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39 Cards in this Set

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the hebrew bible uses kadosh to describe god and things set apart by god's choice: the people of ireael, the land they live in,types of food, modes of human relations(28)
Among Shi'i Muslims, dominant in Iran, the tombs of great imams or leaders are holy sites, and one who prays at such places can count on the intercession of holy people
a form of dicision as a result of discord in the community caused by a reform movement. the majority declares this to indicate that reform movement is illegitamte(from majority stand point) and may be subject to disciplinary action. (99)
in hinduism and buddhism the exorable law of cause and effect (governs all actions)
(karma yoga) the discipline focusing on doing one's caste duty in a spirit detatchment
ritual remal part of Passover celebration
in the great religion of india, historical existence is characterized by the term samsara. The term may be translated "migration", it implies the cycle of bith, death and rebirth that is characteristic of all beings. Samsara indicates a highly developed set of beliefs about personal historical existence in which time is a medium of the sacred. (50)
spirits sacred beings and powers in Shinto(shinto is the indigenous religion of japan)
an individuals communication with god (allah). Thank, praise, god show one the "right part" Daily ritual prayers of Muslims to be grateful for gods blessings. Submitting to God's will.
the experience of sacred in human experience
the three baskets sacred scriptures in buddhism
the roman catholic doctrine that the elements of bread and wine are transformed in the context of the Euchrist, into the body and blood of the Christ
In Hinduism and Buddhism the inexorable law of cause and effect
No(God) doesn't believe in God
Doesn't believe there is or isn't a God doesn't have yes or no answer
God's anoited or chosen servant; see Judaism, also christ.
Pro fanum
in the bible god is preeminently sacred and holy and everyone else is holy or sacred only in relation to God. In ancient Rome *sanctus* applied as much to the place of certain activities themselves. Those acts that were sanctified were performed in the fanum or temple; other acts were *pro fanum* that is performed in front or outside the temple.
the city set apart, the "holy city", which contains two of the most important mosques in Islam, the famous dome of the rock associated with the story of Muhammad' nocturnal journey and assent into heaven
the "instruction" of God in Judaism; the first 5 books of the bible.
the process of drawing out or interppreting the meaning of texts
the incarnation of a deity (Hinduism)
a person thought to have special, sacred powers, for example, as a medium for spirits or a healer.
"law" duty, or teaching, in hidiuism especially associated with duties of one's caste, in buddhism the teaching of buddha. Human being are to order their lives according to the buddhas teaching (dharma) which constitues the path to Nirvana.
right actions, duties should be done in reference to god in "love" and devotion
followers of the prophetic mission of Joseph Smith; religious movement befn in the US during the nineteenth century
discussions of divine justice; the attempts to answer questions about the sacred arising frtom the experience of evil.
(see reincarnation)is the movement of a soul or spirit from one existence to another, type of cycling, movement of a soul or spirit from one existence to another. (Human or non human forms)
(IF GOD WILLS) plans subject to sacred reality and submission
A reform movement may become the occasion for a schism which here signifies its emergence as a community separate from its "parent" yet not distinct enough to constitue a new religous tradition. A split with a religious body (community separate from parent) typically over authority
derived from a Greek word meaning a "public work", in religion refers to the form of public worship of a particular group
Reports of the Prophet's words and deeds in Islam sayings attributed to Muhammed
(cycle of nature cosmos) Easter is specifically Christian feast day in the church celebrating the resurrection of Christ. A high point in the worship cycle of the christain church according to christian belief marks the decisice point in god's dealing with the world. Derived from the word for spring season Eostur.
emigration to medina in 622 c.e. that began Islam
which means to "hand over" or "hand down" it is the latin verb from which the word tradition comes. Tradition is the history and memor of the group, relative to its notions of the sacred
correct worship, relates to the maintenance of certain standards of beliefe or othopraxis the observance of certain standards of religious practice.
Christianity- God Gives Salvation Freely apart from anything persons do to earn or deserve god's favor
that which "goes beyond" or "stands over" as in religious traditions which present a notion of the sacred as transcending ordinary experience.
the roman catholice doctrine that the elements of bread and wine are transformed, in the context of the eucharist in the body and blood of the Christ
describes those notions of the sacred that stress its inherence in the world