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22 Cards in this Set

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God is brought to mankind through the birth of Jesus Christ

What does the incarnation teach us about the sacredness of the human body

Every human life was created by God in his image making it valuable and sacred

Why should we care for out bodies

God is present with in us, so we must take care of our bodies to show that we love God. We are God's gifts that can be used to contribute to what he has planned

How are we called to know god

Connecting to our understanding of faith through our own individual path of intelligence.

How do people come to know and understand God

Through understanding our faith using our unique path of intelliegence

7 types of intelligence

- word(verbal)

- numbers(logical)

- picture(visual)

- body(kinesthetic)

- muscial(sound)

- people(interpersonal)

- self(intrapersonal)

Word/verbal smart

- people who are well-developed in anything using words.( Ex.reading, writing, debating, etc.)

- focus on time of voice, pitch, speed, etc.

- written information has little meaning until it is heard

- often benefit from reading text aloud and using a voice recorder

Numbers/logical smart

- skilled at detecting patterns and logical thinking

- good at scientific investigations and identifying relationships between different things

- understand the reasons behind content

Picture/visual smart

- interpret and create pictures, images, and symbols

- moves things around in the three demintional space

- learns by seeing

Body/kinesthetic smart

-learn through moving, doing, and touching

- remember what was done

Musical/ sound smart

- Think in sound/rhythmic patterns instead of words or pictures

- good hearing in interpreting sounds

People/interpersonal smart

- communicate well with people, both verbally and non-verbally

- sensitive to people's motives, feelings, or moods

Self/intrapersonal smart

- prefers to work alone, and are more independent

- concentrates well, focusing thoughts and feelings on a current topic

How do emotions effect us

- Effect on how we make decisions

- Our mood depends on how we react

What do emotions call us to do

- respond to situations in a morally acceptable way that doesn't go against the 5th commandment

" do you not know what your bodies are members of Christ"

- our bodies are part of the body of Christ

- They deserve to be respected and protected

- Lack of respect show a lack of respect of Christ

" Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and you are not your own"

- Like a temple, God is within us in a very special way

- Since we share our bodies with God, we cannot destroy our bodies

"We are God's works of art, created in Jesus Christ for the food works which God has already designated to make up our way of life"

- God made each one of us original and unique

- We each reflect God in a slightly different way. Together we reveal God's vastness

- We each must use our God given gifts to contribute to good

emotions and passions

- Gifts from God

- They encourage us to act or not to act and make choices between good and evil

- Emotions become good or bad when they lead us to act in a way that is good or bad

- We cannot choose our emotions but we can choose how we respond to them

Being truly alive- thus living life to the fullest is ______

A virtue

Respect for and appreciation of life is ______

a virtue

how do we do God's will

each one of us must develop the habit of appreciating the wonder and richness of life in every situation