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30 Cards in this Set

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Who worked to influence the outcomes of papal elections during the 18th century?

The Hapsburgs of Austria

The Bourbons of France

What kind of pope were the Hapsburgs and Bourbons trying to get elected? Why?

Did they succeed?

A weak pope

Because a weak pope would not try to take away their power over the Church and its leaders

They succeeded

What kind of advisors and officials did catholic monarchs began to surround themselves with during the mid eighteenth century

Surrounded themselves with advisors and officials who were followers of the enlightenment persuaded

What did these followers of the enlightenment persuade the catholic monarchs to do?

How did bishops react?

What was happening to the papacy as a result?

Persuaded monarchs to keep the church subordinate

Many bishops willingly submitted

Papacy declined into weakness

Who defended the papacy?

What did they defend the papacy against? What did they support?


Against absolute monarchs


supported church doctrine condemning the anti religious teachings of the enlightenment

What were Jesuit schools in Europe teaching ? Who were they educating?

Educating young men to live out their faith and defend it

What were Jesuit missionaries doing in the new world?

They were working to protect the native peoples from slavery

Who began to see jesuits as a threat ? What did they do as a result?

"Enlightened catholic monarchs"

Began expelling Jesuits from territories in both Europe and the Americas

What did secular rulers pressure the pope at the time to do ? Who was the pope at this time ?

To issue a decree suppressing the Jesuits in every Catholic country in the new world

Pope clement XIV

What occurred because pope clement XIVissued a decree that suppressed the Jesuits in every catholic country in the world?

Schools, churches, and missionaries were seized and priests were banished

What did the removal of the Jesuits do?

Removed the church's greatest weapon in combatting the growth of the enlightenment

What did King Louis XVI ask the estates general? When did he ask them?

In France in May 1789 did he ask them?

To help him raise taxes

What is the estates-general?

The governing body of France llloo

Who made up the estates-general

Made up of deputies from the three "estates"



Common citizens

Who made up 98% of the French population

What did they want it do a s a result

Common citizens

Wanted to change the voting rules so they could be counted counted individually

What happened when the king took no action?

Deputies of the third estate renamed themselves

What did the deputies of the the estate rename name theirselves? When

National Assembly

June 17, 1789

What was the National Assembly ?

A unified assembly representing all the people of France and called for liberty, equality, and fraternity

Who else joined the National Assembly? What happened as a result?

Many clergy and nobles

King reluctantly legalized the new assembly

By legalizing the National Assembly, what did the French King unknowingly begin?

French Revolution

What did the National Assembly want?

Wanted France to be a constitutional monarchy like England

Wanted to limit Church's power

What did the National Assembly do fulfill their wish of limiting the power of the church?

Abolished taxes collected by church, took control of Church property, dissolved all monastic orders

What did the Civil Constitution of the Clergy decree in 1790?

Decreed that the boundary of all dioceses were rearranged to match civil boundaries, bishops were appointed by the civil assemblies and not the pope, and parish priests were elected by civil assemblies and not appointed by the pope

Why did the King sign the civil constitution of the clergy ?

To protect his life and his family

What happened to clergy who refused to take an oath upholding the civil constitution of the clergy?

Would lose their positions and be prosecuted if they continued to live as priests

Who did the endangered clergy look to? What did he do? What happens as a result

Looked to pope Pius VI

He was silent

Some bishops took oath, along with half of France's priests

When some clergy took the oath and some did not, what happened?

The church was divided into one who was the puppet of the revolutionary government and the illegal one still loyal to the pope

What happens we pope Pius finally speaks out?

(what does he say)


Condemns the civil constitution of the clergy


Denounced National Assembly


How did the Assembly retaliate to what pope Pius VI said?

By taking over papal territories and cutting of all relations with Rome

What was the Catholic Church now considered as a result?

What did they face

Now considered enemy of the revolution

Faced persecution not known since the early Christians