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34 Cards in this Set

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What does reliability mean?
means consistency
What are some of the reasons for error that compromise reliability?
Person's conditions such as mood, fatigue, distraction
What is a reliable score?
Reliable scores are produced by tests that are free from errors of measurement.
What is the most important characteristic of any measurement?
What does i mean when someone makes reference to reliability of a test?
Reference is to reliability of SCORES derived from the test.
What is the relationship between reliability and the criterion related validity scores?
Criterion related validity coefficient cannot exceed the square root of their reliability. This predetermines a ceiling for the validity of the scores,
What is the meaning of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient ?
Indicates the direction and the strength of a linear relationship between two variables measured on interval or ratio scales.
What factors affect the size of the Pearson's r?
The sample size, range of X and Y scores in the sample, and the nature of the relationship between X and Y.
What are possible reasons for no correlation between scores?
The presence of a curvilinear relationship
Restricted range of X and Y values
2 groups in one sample, one with a positive Pearson’s r, and one with a negative.
In classical test theory, what is the formula for test scores?
X= score client received on the testing instrument, T= client’s true score. E= random error
X=T + E
What is the true score of the measure? (T)
The true score (T) is a hypothetical concept, consisting of the average of the distribution of scores that would be observed in repeated independent measurements of a person with the same test.
What does Random error ( E) effect?
Random error affects reliability,
What are some of the sources of random error?
-Fluctuations in participant mood, fatigue, illness or recent experience.
-Variation in measurement conditions, such as noise, or inconsistency in administration.
-Differences in scoring such as scoring errors, subjectivity or clerical errors.
-Random guessing
What is systematic error and what does it effect?
remains constant and leads to consistency and not inconsistency. Does NOT affect the reliability of the scores.
What is the Classical Definition of Reliability?
the reliability of measurements (rxx) indicates what proportion of the observed score variance is true score variance.
What is the formula for reliability?
→where TSV=True Score Variance and EV=Error Variance

Perfect reliability is Rxx=1.00, and can technically occur when TSV=Observed Score and EV= 0.
What is the Standard Error of Measurement?
The standard deviation of the normal distribution of observed scores a person may obtain under repeated independent testing with the same test
What is the percentage of scores that fall between 2 standard deviations of the mean?
95%-confident that a person's true score falls between 2 standard deviations of the mean.
How does one construct a confidence interval at 95%?
Formula :X-2(SEM)<T<X +2 (SEM) is a 95% Confidence interval
Example: X (observed Score)=23
So: X-2(SEM) to X +2(SEM)
23-2(2) to 23+2(2)
We are 95% confident that the person’s true score lies between 19 and 27 on a given test, when the observed score was 23 and the SEM was 2.
What is the relationship between a smaller SEM and the accuracy of the measurement?
A smaller SEM will produce smaller confidence intervals for a person's true score, therefore, smaller SEM= more accuracy of the measurement.
Which is more helpful when reporting client scores, the SEM or the reliability coefficients?
The SEM because it relates directly to the meaning of the test’s scale of measurement.
What is the problem with interpreting an observed score at the 68% confidence level?
The 68% confidence level is only +/- 1 SEM, which means one in three scores true scores will fall out of the suggested range resulting in a mistake rate of 32%
What are the methods for assessing reliability?
a. Coefficient of internal Consistency
b. Test-re-test
c. Alternate Forms
What is Internal Consistency?
estimates are based on the average correlation between items within a test or scale. Advantage of internal consistency is that participants need to receive only one administration of a single test on a single occasion.
What are the Methods of Determining Internal Consistency?
Split Half
Matched Random Subsets
Cronbach’s alpha:
Alternate Forms
What is the problem with using split half for determining reliability and what formula could be used to increase reliability of split half?
Halving the number of test items substantially lowers the correlation as the greater number of items, the higher the correlation.
The Spearman Brown Prophecy Formula- predicts the internal consistency of the items if returned to the original size.
On which types of measurements should one use Cronbach's alpha to assess internal consistency?
Multi-scaled item formats (e.g. Likert Scale)
When should Kuder Richardson 20 be used to assess internal consistency?
when test components are dischotomously scored,
When is it most appropriate to use test-re-test reliability and what is the coefficient used?
MOST appropriate for measurements of traits that are stable over time
Coefficient of stability-correlation between same person taking same test at different times.
What is Alternate Forms Reliability and what is the coefficient used?
two equivalently designed tests that have very similar observed score means, variances, and correlations.
Coefficient of equivalence
What do criterion referenced measures show?
How the examinees stand with respect to an external criterion.
When are criterion referenced measures used?
Tests in the classrooms
When a counselor wants to know whether a client has "enough" of a mental disorder to warrant a diagnosis.
When are classification consistency reliability used?
With criterion measured tests used for classification of mastery vs. non-mastery on a criterion. Either by the same test on two occasions or two different tests.
What are the two indices of classification consistency reliability and which is more conservative?
Po=observed proportion of persons consistently classified as mastery vs. nonmastery. Cohens K=proportion of non-random consistent classifications.
Po can happen by chance. so Cohen K is more conservative.