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34 Cards in this Set

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what church council condemned Arianism
council of Nicea in 325 which took place in Nicea
e. What statement/document did the Church put out to clarify its stance on the issue?-
the nicean creed
the study of christ
why must jesus be both man and god
he must be so that he could bridge the gap between us and the father because he is the perfect being and because we offended God so we have to try to bridge the gap
hypostatic union
jesus fully human and fully divine
is the mother of the human Jesus
is the mother of God—this is the idea that the Church accepted
who put palagenism forward
is put forward by the monk pelages who is from Britain
b. What does palagenism believe about how we can attain salvation and personal holiness?-
we can attain salvation and personal holiness on our own
who is the major opponent against palagenism
st. augustine
i. What does St. Augustine believe Pelagianism ignores when speaking of the human condition? Be able to explain
Augustine believes that it ignores that fact that we are not perfect and palages ignores sin which is the main concern and it ignores the church
d. What /Who did we say, in class, that Pelagianism also ignores?-
it ignores Jesus
a. When did Rome fall? How many times? By whom? (be specific to tribes and leaders
476(just in general when everything happened), the city of Rome was also taken in 410 by the visogates headed by alerique and then again in 455 by the Vandals
who do pagans blame for the fall of rome
pagans blame the Christians for the fall of Rome because everything was alright until the Christian God came in and they said that Rome was stronger under the pagan God
i. Who is the major theological voice against the pagans during the fall of Rome and what book did this person write defending Christianity
St. Augustine
the city of God
describe emperor Justinian
Justinian liked to trick people out of their money, his ultimate goal was to buy the Mediterranean and reconquer the West and he also created the Justinian code which was a reform of the civil code
iv. Which was the more economically self-sufficient the east or the west?-
the east
iii. Religious/political authority in the west and in the east-
West- the emperor and the pope, East- emperor took on both religious and political
ii. What was the Main Languages of the east and the west
West- latin
east- greek
i. What was the capital of the east and west
Rome and Constaintinople
why did the church give the name pontifex maximus
which means the greatest bridge builder (headed by the king or high priest as the pagan religion) and the catholic church called their pope that so that they could feel connected with the Pontifex Maximus
what does pope gregory the great give us
- the gregorian chant
-“Servant of the Servants of God”-
15. Explain the saying, “as the leader goes, so goes the tribe”-
meaning that if the king will convert so will the whole tribe
who was the frankish king the converted to christianity making france the eldest daughter of the church
King clovis of the franks
was responsible for working w/ the Frankish monarchy (remember the story of him cutting own the pagan tree and making it into a church)
st boniface
a. How can it be said that the Irish “saved western civilization
they saved the scripts which was written in Koine Greek which revived that language
what did the irish believe
the one should go more often to confession
what are the characteristics of monostacism
silence, poverty, isolation, goal is holiness through daily prayer, fasting, self mortification, works of mercy, self denial, and is a very structured life
who was the first st. to practice monactacism
St. Anthony of Egypt
what is monacticism reffered to as
the blodless martyrdom
who gave monostarys there rules
st benedict
means work and prayer summarizes Christian life
f. Ora et Labora”-
what were the benefits and drawback of monactacisim life
i. Economically self sufficient, taught respect for liturgy, acted as spiritual beacons, islands of stability and missionary centers
ii. Negative- mutilation, and then the people don’t get included into the church
who baptized st. augustine
st. ambrose