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100 Cards in this Set

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The basic teachings of Islam are set down in the
Five Pillars
Ahura Mazda is the one and only true God of
An important force for Christian unity in the twentieth century was
Marriage is an example of which of the following basic characteristics of religion?
Rite of passage
A difference between Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism is
I. an emphasis on monasticism

II. an emphasis on the compassion of Buddha

III. the transformation of Siddharta Gautama into an Ultimate Being, one of many Buddhas

IV. the belief that the "Great Vehicle" has room to transport all souls to nirvana
The Jews' view of themselves as Yahweh's chosen people resulted from
Yahweh's covenant with Abraham
Gnosticism's influence on Christianity can be seen in Christianity's
emphasis on the goodness of the spirit over the evilness of the flesh
A major stumbling block to reconciliation with Protestant groups is the Roman Catholic Church's
doctrine of papal infallibility
The basis for the split in Islam into Sunni and Shi'a was
The Hindu New Year is
Who attempted to reconcile Aristotelian logic with the existence of God
Thomas Aquinas
"Jen" in Confucianism is the
quality of human-heartedness
Which of the following statements best describes someone who follows Taoism?
A Taoist endeavors to live a simple life.
The modern evangelical movement in the United States has been successful primarily because it
provides many people a counterweight to changing social mores
A major cause of the schism between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Churches was the
primacy of the pope in determining matters of Christian doctrine
All of the following are holy cities to Muslims EXCEPT

(Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem are holy cities)
Monism is an aspect of which of the following?
Native American religions

Monism is the belief that all things—reality—are part of a whole.
The purpose of the Catholic sacrament of Anointing the Sick is to
confer special grace on the gravely ill person
Which of the following divisions of Judaism follow the teachings of a rebbe?
Hasidic Jews

All the other divisions of modern Judaism have rabbis, rather than rebbes who are mystics.
Living a life according to "dharma" will result in
a better birth in the next cycle of rebirth, life, and death
What are the aspects of Buddhism's Four Noble Truths?
I. Desire is the cause of all suffering.

II. The only way to end suffering is to end desire

III. The Eightfold Path

IV. All life is suffering.
The beginning of the caste system in Indian society can be found in the
The Law of Manu describes the caste system and the duties of each caste.
The purpose of the sweat-lodge ceremony is to
purify the body and mind
Charitable giving is important to Muslims because it
acknowledges that everything belongs to Allah ultimately
While all religions pray, which of the following is NOT a category of prayer?

(Penance, Petition, Thanksgiving, and adoration four reasons for prayer)
The primary purpose of the bar mitzvah and the bat mitzvah is to
recognize when a boy and a girl are considered adults in Judaism
The Protestant Reformation began with
Martin Luther

nailed his "95 Thesis" attacking practices of the Catholic Church to the door of Wittenberg Cathedral in 1517. This act led to the beginning of Protestantism and the Reformation.
Which of the following is NOT a teaching of Islam
Fasting during the day for one month each year

Teachings below

a. Pork and alcohol are forbidden.

b. Ritual washing must be done before prayer.

c. Hajj at least once every ten years

d. Islam instructs Muslims to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lives if possible.
Harmony is the dominant theme of

The Tao Te Ching teaches that one should live in harmony with the Tao
A major reason for Guru Nanak's founding of Sikhism was his
rejection of the caste system
Ancestor veneration is part of all of the following religions EXCEPT
hold similar general beliefs about heaven and hell?
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
According to the doctrine of transubstantiation in the Roman Catholic Church
Jesus is actually present in the bread and wine in communion
Buddhism's "middle path" is best explained as a way of life that
is neither a life of pleasure nor one of self-denial
belief systems are neither monotheistic nor polytheistic?
The Talmud is
a compilation of ancient Jewish oral law and rabbinical teachings
According to the Jewish Bible, Judaism began with Yahweh's promise to
Seeking converts is NOT an important element of
Meditation is an important part of the practice of all of the following EXCEPT
indigenous religions of South America

Meditation is an element of many Eastern religions, including
Hinduism can be characterized as a religion that
has no set list of beliefs that followers must accept
The best description of why Chinese rulers tolerated and even encouraged Confucianism for 2,500 years was because it
taught people to accept the status quo
Who of the following is the most traditionally observant Jew?
The following are shared characteristics of mainstream Protestant denominations
lack of hierarchical structures
rejection of transubstantiation
focus of services on preaching and singing

(One of the elements of Roman Catholicism that founders of Protestant denominations rejected was veneration of the saints)
The most accurate explanation of why the Roman Catholic Church practices infant baptism is because it
removes the stain of original sin
The prophet and priest Ezra's contribution to Judaism was
the concept that Judaism was based on laws that could be read and known
Islam is similar to Judaism in that
neither has priests
Buddhism declined in India until it
was absorbed into Hinduism
The father of the gods in the Greek pantheon was
Shamans serve as
guides to the spirit world
The "Bhagavad Gita" is important to
Women cannot become cantors and rabbis in which branch of Judaism?
Which religion is the largest in the world?
Shari'a deals with
religious conduct
commercial transactions
political actions
private life
The Apostles Creed, Nicene Creed, and Athanasian Creed have all of the following in common EXCEPT
all Protestant denominations accept all three of the creeds
The Hasidic movement was founded by
Baal Shem Tov
The Qur'an contains
what Allah said to Muhammad
To say the Shahadah is to
profess one's Islamic faith
Praying the glorious mysteries of the rosary is an act of devotion of
Roman Catholics
The menorah is a symbol used for which Jewish holy day?
The best explanation for the government persecution of Buddhists during the Tang Dynasty in China was that
officials were worried that Buddhism's popularity would affect people's loyalty to the government
According to Confucianism, which of the following is the most important virtue a ruler can possess?
Which of the following is taboo for Jews?
Eating pork
The Prophetic Movement brought God's word to
"Kami" is the name of the spirits of people, places, and nature in which religion?
A major difference between Buddhism and Hinduism is Buddhism's rejection of
the caste system
A definition of religion would include which of the following elements?
A code of moral conduct
An afterlife
The only religion that requires miracles in order for a person to be named a saint is
Roman Catholicism
The clover leaf is a good way to illustrate the mystery of
the Trinity
The Sufi movement was a reaction against
the growing materialism of Islam around the 800s
In Taoism, yin is
female, nurturing, and passive
Members of the Pure Land sect of Buddhism believe that the Land of Bliss
can be entered by living a good life and reciting the name of Amitabha
The Feast of Purim celebrates
when Queen Esther saved the Jews from a massacre
In Judaism, Yahweh
is a righteous God who demands moral and ethical behavior from people
The predominant culture in India is
The relationship between ruler and ruled in Confucianism is mirrored in Judaism's and Christianity's
Fourth Commandment
The Fourth Commandment, Honor thy Father and thy Mother, applies not only to relationships within the family unit, but to the relationship between civil authority and members of the civil society.
Which of the following Buddhist sects is credited with instilling the idea of nationalism among the Japanese?
Which of the following is NOT a major doctrinal difference between Roman Catholicism and mainstream Protestant denominations?
Jesus is the son of God.
During their centuries of conquest, Muslim rulers
allowed subject peoples to practice their own religions
Jewish mysticism is known as
Which of the following is a true statement about Confucian teachers after Confucius?
Meng-zi reinforced Confucius's teaching that people were innately good, whereas Xun-zi taught that people were innately evil.
The Wahhabi movement took control of the area that became which of the following nations?
Saudi Arabia
Which of the following was not a result of the Council of Trent, which was convened during what is known as the Counter-Reformation?
Ended the practice of indulgences
In Zen Buddhism, "satori" is
The Diaspora is the term given to the
movement of Jews to areas outside Palestine beginning in the eighth century B.C.E.
The Mahdi is the Islamic equivalent of
a messiah
In Taoism, the source of all things is
an imperceptible presence in the universe
Which of the following was the main reason for the centuries-long mutual hatred between Christians and Muslims?
Invasion of the Holy Land by the Crusaders
Who united the Israelites into a single nation?
In the thinking of many Buddhist sects, to love any person or any thing is
a distraction from seeking salvation
A major difference between Tibetan Buddhism and other Buddhist sects is Tibetan Buddhism's
reliance on magic
The Messiah according to Judaism will do all of the following EXCEPT
bring the gift of God's grace
The purposes of Ramadan are to
commemorate the Angel Gabriel's appearance to Muhammad

have one's sins forgiven

become more aware of how a person acts in life
Which of the following was adopted as the state religion in Japan in the Meiji Restoration of 1868?
According to Christian theology, Jesus was killed
to redeem humankind from sin
Confucianism could be considered a philosophy rather than a religion because it
does not include worship of spirits or divine beings
A bodhisattva
helps others to find nirvana
The Ganges River is sacred to Hindus because
it is considered a holy river
Which of the following is a major difference between Episcopalians and Lutherans?
Episcopalians believe in scripture as interpreted by tradition, whereas Lutherans believe that scripture alone is the sole authority on which their faith is based.
Sikhism was founded as a reaction against
Islam and Hinduism
The best explanation of why Muslims pray prostrate on the ground is
to show their humility before Allah