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89 Cards in this Set

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free and understanding gift from God that helps us to conform our lives to his will
actual grace
any thought, word, deed, or omission contrary to God's eternal law.
actual sin
bishop, priest, or deacon who presides at a liturgical function
human appetites or desires which remain disordered due to the temporal consequences of original sin, which remain even after Baptism, and which produce an inclination to sin
the words and signs that accompany a sacrament
the part of the sacrament with which or to which something is done in order to confer grace. ex: water in Baptism, bread and wine in the Eucharist, chrism in Confirmation
that quality or assemblage of qualities which makes a person what he is, as distinct from other persons
an efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us through the work of the Holy Spirit-7
indelible mark imprinted on the soul at Baptism, Confirmation, and/or Holy Orders that gives the persona greater share in the priesthood of Christ.
sacramental character
sacraments used to restore our bodies and souls in Christ's work of healing and salvation: Penance and Anointing of the Sick
scraments of healing
lay the foundation of every Christian life in a way similar to natural life in a way similar to natural life: born anew in Baptism, strengthened in Confirmation, given food of eternal life in the Eucharist
sacraments of initiation
sacraments directed toward the salvation of others, conferring a particular mission in the Church and serving to build up the people of God
sacraments of communion
the grace which heals our human nature wounded by sin by giving us a share in the divine life of the trinity. It is a habitual, supernatural gift which continues the work of sanctifying us- making us perfect, holy, and christian like
sanctifying grace
the acknowledgement of God as as God, creator and savior, the Lord and Mater of everything that exists through worship and prayer
a prayer invoking God's power and care upon some person, place, thing, or undertaking. this prayer acknowledges God as the source of all blessing
this is the reception on the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist
the dedication of a thing or person to divine service by a prayer or blessing
the ritual, sacramental action of thanksgiving to God which constitutes the principal Christian liturgical celebration of and communion in the paschal mystery of christ; traditionally known as the holy sacrafice of the mass
the real, true, and substantial Holy Eucharist under the appearance of mere bread and wine
sacramental presence
conscious burning desire to recieve Holy communion when unable to do so physically
spiritual communion
the receptacle in the Church in which the consecrated Eucharist is reserved for communion for the sick and dieing
the scholastic term used to designate the unique change of the entire substance of the Eucharistic break and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ
the first of the seven sacraments, and the door which gies access to the other sacraments; first and chief sacrament of forgiveness of sins because it unites us with Christ. a believer recieves the remission of both personal and original sin
those who suffer death for the sake of the faith without having recieved Baptism are baptized by their death for and with Christ; brings about the fruits of Baptism without being a sacrament
baptism of blood
for those who believe in a supreme being and strive to serve as best they are able, who die before their Baptism, their explicit desire to receive it, together with repentance for their sins, and charity, assures them the salvation that they were not able to receive through the sacrament
baptism of desire
a person preparing to receive the sacrament of Baptism
the formation of persons in preparation for their Christian Initiation; aims at bringing their conversion and their faith to maturity within the ecclesial community
the untiy in Christ of all the redeemed, those on earth and those who have died; it has also been interpreted to refer to unity in the holy things, escpecially the unity and charity though the Eucharist
communion of saints
the public and authoritive act of the church to protect or liberate a person or object from the power of the devil in the name of christ
diverse liturgical traditions in which the one catholic and apostolic faith has come to be expressed and celebrated in various cultures and lands
permanent mark given to the soul at the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, an Holy Orders, designating one as a follower of christ
most often a person who presents a child at Baptism (or anyone at Confirmation) and professes faith in the child's name; this person acts as a proxy if anything happens to the parents; an official representative to the community of faith
the form used in the Sacrament of Baptism: "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit"
trinitarian formula
symbol of the Holy Spirit, whose anointing of Jesus as Messiah fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament. Christ means "Anointed One." Anointing is the sacramental sign of Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, and Holy Orders.
the activity of the Christian which fulfills the apostolic nature of the whole Church by working to extend the reign of Christ to the entire world
perfumed oil, consencrated by the bishop, which signifies the gift of the Holy Spirit; used for consecration in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders
person preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation
one of the sacraments of Initiation; completes the grace of Baptism by a special outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which seal or confirm the baptized in union with Christ and equip them for worship and apostolic life in the church
one of the four cardinal moral virtues which ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in doing the good ; also one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit
ones acceptance by God as a child of God, a consoling mystery bringing one a spirit of sincerity and trust while filling us with love and wonder; see the parable of the Prodigal Son
divine filiation
the fiftieth day at the end of the seven weeks following Passover (or Easter), at the first Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was manifested, given and communicated to the Church, fulfilling the paschal mystery of Christ
an attraction, either from outside oneself or from within, to act contrary to right reason and the commandments of God.
one who has recieved the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, which makes him a member of the episcopal college and a successor of the apostles. He is the shephard of a particular church entrusted to him
a bishop that the pope appoints as a consultant cardinals less then eighty years old are responsible for electing the pope
the state or condition of those who have chosen to remain unmarried for the sake of the kingdom of heaven in order to give themselves entirely to God and to the service of his people
the moral virtue which, under the cardinal virtue of the temperance, provides for the successful intergration of sexuality within the person leading to the intner unity of the bodily and spiritual being
a particular church, a community of the faithful in communion of faith and sacraments whose bishop has been ordained in apostolic succession
a third degree of the hierarchy of the sacrament of Holy Orders, ordained not to priesthood but for ministry and service
all bishops in communion with the pope
episcopal college
the sacrament of apostolic ministry by which the mission entrustred by Christ to his Apostles continues to be excercised in the Church through the laying on of hands which leaves a sacramental character on the soul
holy orders
the submission to the authority of God which requires everyone to obery the divine law.
the rite of the sacrament of holy orders by which the bishop; through the imposition of hands and the prayer of consecration, confers the order of bishop, priest, or deacon to excercise a sacred power which comes from christ on behalf of the church
the condition of want experienced by those who are poor, whom christ called blessed, and for whom he had a special love, poverty of spirit signifies detatchment from worldly things and volntary humility
the interioir voice of a human being, within whose heart the inner law of god is inscribed. It moves a person at the appropriate moment to do good
prayerful self-reflection on our words and deeds in the light of the Gospel to determine how we may have sinned against God.
examination of conscience
sorrow of the soul and destation for the sin committed, together with the resolution not to sin again that is born of the consideration of sins ugliness or the fear of eternal damnation and the other penalties threatening the sinner
imperfect contrition
the remission before god of the temporal punishment due to sin whos guilt has already been forgiven
destroys charity in the heart of man by a grave violation of God's law; it turns man away from God, who is his ultimate end and his beatitude, by preferring an inferior good to him
mortal sin
an indulgence that removes part of the temporal punishment due to sin
partial indulgence
interior: a conversion of heart toward God and away from sin, which implies the intention to change one's life because of hope and divine mercy, exterior: fasting, praer, and almsgiving
sorrow of the soul and detestation for the sin committed, together with the resolution not to sin again that arises from a love by which God is loved above all else
perfect contrition
an indulgence that removes all of the temporal punishment due to sin
plenary indulgence
an act whereby the sinner makes amends for sin, especially in reparation to God for offenses against him
a willful act such as theft, that is contrary to a negative precept, such as attending Mass, that one's conscience urges one to do
sin of omission
assisting person to understand themselves and, with divine grace, to grow in the practice of Christian virtue, while a person is often helpful, the holy spirit is the true spiritual director
spiritual direction
purification of the unhealthy attatchment to creatures either during our earthly life through prayer and conversion which comes from fervent charity, or after death in purgatory, as a consequence of sin
temporal punishment
sin which diminishes and wounds the divine life in the soul; failure to observe necessary moderation, in lesser matters acting without full knowledge or complete consent of the will
venial sin
martial infidelity, or sexual relations between two partners, at least one of whom is married to another party
a total, faithful, exclusive, willing, unitive love coming not only from the senses, but primarily from the spirit and is such that one desires children and is willing to suffer
conjugal love
a marriage in which the spouses have engaged together in the conjugal act that is apt for the generation of offspring
consummated marriage
the claim that the indissoluble marriage bond validly entered into between a man and a woman is broken
an ancient expression for the family, recognizing the parents as the first heralds of the faith to their children in both word and example
domestic church
a man and a woman united in marriage together with their children
incapable of being erased, destroyed or removed
martial infidelity, or sexual relations between two partners, at least one of whom is married to another party
an act of will by which a man and a woman, in an irrevicable covenant, mutually give and accept each other, declaring their willingness to welcome children and to educate them
matrimonial consent
a covenant or partnership of life between a man and a woman, which is ordered to the well-being of the spouses and to the procreation and upbringing of children
a total, faithful, exclusive, willing, unitive love coming not only from the senses, but primarily from the spirit and is such that one desires children and is willing to suffer
conjugal love
a marriage in which the spouses have engaged together in the conjugal act that is apt for the generation of offspring
consummated marriage
the practice of having more than on wife at the same time, which is contrary to the unity of marriage between an man and one woman
the claim that the indissoluble marriage bond validly entered into between a man and a woman is broken
an ancient expression for the family, recognizing the parents as the first heralds of the faith to their children in both word and example
domestic church
a man and a woman united in marriage together with their children
incapable of being erased, destroyed or removed
an act of will by which a man and a woman, in an irrevicable covenant, mutually give and accept each other, declaring their willingness to welcome children and to educate them
matrimonial consent
a covenant or partnership of life between a man and a woman, which is ordered to the well-being of the spouses and to the procreation and upbringing of children
the practice of having more than on wife at the same time, which is contrary to the unity of marriage between an man and one woman
the formation of new life through a married couple's cooperation with God and in response to their vocation
the use of mechanical, chemical, or medical procedures to prevent conception from taking place as a result of sexual intercourse