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37 Cards in this Set

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Social solidarity

Belief of members in a society that they have things in common


System of related beliefs


Religion belief in an object as sacred or with supernatural power

Sacred and profane

Sacred = special or holy, profane= ordinary or from this earth

Collective conscience

Durkheim, expression of a societys 'collective will' that shapes individuals


Constantly repeated aspects of religious beliefs

Liberation theology

Political philosophy that argues that the church should use it's power and resources to liberate the poor

Protestant ethic

Philosophy based in serving god through hard work, thrift and moral uprightness. Weber identified this as one of the main reasons for capitalism

Civil religion

Ideas and practices that while not overtly religious in content, perform the same function in society USA

Millenarian movement

Religious movements that believe in the end, an apocalypse, collective salvation

Cultural transitions

Neo-marxist,relatively small changes in the lives and positions of groups within society


Strict self discipline that uses abstinence and austerity for spiritual benefit

Religious consumerism

In postmodern societies religions behave like business organizations trying to sell a range of different beliefs

Spiritual shopping

In post modernity religious consumers more likely to "shop around" For a faith that suita individual needs


Advocates a strict observance of the 'fundamental beliefs'


Belief there is no god


Religious organizations characterised by relative size, power and influence over religious and secular matters


Organised subdivision of major religion

Religious pluralism

People in contemporary society have wide range of religious beliefs and organizations from which to choose, no monopoly

Sectarian cycles

Cycles of religious conflict that lead a discriminated groups to separate and form a sect


Characterised by membership of collective feelings of deprivation. Charismatic leaders, innovative solutions


Being let down by religion or beliefs weakening faith


Loose knit individualistic organizations


New religious movement, alternative way if classifying sects and cults attempting to remove the stigma


Ideas used by powerful religious groups to justify their domination in society

World rejecting

Sect whose members reject secular world collectively withdrawing from contact

World accommodating

Sect that neither rejects nor promotes secular world simply co-exist

World affirming

Offers to unlock individuals hidden potential for success in secular world


Making something not influenced by religion


Being religious

Religious beliefs

Belief in a deity or supernatural power that may have control over people's destiny


Withdraw from religious activity

Religious diversity

Existence of different forms of religion in one society

Religious revival

Contemporary growth in popularity of different religions


Self and society become less religious


One cannot know that God exists and therefore neither believes or disbelieves

Cultural defense

Religious ideas are used by social groups as source of physical and psychological protection