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51 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
George Whitfield
The Divine Dramatist
Jonathan Edwards
"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", Calvinist,
Hellfire and Brimstone
Peter Cartwright
Emotional Jerks
Billy Graham
sinner's prayer
Denmark Vesey
Slave revolt
Nat Turner
Slave rebellion
James Thornwell
"Man may err, but God can never lie"
Formation of Southern Baptist Convention
may 8, 1845
William B. Johnson
"Appeal to the Public"; slaves is a civil issue; "forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles
Frederick Douglass
Christianity of America VS Christianity of Christ
Peter Randolph
Don't forget the torture of slaves
Intellectual Developments
Religious Map changing: Pluralism
Industrialization and Urbanization (no rel. roots)
Dev. of Academic Discipline: "neutral"
Higher Biblical Criticism
Study of Comparative Religion
Growth of Feminism
Primacy or Reason
Primacy of inidividual
God is good
Optimistic view of humanity
Attitudes toward World Religions
Bible: record of understanding of God
Ethical living
Theistic evolution
Freidrich Schleiermacher
Father of liberal theology
Karl Barth
"Church Dogmatics"
Can't put Bible first
Reinhold Neibuhr
"Nature and Destiny of Man"
Sin is inevitable but not necessary
Adam and Eve: sin as pride
Andrew Carnegie
"The Gospel of Wealth"; God blesses the rich
Russell Cornwell
"Acres of Diamonds", mega-church; Jesus wants you rich
Charles Sheldon
"In His Steps"; WWJD
Walter Rauschenbusch
father of social gospel
"Theology of the Social Gospel"; idea-realizing kingdom of God on earth
"Christianity and the Social Gospel"; propelled into leadership
American baptist
Hell's kitchen
society salvation
Love yourself into bankruptcy
Capitalism BAD
Gustavo Guiterrez
Liberation Theology
Latin America
Gospel read through the eyes of the poor
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Women's Bible
Adam and Eve: Strong One
Charles Hodge
definition of inerrancy
Charles A. Briggs
"The Auhority of Holy Scripture"
Barriers: Superstition, inerrancy, laws of nature, verbal inspiration, and authenticity
Five Points of Fundamentalism
Virgin Birth and diety of Christ
Substitutionary attonement
Bodily resurrection of Jesus
William B Riley
"Menace of Modernism"
case of harry Emerson Fosdick
"Shall Fundalmentalists Win"
All fundalmentalists are conservative but not ll conservatives are fundamentalists.
J. Frank Norris
Attack Baylor over evolution
D.C. Chipps
Scopres Monkey Trial
William Jennings Bryan AGAINST
Clarence Jordan
Koinonia Farm
White supporter of civil rights
"Cotton Patch Cospel"
James Cone
Black Christ
spoke language one did not know
spoke gibberish that others understood as human language
Charles Parham
First founder of Pentecostaism
Apostolic Faith
William J. Seymour
Mix of races(pentecost)
Second Founder
Azusa Street Revival
North Bonnie Brae Street
Apostalic Faith
Aimee Semple McPherson
radio Evangelist
International Church
Foursquare Gospel: Conversion, baptism of holy spirit, dinvine healing, imminent return of christ
Oral Roberts
Divine Healer
Benny Hinn
Divine Healer
Larry Norman
Jesus Rock
Prosperity Gospel
Largest African Americna conjugation
Pius IX
vatican I
"Syllabus of Errors"
Vatican II
Vatican I
1870, 20th council
Vatican II
"Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy"
congregational participation
"Dogmatic Constituion on the Church"
The pilgrim people of God sharing in Christ"s mission (not higharchial"
"lay apostle" saves mission of Church
"Decree on Ecumenism"
"seperated bretheren"
"Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation"
magisterium (teaching office)
new translations