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31 Cards in this Set

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What is religion?
The beliefs actions or objects that brings one to a higher force than themselves.
The evolutionary hypothesis of the evolution of religion.
Primal, Archaic, Empires, Classical Modern Religions
Sacred Texts: Judaism
Tanakh (TNK -> hebrew), Torah (law), Nevin (prophet), Kethuvin (writing), Talmud (collection of explanations of Rabi's)
Sacred Texts: Christianity
Old Testament, New Testament, Apoccapho (not credible)
Sacred Texts: Islam
Quran, Hadith
Sacred Texts: Buddhism
Dhamma Pada, Prajahaparamita Sutra, Lankavatara Sutra, Lotus Sutra, Mahayana, TIBET: Tibetan Mantras, Tripitaka (canon -> collection of writings that a people or religion regards as sacred, indespensible, or binding on their lives)
Sacred Texts: Hinduism
Bhagavad Gita, Vedas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Code of Manu, Upanishads, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Puranas (legends), Tantras (hymns)
Sacred Texts: Zorastrians
Anestas: a)Gathas b)Yasha c)Visparand Serdidad
Sacred Texts: Taoism
Tao Te Ching
Sacred Texts: Confucionism
Book of History, Book of Change, Book of Rites, Book of Piety, Analects of Confucious, Mentius
Sacred Texts: Jainism
Agama, Angas
Sacred Texts: Sikhism
Adi Granth
Sacred Texts: Christian Science
Science and Health with key to scripture
Sacred Texts: Unifaction Church
Devine Principles
Sacred Texts: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price
How did scripture's come about?
Through Oral Tradition
What are the different kinds of Yoga in the Hindu tradtions
Karma, Raja, Jnana, Hatha, Bhakti
Who are the major Hindu Gods?
Vishnu, Ganisha, Dirga, Krishna, Brahma, Brahmin, Shiva, Saraswati, Lakshmi
Theravada Buddhism
Means "way of the elders"
Southeast Asia
original form of buddhism
meditation-aided awareness
buddha not a God
believes in Karma
eight elements
four noble truths
Mahayana Buddhism
means "the expansive way"
china, japan, korea
sustained 4 noble truths
buddha as a divinity
fully enlightened
renounces life in world
stresses original teachings
enlightenment attained
adopted in Tibet
known as diamond vehicle
great emphasis on morals
highest yoga - tantra
adopted japanese samurai class
teacher-student dialogue
strict sitting meditation
form of Mahayana
emphasizing mindfulness
closeness to nature
Four Noble Truths
*Dukkha: all of life is marked by suffering
*Samudaya: suffering is caused by desire and attachment
*Nirodha: suffering can be eliminated
*Magga: suffering is eliminated by following the noble eightfold path
Three Jewels
Three Baskets
liberation from Samsara (cycle of reincarnation or rebirth)
A Sanyasi
holy man goes off to seek enlightenment
Prince in Bagavad Gita
Three Pillars
Four Stages in life
Stage of Student
House Wife
Forest Dweller
Ascetic(more intense forest dweller)
Eightfold Path
*right beliefs, understanding of 4 Noble Truths
*right aspirations, thinking
*right speech
*right conduct by following 5 precepts
*right livelihood
*right effort
*right mindfulness
*right meditational attainment, concentration