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23 Cards in this Set

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Four Noble Truths
1) to live is to suffer
2) suffering comes from desires
3)to end suffering, one must end desires
4)a release from suffering can be found through Nirvana
Spiritual Revolution
re-orientation of human self
to be humane
I. critique of isolation--western self "egocentric"
II. realizing obligation to others--humanity before religion
Kun Long
individual's inner-motivation and what matters is what makes the act moral--determining act
Nyong Mong
afflictive emotions---caused from thinking we have individual reality
-consequence of selfish/self-centeredness
Ten Del
1)basic principle of cause and effect
2)understanding mutual dependency
3) affirms we lack independent reality
"dependent orgination"--interdependent reality
knowledge that we don't have individual self
So Pa
inability to bear another's suffering
-innate ability proving the existence of Ten Del
-sharing empathy
-virtue of patience, tolerance, and non violence emerges
Cain and Abel
-story of interest b/c it is an example of family killing family
-what does God ask Cain?
-human solidarity
Eclipse of Sense of God
-loss of God= devaluing of life
-loss of moral (objective) truth-loss of sense of what it means to be human
-loss of human being spirit=> brutes
((critique of science))
Paradoxical Nature of Democracy
-basic paradox of democracy= moral conscience relegating to sphere--becomes law
-indivuduals can claim moral convictions but not want private sphere intruded
-genuinely moral in private sphere yet moral duties allow you to accept what violates morality
((critique of abortion))
Civil and Moral Law
-civil law can't contradict natural law
-human law is legitimate and in accordance with moral law and all human rights
-no procreation goes against nature
((critique of homosexuality))
Culture of Life
sacredness of human life, dignity comes from God
-opposed to any practices that would destroy human life (from conception to death)
Ex:: Euthanasia
"The culture of life means respect for nature and protection of God's work of creation. In a special way, it means respect for human life from the first moment of conception until its natural end."
Culture of Death
used to describe truth decided by will of majority or political/economic interest can decide truth/dignity
-out of productivity/efficiency-
Radical Subjectivity
-supreme relativism
-idea (from COD) that it has control over life and death
-human beings free-individualistic understanding
-negative quality=powerful vs weak
-submission to God
-development of tradition when leader has to develop it in foreign countries
-attempt to understand ways we can bring peace into the world
-natural religion bringing just war-order to world
Militancy and Contradiction
-ends professed and means employed
-contradiction between Al-Islam and means that are used
Sharia Reasoning
-constructive dialogue between non-Muslims and Muslims
-tradition of argument where humans engage in giving and taking or reasons in hopes of ascertaining guidance of God
-to struggle--achieve peace through action
-various manifestations--reading scriptures, praying, fasting, etc...
-inner-quality=spiritual devotion
-could be considered political struggle
Vatican Statement on Marriage
-sacramental dimension-participate with God in creation
Sullivan's Article
I. Ethic of Authenticity- sexuality isn't a choice but a way of being int he world--one is faced to affirm or deny their person
II. False Distinction with Agent and Act- actions makes us who we are ---"love the sinner, hate the sin"??
Just Ad Bellum
-right to go to war
-Latin for "Justice to War"
1. Just cause- reason must be just: to protect
2. Comparative justice- injustice of one party MUST outweigh other
3. Legitimate Authority- only duly constituted public authorities can wage war
4. Right intention- force may be used in just cause
5. Probability of Success- arms may not be used in futile case
6. Last resort-force used as last option
7. Proportionality- anticipated benefits of waging war
Just In Bello
-conduct in the war
1. Distinction- acts directed toward enemy combatants
2. Proportionality- force must equal wrong endured and possible good
3. Military Necessity- minimum force
belief that war of any kind is morally unacceptable
-extend humanitarian concern to enemy civilians and combatants
-skepticism as to whether moral concepts such as justice can be applied to conduct of international affairs
-state security and self-interest