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81 Cards in this Set

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Buddha’s name before he became Buddha was:
Siddhartha Gautama
Siddhartha's Father did this to his son
shielded him from the rest of the world, surrounding him with good food, good wine and pretty women.
What did Siddhartha see that made disturbed him into leaving his life of luxury :
first day, he sees an old man. Second day he sees a sick man, third day sees a funeral procession, final day sees a world renouncer
What are the four noble truths
1. Life means suffering.
2. The origin of suffering is attachment.
3. The cessation of suffering is attainable.
4. The path to the cessation of suffering.
What is the 8 fold path
Considered the way to end suffering
1. Right View
2. Right Intention
3. Right Speech
4. Right Action
5. Right Livelihood
6. Right Effort
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration
Meditation literally means:
What does Meditation Attempt to do:
Seeks to enable a transformation of vision. Take you from a selfish and limited mistaken understanding of reality to a correct and universal understanding of reality
Seeks to remove the obstacles from allowing you to see the truth
What does Meditation allow:
It allows disciples to experience the truth of the buddhist teaching.
Serenity Meditation attempts to:
to develop the powers of concentration, our ability to focus. If you can create the image of something at anytime during any activity and you can keep it there as long as you want, consciousness becomes one with the image
What is the end goal of Serenity Meditation:
end goal: become one with the image because the mind is focused on it and nothing else
What is the end goal of Serenity Meditation Called:
One Pointedness
Insight Meditation is
destroying the attachment to the self,
Body part meditation defined as:
involves constant reflection on full implications of what it means of having a body, realizing the inevitable decay of our bodies
Active Body meditation defined as:
see yourself in the 3rd person no matter what you do, acting detached from yourself, every motion is foreign to you
Impermanence is:
everything is bound to pass and therefore disappoint, impossible for anything in the world to be changeless
Anatman is seen as
no-self doctrine, Buddha saw ourselves a vast combination of complex factors, we do not have a self, we have the 5 factors of individuality
What are the five factors of individuality
Body, feeling, impulses, perceptions and consciousness
Dependent co-origination defined as
universe is a dynamic network of interrelated causes and effects
The Buddha believed other religious paths were unable to achieve liberation because:
They believe in the soul and the self
When was the path of Purity?
5th C.E.
Did the Buddha appoint a succesor?
Theravada Buddhism:
tended to focus on monks and nuns, followers trace back to buddha, found in sri lanka, cambodia, laos; about renouncing and enlightening
Mahayana Buddhism:
created during 1st century C.E., Prevalent in Japan + China,
What does Mahayana Buddhism Emphasize?
emphasizes on working to save other people as apposed to seeking your salvation
Under Mahayana Buddhism someone who seeks their own salvation is seen as
Name some Dualistic tendencies of Buddhism:
suffering realm of Samsara and the suffering realm of existence
Similarities between Christianity and Mahayana Buddhism include:
notion of a savior
compassion for others
highest ideal is a life dedicated to the well-being of the world
Eventually Buddha's life becomes more embellished because:
becomes a divine being
mystique of him was heightened by the ambiguity of Buddha’s final status of nirvana
Holy Texts are known as:
Lotus Sutra is:
A re-visioning of Buddhist History
The Lotus Sutra States:
Buddha had seemed to live and die like a human, but had been enlightened from the beginnning. Went through charade to meet expectations of people, revealed limited teaching so people could learn easy.
The Lotus Sutra is Parable to
The Burning house
Earlier Sutra's were seen as
Buddha’s original words
Some Sutras emerged later and were inspired by
Buddha’s transcendent dimension
Buddhology defined as
Buddha has 3 bodies and exists in 3 dimensions, emerged from Mahayana thought
Earthly Dimension
Heavenly Dimension
Transcendent Dimension
Caste system is defined as:
social stratification and social restrictions in the Indian subcontinent, in which social classes are defined by thousands of groups,
In the caste system. contact between castes is allowed? True or False
city in India, leads to the Ganges river, a Holy city
The Ganges Rivers water is believed to
cleanse and purify you
Vishnu is
great heavenly king that descends to the world at different times and in different worlds to maintain cosmic stability, incarnated, never blinks
Shiva is
The Supreme God
Ganesha is
The God of Destruction
Kali is
black goddess that lives in the cremation grounds, wears a necklace made of skulls
Some hindu temples have images of
Jesus or Buddha
Moksha is:
final liberation, believed to occur when death occurs near the Ganges
do not wear many clothes, body is covered in ashes, meditate in front of the funeral pyres
Brahmins performed
ancient Vedic rituals designed to ensure the stability of the world
Ahimsa is
The Sanskrit term meaning no violence, no hurting, no harm.
Karma is
moral law of cause and effect. Literally means works or deeds
Samsara refers to
The notion of rebirth, endless round of birth, death, and rebirth.
Brahman is defined as
The sacred ultimate, used to refer to the sacred power that pervades and maintains all things.
Atman is defined as:
Us, the real self, which in its real essence is brahman
Dharma is defined as:
Cosmic Order, law of nature, eternal and unchanging
Upanishads is-
Philosophical Text
The 3 main Paths are
1. Path of Knowledge
2. Path of action
3. Path of Devotion
The path of knowledge
key text is Upanishads: focus on self-realization through meditation and renunciation of all worldly concerns, considered highest path, final goal= to know u are brahman. Chronologically comes second
Path of Action
Key text is the Vedas, Geared less towards final liberation and more to pursue path of knowledge. Chronologically comes first
What are the 2 types of Karma under the Path of Action
Hot Karma- Actions done out of Desire
Cold Karma- Actions done wthout desire
Path of Devotion:
Key Text s Mahabrata. Main vehicle of instruction for the regular folk. Last of 3 paths.
What is the Bhagavad Gita:
Later portion of Mahabarata: story of 5 brothers, the Pandavas. Conflict between brothers.
Who is Arjuna:
Most Renowned warrior of the Pandava family.
What does Arjuna ask of Krisha:
Asks him to take him to the battlefield before a battle to survey the field, loses heart to fight, tells krishna this.
What does Krisha tell Arjuna
Krisha says that renunciation from society is not answer, inaction is not answer, key to liberation is acting with right knowledge. Live life as an offering to god
What does Jaratkhu represent
The Moksha obligation
Cornerstone of Hindu view of reality is located in:
Tension between Dharma and Moksha
Dharma is defined as
Your Social Duty
Moksha is defined as
Your Final Liberation
Ghandi lived from
Ghandi lived his life by
Satyagraha is defined as
seizing the truth or experiments with truth
Satyagraha consists of what elements
1. Self- sufficiency
2. Poverty
3. Chastity
4. Non-injury
Ghandi distinguished between 2 levels of religion t/f
1st level of Religion for Ghandi
based on conceptions of God limited to the terms set by the human. didn’t believe that they were wrong or bad, just limited ie christianity
2nd level of Religion for Ghandi
true or pure religions, has no need or ritualistic worshipping. Considered the real spirituality.
religious pluralism is defined as
all religions should be involved in active dialogue
ultimately real is defined as
the basis/ foundation of everything else, truth and meaning
What is the central religious question?
Where can I look for ultimate meaning? Where can I look for that which can give my life ultimate meaning?
Agnostic is defined as
a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowable
World religions claim to know
that there is a deeper and more fundamental meaning to our lives, they claim to know what is ultimately real.
Augustine stated
The human soul is restless until it finds peace in God
Max Weber is
founder of modern sociology, he also wrote A Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism