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30 Cards in this Set

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what was the sea of galilee known for?

Its sudden storms and atmospheric pressure

what was jesus doing when the storm had arose

jesus was sleeping

What did the disciples ask jesus during the storm

Dont you care that we are going to die?

what did jesus say to rebuke the storm?

Peace be still

what type of miracle was the stilling of the storm ?

nature miracle

why was jesus leaving the large crowd?

so that he could rest

why did Jesus scold the disciples after he calmed the storm

for their lack of faith and being fearful

why would someone be commanded to go to the priest?

if they had a spot on their body a swelling a scab or a bright spot had turned white

how long was someone put into isolation?

a week

what does leprosy do?

it attacks the nervous system, causes the limbs to rot and drop off

what will happen if someone is not cured of leprousy

a person will die

what happens when one is cured of leprosy?

they would go to the priest for examination

what would the priest offer the leper

two living clean birds, cedar wood, scarlet and hyssop

what would the priest do to pronounce them clean

one of the birds would be killed. the living bird the cedar and the hyssop would be dipped in the dead birds blood. the priest would sprinkle the blood seven times on the person and call them clean, let the bird go free shave the lepers head wash them and let them into the city again

when jesus healed the leper what act did he do that was considered illegall

he touched the leper

why could a leper be only sent to the priest?

the priest was the only one who could write a certificate for them to re enter society

why was the leper not to tell anyone

jesus needed to accept him because he is the messiah not for his miracles.. he needed to teach without the distraction of healing the sick and suffering..... the priest might demand that Jesus go through purification because he touched the leper

who was jarious

the leader of the synagogue

what was everyone doing at jarious house when Jesus arrived

preparing for a funeral

what did jesus tell the people at jarious house?

that the girl wasnt dead just sleeping

what three disciples did Jesus take with him

Peter James and John

What words did jesus speak

Talitha Cumi

what did jesus tell jarous and his wife after he healed the girl?

do not tell anyone and give her something to eat

what was legion also known as


where did legion live?

in the land of Galilee

who was legion

he was a man possessed with evil spirits

what happened when the demons saw jesus

they recognized him as the messiah

what did the demons ask jesus?

Not to torment them, not to send them to the abyss or from the region (hell) Allow them to enter the swine/pigs

what happened when jesus sent them into the swine

the swines ran down off the cliff and into the sea

what did jesus tell the man who was saved from the demons

to go and tell everyone for this was not a time of secrecy but a time to boast