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58 Cards in this Set

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Shang dynasty

(1600-1122 BCE) – first identifiable Chinese state.
Chou dynasty

(3rd c. BCE)(1122-221 bce. – period of major political and social chaos. States fought with one another.

Warring States Period

within the Chou Dynasty (403-221 bce)

Date of emergence of Daoism
(Chou dynasty, 3rd c. BCE)
Where is Daoism practiced?
- Taiwan
- Hong Kong
- Chinese communities of Malaysia, Thailand, Syngapore
- the United States (for example, San Francisco
And China
Purpose of Daoist Practice
to learn how to control qi. The goal is to ally oneself to the yang pattern of light-male-heaven. Daoist practice also involves cultivation of the yin quality of femaleness because it is the female-yin energies that nurture and vitalize the male-yang energies.
T’ai-chi ch’uan
-was developed in the eighteenth century.CE as a training for martial arts.
-to channel qi to body organs and revitalize them.
Shang Ti

-the Lord-on-High, ruler of the universe
-was not a Creator-God
-guarantor of the moral order
-The king consulted Shang Ti. (The king is the chief priest and diviner of the realm)

Mandate of Heaven
(t’ien ming).
-Chou dynasty (1122-221BCE) which overthrew the Shang dynasty
- to justify their rule, they developed the idea of Mandate of Heaven
- to justify their rule, they developed the idea of Mandate of Heaven
What was the emperor of China know as until 1906?
The Son of Heaven
De or te
(inherent power of virtue)
I Ching
(Book of Changes)
a book used to interpret the patterns found in divination of coins, bones, and sticks in Daoism
oracle bones
reading cracks on heated bones and shells. Oracular questions were addressed to the spirits of the ancestors. Over time cracks were identified with the yin and yang forces, an unbroken line with yang, and a broken line with the yin
to tell the future
Stages of Cosmic Gestation in Daoism
0. Tao-primal chaos moved around until primordial breath gathered in the center
1. this breath is called Qi
2. From Qi came Ying and Yang
3. Yin and Yang came Heave, Earth, and Humanity
4. The four seasons formed
5. the 5 directions and five elements formed
What are the basic structures of the universe in daoism?
the four seasons, the five directions, and the five elements
Taiji diagram
The circle picture of ying and yang.
yang is white on the left and has the round part at the top of the circle.
yin is dark on the right had has the round part at the bottom of the circle
Wu-wei in government
ruler is passive and hardly noticed
he takes the feelings and opinions of the people as his own
Zhuang Zi
(Master Chuang, also written as Chuang Tzu) in the fourth century BCE. He is the legendary author of a work that goes by the same name. According to tradition, he, too, was a minor government official before he became a hermit.
Zhuang Zi
The book continues the themes of Daodejing:
- exalted nature above culture
- exalted the individual above society
- exalted freedom to flow above rigid social forms

It also moves further:
- is less political than Daodejing.
focused mainly on the individual path to liberation. - is more humorous. .
- underscores the relativity of all human judgements.
- rejects every barrier between the ordinary and the fantastic, between the normal and the paranormal.
-It underscores that perhaps life is a delusion

The book continues the themes of Daodejing:
- exalted nature above culture
- exalted the individual above society
- exalted freedom to flow above rigid social forms

It also moves further:
- is less political than Daodejing. Laozi’s philosophy was addressed to leaders. “Zhuang Zi” focused mainly on the individual path to liberation. The author himself turned away from society. He asserted that the best way to live in a chaotic, absurd civilization is to become detached from it.
- is more humorous. It uses witty anecdotes and allegory.
- underscores the relativity of all human judgements. Whatever nature (Dao) brings to pass all things are equal in their right to be and act. There is no standard or uniform way of doing things.
- rejects every barrier between the ordinary and the fantastic, between the normal and the paranormal. It underscores that perhaps life is a delusion
Yellow Turbans
2nd c. BCE
(The Way of Great Peace), headed by Zhang Jue.
-conquered the whole of the Yellow River in eastern China.
-proclaimed that yin and yang were no longer in balance in heaven and on earth.
-A new “Yellow Heaven” mandate was to replace the Han dynasty mandate.
-The followers wore a yellow turban.
-emphasized violence and the end of the world.
-This group no longer exists.
The Eight Immortals
second category of Daoist deities.
They consists of human beings who—through learning, self-discipline, alchemy —have purified themselves of mortal imperfections and become gods,
Among them is the Maiden immortal.
God of the Stove
the “shen” thought to sit in the kitchen corner in every home and watch over the family.
Where did confucianism dominate the philosophy of education?
china korea and japan
The Great Learning (Da Xue).
The book deals with the education of gentlemen in general. In classical Chinese education, this was the first text studied by schoolboys.
The Doctrine of the Mean (Chung Yung).
It deals with the relationship between humanity and the world order.
The Book of Mencius
(third century BCE). It is a collection of the sayings of one of Confucius’s principal disciples. It systematized the teachings of Confucius.
Five Basic Relationships
- parent and child
- husband and wife
- elder and younger brother
- friend and friend
- ruler and subject
What is the way of Dao for Confucians?
the way to the Dao is to seek virtue actively. In Daoism, you act without asserting yourself to avoid manipulative acts of kindness. You should be yourself in the most natural sense. By living spontaneously, the person is allowing the Dao to come to its true expression.
ren (jen)
propriety, good form, the right thing to do at the right time
xiao or hsiao
filial piety
the retification of names
Master Meng (mencius)
4th-3rd c BCE * humans are by nature good. There are times when good feelings are not prompted by desire for reward. This natural goodness must be cultivated.
* like Confucius, he emphasized obligations to, and love of, family members
* rulers are obligated to help provide the material means for life to all citizens. They should adhere to a land distribution system to insure fair distribution.
* citizens have the right to revolt against a ruler who fails to live up to his obligations
Temples of Culture
wen miao

dedicated to Confucius were built (one in each prefecture of China). These temples included images of Confucius and worship there included sacrifices to Confucius. Tablets to distinguished scholars were also placed in these temples 2c
Confucian Scholars and their role during the Han dynasty (206 BCE-220BCE)
Confucian scholars belonged to a new kind of landowning gentry. They had largely replaced the old aristocracy. As government officials, they oversaw the educational network; they also performed rituals in the court and on the local level. The Hans had built “halls of light” (also called “calendar houses”) throughout China for the worship of ancestors and all the major deities.
Confucianism in Korea
Yi dynasty, 14thc CE-1900s CE
thoroughly Confucian in court politics and elite culture. In the nineteenth century, the government tried to limit the economic power of monastic estates. Even today Confucian influence is felt in South Korea (in political behavior, legal practice, ancestral veneration, and village schools).
Confucianism in Japan
In the seventh century CE, Confucianism’s influence began to be felt. In the seventeenth century the Tokugawa rulers saw to a more thorough Confucianization of society. It can be argued that Japanese companies are operated on the model of the Confucian family.
Confucianism in China 1905
Ch’ing rulers abolished the civil service exam in favor of a Western system of education. The goal was to study Western technology.
Confucianism in China 1949
the communist government in China outlawed sacrifices to Confucius and banned the study of Confucian classics. Confucius was considered an advocate of the feudal system that Communism was rebelling against.
Confucianism in China 1980
Confucius has been rehabilitated. Authorities came to believe that the revivalism of Confucianism might help to counteract the rising tide of individualistic consumerism and distrust of those in authority, especially among the youth.
meaning of the word shinto
shen (spirits) and dao (way), that is the “way of the spirits.”
Shinto 6thc. CE
shinto and buddhism adjusted to one another
Shinto 19th c
in response to Western challenge, the Emperor Meiji reinterpreted Shinto
Shinto after 1945
the emperor Hirohito denied his divinity
Kojiki date
Jimmu Tenno
(7th c BCE) human emperor of Japan, He was a human with kami nature
what is the meaning of worship in Shinto?
Worship is not so much a human attempt to obtain a special blessing. It is to share, through ritual, fellowship of life with the kami.
What is the relationship between Shinto and Buddhism?
guided preparation for life after death
Bushido code
(“military warrior-way”). It was a code of honor for Japanese warriors (bushi). It incorporated both Daoist and Zen Buddhist concepts. This code governed the samurai, the feudal military class. It emphasized absolute loyalty of the warrior to his lord. If the warrior failed in his mission, the code required that he commit hara-kiri, ritual suicide.
Motoori Norinaga (1730-1801).
He argued that Shinto surpassed all religions and encompassed all religions.
* He declared that Buddha and Confucius are kami and that their ways are roads of the wide Way of Kami.
* He taught that Japan was superior to other countries. Other countries should give allegiance to the Mikado, the Japanese emperor
Meiji Reforms
19th c.
- ended the samurai era
- ended state patronage of Buddhism
- imposed a sharper division between the Shinto and Buddhist priesthoods. Buddhist priests could not teach that kami were really Buddhas.
- restored to the emperor the title of head of state with a constitution and legislative body under him.
- opened Japan to foreign trade
- made Shinto a state religion separate from religious practice
State Shinto
Jinji Shinto
was identified with the emperor, the government, and patriotism. State Shinto affirmed the connection of the nation with ancestors, the will of the emperor, and the goddess. The individual belonged to the state.

- schools taught the sacredness and centrality of Japan

Officially State Shinto was non religious. The spiritual side of the Shinto Myth was deemphasized: the kami were said to be human beings who had attained legendary status.
Mt. Fiji
pilgrammage place
or the Teaching of the Heavenly Reason, a spiritual group, formed around a peasant woman called Miki who healed her son and then others after experiencing the presence of the kami of Divine Reason. Miki’s teachings continue to thrive today in faith healings and voluntary work for public charity.)
What is the shinto worldview?
Japanese are potentially kami.

main goal is cosmic harmony with all elements in balance.

basic human problem is Disharmony with the kami
Grand Imperial Shrine of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu located at Ise.
It is important for people to go there, at least once in their lifetime. Like most Shinto shrines, the Shrine at Ise is a simple structure, made of unpainted cedar. The symbols of Amaterasu are not pictures or statues, but objects associate with the myth of the goddess, a mirror, sword, and string of stone jewels. As part of the concern for purification and renewal, the Shrine is torn down and rebuilt every twenty years.
the most popular national shrine