reality testing leads to choice making and finally active devotion.
John Westerhoff III
This person's model of faith growth suggests that individuals(chidren) should be able to grow up never knowing that they were not religious. His famous book, Christian Nurture, is a classic and one should not consider herself educated unless carefully read.
Horace Bushnell
Posed against Fowlers stage theory this model of faith situations stresses the practical application of stage theory. He said, "If one could provide the best opportunity at the right time of life for faith to develop, faith will grow to fulfill its fullest and richest understanding.
V. Bailey Gillespie
Reacting to discussions about stage theory, this theologian describes the process by which faith is nurtured. What was suggested includes the many ways in which faith can be nurtured during the growth process? One such process is the use of such activities as art, music, and drama to encourage reflection in a deeper sense in the religious real. This theorist suggests a number of processes to become involved in as faith life emerges.
Sarah Little
This theorists mentions the importance of indoctrination in the process of learning about God. Sees it as a valid approach however elementary in the process of growth
John Westerhoff III
IN this approach to learning about God Theological conceptualizations are open to continual change in such a way that experience interpreted by scientific methodology, is normative for religious life a swell as for religious theory and practice,
Social Science Theoretical Approach
Theological conceptualizations, a usual feature of which is recognition of the present continuing revelatory activity of God are normative for all decisions relative to theory and practice. Revelation, past or present is typically perceived to have an experiential quality
Contemporary Theological Theoretical Approach
In this approach to religious learning, the Bible is usually seen to be a record of revelation, but not necessarily revelatory in and of itself. It is often said to "contain God's word for me," rather than to be considered all of God's words for me.
Contemporary Theological Theoretical Approach
The purpose of this approach is to maintain the clear revelation of God in its most pure and consistent form. Those helping other with their faith development with this model in mind often are careful not to add or even interpret the Bible's Truth.
Traditional Theological Theoretical Approach
Roman Catholic methodology often often incorporates this theoretical approach however they add to the power of the Bible the importance of tradition in the church.
Traditional Theological Theoretical Approach
John Dewey, the father of the field trip would be a good representative of this philosophical model of how people learn about God because he believed that the experience of seeing firsthand how God works would begin the inductive understanding of God.
Social Cultural Theoretical Approach
The aim of this method or approach is the communication of a divine message carefully treated and maintained.
Traditional Theological Theoretical Approach
In this approach there is a careful balance between the revelation of God (Bible) and its mystery and scientific givens about how people learn religion.
Social Science Theoretical Approach
On conservative critique of this approach is that personal experience and existence by be too self centered and while concern for contemporary life is good and relevance appropriate, using personal authority to determine if something is benefical may be too subjective for most conservative christians. After all, are the the experience we have loaded with information about God's will
Contemporary Theological Theoretical Approach
The ministerial practices which stem from this approach are usually verbal in practice, the lecture being the principle model.
Traditional Theological Theoretical Approach.
On conservative critique of this approach is that personal experience and existence by be too self centered and while concern for contemporary life is good and relevance appropriate, using personal authority to determine if something is benefical may be too subjective for most conservative christians. After all, are the the experience we have loaded with information about God's will
Contemporary Theological Theoretical Approach
By entering into the flow of present existence you learn about God's will according to these theorists.
Social Cultural Theoretical Approach
In this approach, a more scientific methodology is often employed.
Social Science Approach
The ministerial practices which stem from this approach are usually verbal in practice, the lecture being the principle model.
Traditional Theological Theoretical Approach.
Often this approach explores the various textures in religious learning. For example as many as eight contents of learning are often identified, with obvious methodologies for teaching these contents explored in this approach to religious learning.
Social Science Approach
The major purpose of religion in life in this approach is that of social reconstruction rather than individual salvation.
Social Cultural Theoretical Approach
By entering into the flow of present existence you learn about God's will according to these theorists.
Social Cultural Theoretical Approach
In faith stage theory the third stage for Fowler is the most basic and probably describes the most common stage. What is it called?
Synthetic-Conventional Faith
In this approach, a more scientific methodology is often employed.
Social Science Approach
Postulated a theory of faith growth that included a spiral type growth patter with movements both forward and backward.
Edgar Dale
Often this approach explores the various textures in religious learning. For example as many as eight contents of learning are often identified, with obvious methodologies for teaching these contents explored in this approach to religious learning.
Social Science Approach
The major purpose of religion in life in this approach is that of social reconstruction rather than individual salvation.
Social Cultural Theoretical Approach
Our first textbook is concerned about a number of issues, but the theme of the book covers a broad concept. What is that concept?
In faith stage theory the third stage for Fowler is the most basic and probably describes the most common stage. What is it called?
Synthetic-Conventional Faith
Postulated a theory of faith growth that included a spiral type growth patter with movements both forward and backward.
Edgar Dale
Our first textbook is concerned about a number of issues, but the theme of the book covers a broad concept. What is that concept?
On conservative critique of this approach is that personal experience and existence by be too self centered and while concern for contemporary life is good and relevance appropriate, using personal authority to determine if something is benefical may be too subjective for most conservative christians. After all, are the the experience we have loaded with information about God's will
Contemporary Theological Theoretical Approach
The ministerial practices which stem from this approach are usually verbal in practice, the lecture being the principle model.
Traditional Theological Theoretical Approach.
By entering into the flow of present existence you learn about God's will according to these theorists.
Social Cultural Theoretical Approach
In this approach, a more scientific methodology is often employed.
Social Science Approach
Often this approach explores the various textures in religious learning. For example as many as eight contents of learning are often identified, with obvious methodologies for teaching these contents explored in this approach to religious learning.
Social Science Approach
The major purpose of religion in life in this approach is that of social reconstruction rather than individual salvation.
Social Cultural Theoretical Approach
In faith stage theory the third stage for Fowler is the most basic and probably describes the most common stage. What is it called?
Synthetic-Conventional Faith
Postulated a theory of faith growth that included a spiral type growth patter with movements both forward and backward.
Edgar Dale
Our first textbook is concerned about a number of issues, but the theme of the book covers a broad concept. What is that concept?