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28 Cards in this Set

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From the earliest days of the Church, many Christians did what ?

Followed the spiritual practice of going on a pilgrimage

What is a pilgrimage?

A journey to a shrine or other holy place for spiritual and devotional reasons

When did the holy land fall into the hands of Muslim conquerors

1000-1200 AD

What is the Holy Land

The land where Jesus Christ lives, died, ad rose from the dead

Where did many fear that the Muslim Armies would attack?


When did pope Urban II call on all Christian rulers

1095 AD

Why did Pope Urban II call upon on all Christian rulers?

To organize a crusade

What does the word crusade come from? Why were these missions to get back the holy lands called crusades?

The Latin word Crux, or cross

The crusaders were to " take back the cross " or the Holy land

Why did men volunteer to fight in the crusades?

They acted out of faith, hoping to save Christianity

Over time many of those who fought forgot what?

What they were fighting for

What was spreading the gospel by force contrary to? By doing this what did the crusaders forget?

To everything for which Christianity stands

Forgetting the commandment to protect human life

When did the first crusade take place ? What occurred?

1099 AD

Took back Jerusalem and the surrounding areas

What was the most successful crusade?

The first one

When does Jerusalem fall to the Muslim general? Who is the Muslim general? How long did it remain under Muslim control

By 1187 AD

General Saladin

Until 1917 when it was captured by the British during WWI

When did the 4th crusade occur? What occurred and what ensued as a result?

1204 AD

The 4th crusade armies attached and looted Constantinople, a Christian city in the east

Made I'll-will between the east and west only deeper

What happened to the church and pope during the Middle Ages?

Church's power increased

The pope was recognized as Europe's supreme ruler

What did the Pope get to do as europes supreme ruler ?

Forgot rule on all matters, both worldly or secular and spiritual

During the Middle Ages there was much corruption, why?

Some religious leaders lived as princes and

secular leaders anointing bishops and abbots in their kingdom

What is lay investiture?

The illicit practice of secular leaders- or lay people, not ordained bishops-to invest, or empower a church leader with authority

What did lay investiture oppose?

Church teaching of apostolic succession

What is apostolic succession?

The teaching that bishops are the successors of the Apostles, passed down through the sacrament of holy orders

Who did the papacy fall into the procession of ?

A few noble roman families

When did Pope Gregory VII guide the church? What did he start?


The "Gregorian reforms"

What did the Gregorian reforms do?

Forbade lay investiture

Celibacy for priests in the Roman Catholic Church

Band simony

What is simony

The buying and selling of spiritual things, spiritual services, or church offices

Gregory VII received strong support for his reforms except from who? What did he do as a result?

The emperor Henry IV

Gregory VII excommunicated Henry IV

Why did Gregory VII excommunicate Henry IV ?

Didn't obey

What is excommunication?

What occurs if you are excommunicated?

A severe penalty imposed by the church for serious sins against the Catholic religion

You are excluded from the sacramental life of the church