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93 Cards in this Set

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What does the "Common Good" include?
Everything that is necessary for the flourishing of all people
What is the most basic human right?
Human Dignity
The virtue of ______ leads one to move from the _______ principle to concrete ________ while taking into account all relevant ___________
Prudence, Moral, Action, Circumstances
What are the 4 main divisions in the New Testament?
Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and Revelation
Name one way that the creation story in Genesis 1 (Priestly) was different than the theory of Evolution?
Everything was created in 6 days.
When does Science exceed it's boundaries?
When it says that you can only believe in things that you can scientifically test.
If we only had John's gospel, how would you describe Jesus?
He knew he was the savior from the beginning. "Logos"
Christology is the _______
Study of Jesus and his level of divinity.
What was the basic proclamation (Kerygma) from the disciples about Jesus (in light of the resurrection) proclaimed during the oral stage 2?
Jesus has risen!
If God is seen as Love/Lover, then sin is a break ________
in your relationship
If God is seen as Love/Lover, then Hell is _______
Absence of God
If God is seen as Love/Lover, then Heaven is a __________
Total presence of God
If God is seen as Judge/Lawgiver, then sin is the _________
breaking of a law
If God is seen as Judge/Lawgiver, then Hell is a ___________
If God is seen as Judge/Lawgiver, then Heaven is a _________
According to the Law of Retribution, if I live a good life I will be _________
In Law of Retribution, people who lead a evil/bad life will be ______
Why is the Law of Retribution a problem?
Bad things do happen to good people.
Name the 3 types of sin
Original, Personal, and Social
What is the criterion for a personal sin? (Be, Know, and Do)
Be wrong
Know it's wrong
Do it anyway
For patients, suffering can be experienced not just as pain but as ___________
Hopelessness or helplessness
What is mercy? Not getting __________
What you deserve
Which theory of Redemption is described..... Jesus died on the cross in order to restore God's honor that was lost because of Humanity's disobedience/sin
Satisfaction theory
Which theory of Redemption is described..... Jesus redeemed humanity by "summing up" all humanity into himself and being a bridge between humanity and our salvation
Recapitulation theory
Which theory of Redemption is described.....Jesus saved us by becoming human and making us divine
Theosis theory
Which theory of Redemption is described....Jesus died in the place of humanity in order to satisfy the demands of God's justice
Substitution theory
Which theory of Redemption is described...God paid Satan for our release by Jesus' death on the cross.
Ransom theory
Christian social ethics...All workers have a right to work and to fair and decent wages
Economic justice
Christian social ethics...We must protect the family ecause it is the centerpiece of society.
Christian social ethics...The earth is not our possession to be destroyed but we are called to take care of the world's goods
Christian social ethics...All citizens have the right to vote, join labor unions..etc
Christian social ethics...Our laws should consider the oppressed and those without a voice in our system
Poor and Vulnerable
Christian social ethics...We are one human family and we live in an interdependent world.
Global Solidarity
Christian social ethics...We must not look out for only ourselves but be concerned for the welfare of all society
Christian social ethics...We must respect all people because we are all created in God's image and deserve to be treated as valuable human persons
Human Dignity
Christian social ethics...No one has the absolute right to gather excessive wealth when others lack the basic necessities of life.
Economic justice
Christian social ethics...People have a right to food, shelter, clothing because they are human
Rights and Responsibilities
Name the three elements of moral actions
Inherent good/evil
Name the three principles of social analysis in the reflection/action process
Integrity is telling the truth to ________
Honesty is telling the truth to _______
What are the two fundamental principles regarding a Consistent Ethic of Life?
1. Life itself is of such importance that it is never to be attacked directly

2. Life on this earth is not an end in itself; its purpose is to prepare us for a life of eternal union with God.
What is the difference between service (charity) and justice?
Charity- Good Samaritan, Private, Immediate need, food, clothing, requires repeated actions, *directed at the symptoms*

Justice- Exodus story, Public, long-term need, *root causes*
What does this mean; "Life is not fair, Thank God! ...because it is rooted in grace." (Workers in the vineyard parable )
Because our idea of fair is not how God wants it. The grace belongs to God, and he can distribute it however he chooses. What he sees as "fair" is to give his grace to whoever wants it, regardless of when they ask.
Why should a Christian be concerned about social issues like poverty and hunger, instead of just focusing on someone's salvation?
According to the first principle of a consistent life ethic, why is euthanasia always morally wrong?
Life is so important that we cannot attack it directly...no matter what.
What does Matthew 25 (Sheeps/Goats) say about how Christians are called to be in the world?
Whatever you do to the least of my people, you do to me. We should help the everyone, especially the one's that are most in need.
What is conscience?
Conscience is YOU striving to make the best choice you can under the circumstances that are involved.
Why must we obey a "well formed conscience"?
You have to not just know something is wrong, you also need to have the courage to follow it. It will tell you the right thing to do.
What are the two fundamental principles regarding a consistent ethic of life?
1. Life itself is of such importance that it is never to be attacked directly

2. Life on this earth is not an end in itself; it's purpose is to prepare us for a life of eternal union with God
What could you say to someone who is facing tragedy?
This was not your fault. You are a good, decent person who deserves better.
What is sin?
The breaking of God's law.
What is suffering, and how is it a challenge to Christian faith?
The human experience of evil. It is the greatest challenge to Christian faith because, How can a just God allow evil?
What is the Law of Retribution?
The just are rewarded and the evil are punished
What is the problem with the Law of Retribution?
If true, than why do bad things happen to good people?
What rebuttal did the book of Job offer to the Law of Retribution?
Suffering is a mystery and there is no answer.
How has the Christian tradition tried to understand the problem of evil? (Free Will, Demands of growth, and God with us)
1. God gave us free will
2. God does not cause evil, but can help us grow.
3. God suffers with humanity
How can suffering affect a person beyond just the physical pain?
Powerlessness, Helplessness, Hopelessness, Meaninglessness
Compare the disease theory with patient centered illness
Disease focus- Dr as scientist, suffering is pain, Disease and death are the enemy, goal is to kill the disease

Patient focus- Dr as care giver, Suffering includes helplessness etc, Death is not the enemy, Goal is to increase pt's ability to function.
What is the voice of lament?
A way of suffering in which a person cries and complains as a way to grieve, without direct concern for the causes.
What is the voice of protest?
A way of suffering that calls for action and change
What is the voice of contemplation?
When should one use the voice of forgiveness?
Losing desire or motivation to trust after someone hurt you
What is theodicy?
An attempted answer to the problem of evil
Why is the existence of evil so difficult for humankind?
It is random, out of our control, and not a solvable problem
How does Hinduism respond to evil?
The world is an illusion
Is the struggle between evil and dualism a Christian problem?
No. (Gnostic) We only have one God in Christianity....Not a God of good and a God of evil
How does the Islamic religion respond to evil?
It is God's will and we cannot judge.
How does Judaism respond to evil?
God uses evil to teach and redeem us.
What does the creation story say about our human dignity and about where evil came from?
God made us in his image. Evil comes from humanity's refusal to believe that we are like God
What are the three types of sin?
What is Pelagianism?
The heresy that we can save ourselves
What is the difference between Augustine and Aquinas' views of the sinful nature of human beings?
What makes something a personal sin?
It has to be wrong....you have to know it's wrong, and you choose to do it anyway
What is grace?
Getting what we do not deserve (Freely given by God)
What is Justice?
Getting what we deserve (Desire for all people)
What is mercy?
Not getting what we deserve (Thank God)
What is the exclusivist scope of salvation?
Salvation only through Jesus. Only those who believe
What is the inclusivist scope of salvation?
God wills salvation for all humanity. All will be saved
What is the pluralistic scope of salvation?
Many co equal ways to salvation. Lots of roads and people just need to get on a road.
What are the two ways to conceptualize hell?
Punishment model and Choice model (Hell is the absence of all that is good)
What are the two ways to conceptualize heaven?
Reward model (You get what you deserve) and Choice model (You choose to be with God and allow his grace to shine on you)
What is Christian morality?
The way we live our life in Christ. Who we are is expressed in what we do, and what we do shapes who we are.
What is incarnational living?
Holiness affected by the way we live
Name 3 elements of a moral action that can be used to determine if an action is morally justified.
Whether it is inherently good or evil
What is the intention or motive?
How is spirituality not just a part of who we are but the very core of a holy person?
It is our center. We express our spiritual self through the five outer areas of our lives
How can we find God in our ordinary lives?
Welcoming, letting go, Affirming the dignity of others, and Suffering and loss (The Four Rhythms within a family)
What are the three key family activities that promote faith growth?
Family faith conversations, Family ritual and devotion, and Family outreach and service
Name some of the ways to pray (Example of each)
Talking at God- "Now I lay me down to sleep"
Talking to God- using your own words and telling him about your day
Listening to God- praying with scripture
Being with God- Mantras
How is the Lord's prayer structured?
1st three parts are oriented to God

Last 4 parts are oriented to human need
What are 2 methods for praying with scriptures?
Ignatian- Using your imagination to put yourself in the scripture

Lectio Divina- 5 steps; Lectio, Meditation...etc.
What are the five steps in Lectio Divina?
Lectio- Reading the text slowly
Meditation- Think about what part stood out to you
Oratio- Talk to God
Contemplatio- Rest in God's embrace
Action- What is it calling you to do?
What is an examination of conscience?
A way to discover the voice of God within your own heart