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37 Cards in this Set

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What did switzerland look like in the Reformation Era? 4 points
Loose Confederation of 13 cantons/states
-4 languages
-mixed Cultures
-Cantons are Protestant or Roman Catholic
Who is Ulrich Zwingli? 4 points
-Educated in Switzerland, Bern, Vienna, Basel

-A Swiss Nationalist (criticized Swiss Mercenary practices)

-Reformer of Zurich (early representative of Reformed Tradition)

-Killed in the 2nd Battle of Kappel in 1531
What did the Zurich Reformation look like?
-Happened March 1522
- Worked with Greek and Hebrew
-Adiaphora- things that the Bible does not say if to do it or not to do it
-Took out Organ Music
-Worked with the city officials
What is Corpus Christanum?
-the body of Christians, meaning the Christian society; synonymous with "Christendom"

-related to "Corpus Christi" = body of Christ
What is Marburg Colloguy?
a gathering of German speaking reformers - Lutheran and Reformed Tradition

-Can agree on pretty much everything except presence of Christ in the Eucharist/Lord's Supper

-Lutheran - Consubstantiation

-Zwingli - Symbolic/representation only

(No one argues for Catholic transubstantiation)
Who is John Calvin?
-Born in Neyon, France
-went to U. of Paris / Law at Orleans and Bourges
-Got Money at the age of 12
-Became a French Theologin/ Had a sudden Conversion
-Moved around alot
-wrote "Institutes of the Christian Religion"
-wants to be a scholar
Who is William Farel?
-Gets Calvin to work in Geneva
What did Calvin do in Geneva?
-wrote a confession of faith for citizens
-established discipline in the Church
- banning from Communion
-was expelled for not letting a church official take Communion
-writes the Ecclesiastical Ordinances- authorities of the Church
What happened in Strasbourg?
-refugee place for Reformers
-Get married
-Bucer works with Calvin and shows him predestination
What is the consistory?
-implemented after Calvin came back
-a group of pastors and elders that implemented church discipline
-exclude people from the Church
Who is Servetus?
- a guy who disgreed with the Trinity
-prononuced a heritic by Calvin and the Catholics
-wrote On the Erros of the Trinity
-burned in effigy and at the stake in Geneva
Who are the Huguenots?
-underground Protestants that stayed in France
Who is Jacob Arminius?
-Professor U. of Leiden

-Created the TULIP argument

-followers called Remonstrants

-believed in Universal Atonement and Resistible Grace among other things

-Synod of Dort/TULIP produces 5 points in which 4 are in opposition to Arminianism
What is the TULIP argument?
Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints
What is the Society of Jesus?
-Inspired by Francis
- Popes Marines(served the pope)
-Founded in 1540
-will follow the Church with whatever they say
-went on missions
-ended in 1773 but came back in 1883
What happened at the Council of Trent?
-affirmed scripture and tradition
-affirmed the Index of Forbidden Books
-Reaffirmed about every Catholic theology thingy
-Created Seminaries
-upheld Transubstantiation
Who is Teresa of Avila?
-wrote the Lay of Perfection
-wrote the Interior Castle (4 states of prayer)
-had visions and reformed the Nuns
What is the Elizabethan settlement?
Crafted the "Elizabethan Settlement" which created Protestant Church of England with monarch as "Supreme Governor" (contrast Henry VIII using term "Supreme Head")

- Becomes very popular

-Defeats the Spanish Armada

-Excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church
Thirty Nine Articles
the basic beliefs and orthodoxy for the Anglican Church
What happens to Elizabeth I?
Crafted the "Elizabethan Settlement" which created Protestant Church of England with monarch as "Supreme Governor" (contrast Henry VIII using term "Supreme Head")

- Becomes very popular

-Defeats the Spanish Armada

-Excommunicated by t
What is the Lord of the Congregation?
Scottish nobility coming together stating that they are for reformation
Who is King John the VI and I?
-King of Scotland (as "James VI") and King of England (as "James I")

- Believes in episcopal church polity

- Authorized the translation of Bible into English known as the King James Version (or as the "Authorized Version")
Who is Charles the I?
-never calls Parliament until absolutely needs the tax money

-appoints William Laud as Archbishop of Canterbury (who pushes conformity, including episcopal rule into Scotland)

-is executed by his government
What is the Westminster Assembly?
Called by Parliament during time of conflict with Charles I

-creates several documents regarding theology (Reformed) and polity (Presbyterian)

-leans Presbyterian despite being held in England because tries to get Scotland to assist England against their king (not until later with James VI/I are the thrones of England and Scotland united in one monarch)
Who is Oliver Cromwell?
-Ruler during the Civil War of England
-England is Presyberterian
-called the Lord Protector of England and Scotland
What happened after the English Civil War and the Commonwealth Period (after Cromwell's death)?
Charles II is invited back

-reinstate Anglicanism

- but he pushes Royal Absolutism
What happened to James the II?
"Overthrown" by William and Mary because he sought to return England to Catholicism

-Glorious Revolution, 1688

-Act of Toleration follows in 1689
Who are the Quakers?
-called the shakers
-Society of Friends
-Created by George Fox
-Inner Light Argument
-Revelation by the Spirit without Scripture basis
-No externals
- Holy Spirit moves you
Who is John Bunyan?
-wrote "Grace Aboarding and Piligrams Progress"
Who are General Baptists?
Advocated Universal Atonement (Jesus' work applicable to all, not just the elect)
Who are Particular Baptists?
Baptists who held to Calvinism's Limited Atonement
Who are the Ranters?
-God existed in all creatures
-No Leadership
-Antinomianism- no law/no external law
Who are seekers?
-True Church is not there
-organized Church is corrupt
-waiting for the Jesus to come back
Who are the Levellers?
wanted suffarge
-wanted the class system to go away
Who are the Fifth Monarchists?
looked for Jesus to come back to start the Fifth Monarchy
What exactly are the religious views of Plymouth Pilgrims?
- separatists from Anglican Church
-from Leiden, Holland
-Not that Influential
What exactly are the religious views of Massachusetts Bay Colony?
-MassBay = Anglican/Non Separatists/Puritans

(Plymouth Pilgrims = Separatists)

-A City set on a Hill

-want Church and State to be together

-new pure church and society