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62 Cards in this Set

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3-legged stool
Salvation has three legs supporting the entire doctrine.

Leg 1: The first Leg on the Stool is Belief in Christ.

LEG 2: The second leg is that Christ died and was resurrected to atone for your sins.

LEG 3: The third leg which stands the stool is Salvation is a gift- by the grace of God and not as a result of anything you do.
a grief observed
a collection of C.S. Lewis' reflections on the experience of bereavement following the death of his wife, Joy Gresham, in 1960.
The book is compiled from the four notebooks which Lewis used to vent and explore his grief.
bowling alone
book by Robert D. Putnam, originally an essay.
Putnam surveys the decline of "social capital" in the United States of America since 1950.

He has described the reduction in all the forms of in-person social intercourse upon which Americans used to found, educate, and enrich the fabric of their social lives. He believes this undermines the active civil engagement which a strong democracy requires from its citizens. Putnam discusses ways in which Americans have disengaged from political involvement including decreased voter turnout, public meeting attendance, serving on committees and working with political parties.
an ideology that emphasizes the connection between the individual and the community.

That community may be the family unit, but it can also be understood in a far wider sense of personal interaction, of geographical location, or of shared history.
Dharma Seal
1. All compounded things are impermanent.
2. All stained emotions are painful.
3. All phenomena are empty.
4. Nirvana is peace.
individualistic fallacy
The potential mistakes that can arise when attempting to make inferences about groups of people (such as in residential neighborhoods) based on information for individuals.
Mater et Magistra
a papal letter sent to all bishops of the Roman Catholic Church written by Pope John XXIII on the topic of "Christianity and Social Progress". It was promoted on May 15, 1961.
A transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma and samsara.

It represents the final goal of Buddhism
promise keepers
is an international conservative Christian organization for men.

While it originated in the United States, it is now world-wide.

Promise Keepers is a non-profit organization, not affiliated with any Christian church or denomination
Rerum Novarum
(Latin for Of New Things) is an encyclical issued by Pope Leo XIII on May 15, 1891.

It was an open letter, passed to all Catholic bishops, that addressed the condition of the working classes.

The encyclical is entitled: “Rights and Duties of Capital and Labour”.

Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler and Cardinal Henry Edward Manning were influential in its composition.
(basically an oldschool scarf)

is a liturgical vestment (Christian clothing) of various Christian denominations, particularly within the Catholic Church and among the various Protestant communions of Anglicanism and Lutheranism.
twice-born soul
hindu definition: The upper three castes whose males go through a "re-birth" ceremony when they come-of-age at around 12.

william james - twice born sick soul
5 giants
is a 2006 American Christian drama film directed by and starring Alex Kendrick.
beloved community
Josiah Royce (1855-1916), the 19th century American religious philosopher.

“Every proposed reform, every moral deed, is to be tested by whether and to what extent it contributes to the realization of the Beloved Community…When one cannot find the ‘beloved community,’ she needs to take steps to create it and if there is not evidence of the existence of such a community then the rule to live by is To Act So As To Hasten Its Coming.”
Centesimus Annus
Latin for "hundredth year."

an encyclical written by Pope John Paul II in 1991, on the hundredth anniversary of Rerum Novarum.
coping mechanism
Kenneth Pargament did studies on religious coping and designed a questionnaire for it called "RCOPE" to measure religious coping strategies.

3 types of styles for coping: collaborative - with people
deferring - leave everything to god
self-directed - don't rely on God and try to improve things themselves.
dominion theology
grouping of theological systems with the common belief that society should be governed exclusively by the law of God as codified in the Bible, to the exclusion of secular law.

The two main streams of Dominion Theology are Christian Reconstructionism and Kingdom Now Theology.
a prayer found in the Jewish prayer service. The central theme of the Kaddish is the magnification and sanctification of God's name.

"The term "Kaddish" is often used to refer specifically to "The Mourners' Kaddish", said as part of the mourning rituals in Judaism in all prayer services as well as at funerals and memorials.
a bath used for the purpose of ritual immersion in Judaism.

The word "mikveh", as used in the Hebrew Bible, literally means a "collection" – generally, a collection of water.
religious clothing and colors
stole - scarf thing. popes/bishops/priests wear them

white, yellow, gold, blue, green.
the purpose driven life
bestseller by Rick Warren

book offers readers a 40-day personal spiritual journey, and presents what Warren says are God's five purposes for human life on Earth .
Wakah Chan
means the World Tree in Chol.

In the Classic period, the words wak and kan "six" and "four." The words combined became a name for Don Pablo's altar, which has become the present expression of the Maya cosmic center, or the "axis mundi."
It also symbolizes sacrifice, rebirth, and all of creation.
7 promises
From christian group of men, Promise Keepers.

PROMISE 1: committed to honoring Jesus Christ through worship, prayer and obedience to God’s Word in the power of the Holy Spirit.

PROMISE 2: committed to pursuing vital relationships with a few other men, understanding that he needs brothers to help him keep his promises.

PROMISE 3: committed to practicing spiritual, moral, ethical, and sexual purity.

PROMISE 4:committed to building strong marriages and families through love, protection and biblical values.

PROMISE 5: committed to supporting the mission of his church by honoring and praying for his pastor, and by actively giving his time and resources.

PROMISE 6: committed to reaching beyond any racial and denominational barriers to demonstrate the power of biblical unity.

PROMISE 7: committed to influencing his world, being obedient to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission
cutting yourself and letting yourself bleed as a sacrifice for God.
Communist Manifesto
a short 1848 publication written by the German Marxist political theorists Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. one of most influential political manuscripts.
10 planks of the Communist Manifesto
1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

6. Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country.

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
democratic communitarianism (4 values)
1. is based on the value of the sacredness of the individual. it believes that individuals are realized only in and through communities, and that strong, healthy, morally vigorous communities are the prerequisite for strong, healthy, morally vigorous individuals

2. affirms the central value of solidarity. Solidarity points to the fact that we become who we are through our relationships

3. "complementary association." By this he means a commitment to "varied social groupings: the family, the local community, the cultural or religious group, the economic enterprise, the trade union or profession, the nation-state."

4. is committed to the idea of participation as both a right and a duty. Communities become positive goods only when they provide the opportunity and support to participate in them.
Thich Nhat Hahn

is one of the essential doctrines or three marks of existence in Buddhism.

The term expresses the Buddhist notion that all of conditioned existence, without exception, is in a constant state of flux.
translation: service

the customary public worship done by a specific religious group, according to its particular traditions
means "release"

the liberation from samsara and the concomitant suffering involved in being subject to the cycle of repeated death and reincarnation or rebirth.
problem of pain
a 1940 book by C. S. Lewis, in which he seeks to provide an intellectual Christian response to questions about suffering. book is a theodicy, attempt to proove the divine goodness of good during the existence of evil
quadragesimo anno
(Latin for “In the 40th Year”) is an encyclical written by Pope Pius XI, issued 15 May 1931, 40 years after Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum. Unlike Leo XIII, who addressed the condition of workers, Pius XI discusses the ethical implications of the social and economic order.
theory of communicative action
Habermas uses Mead's theoretical base of communication and Durkheim's social integration to develop his concept of communicative action, which serves to transmit and renew cultural knowledge and achieving mutual understandings.
Andrew Newberg
neurologist who took studied brain activity and whether or not God and the concept of religion is just in our heads or not.
researched the intersection between the brain and religious and spiritual experiences.
writer of Mystical Mind
david brainerd
american missionary to native americans and ran ministry among Deleware indians of new jersey.

biography was written of his life became source of inspiration and encouragement to Christians
gil rugh
The focus of Pastor Rugh's ministry is systematic, verse-by-verse teaching of the Bible. As a Bible teacher, his sermons and publications have been heard and read throughout the United States and in many countries around the world. Gil has written over 45 booklets and many papers on current Christian issues, Christian living and church doctrine.
john bunyan
wrote fear of god

was an English Christian writer and preacher, famous for writing The Pilgrim's Progress. Reformed Baptis.

in the Church of England he is remembered with a Lesser Festival on 30 August, and on the liturgical calendar of the Episcopal Church (US) on 29 August.
jurgen habermas
Habermas uses Mead's theoretical base of communication and Durkheim's social integration to develop his concept of theory of communicative action.
kenneth pargament
best known work is his areas of research in Religious Coping, which draws on religious beliefs and practices to understand and deal with the stresses of life.

designed a questionnaire for it called "RCOPE" to measure religious coping strategies.

3 types of styles for coping: collaborative - with people
deferring - leave everything to god
self-directed - don't rely on God and try to improve things themselves.
owen flanagan
author of "problem of the soul."
writes extensively on consciousness

three key elements of developing science:
1. paying attention to subjective reports on conscious experiences.
2. incorporating results from psychology and cognitive science
3. including results from neuroscience that will reveal how neuronal systems produce consciousness.
robert bellah
best known for his work related to "American civil religion".

He is also known for his 1985 book Habits of the Heart, how religion contributes to and detracts from America's common good; and as a sociologist who studies religious and moral issues and their connection to society.
sigmund freud
studied unconscious mind

has been called one of the three masters of the "school of suspicion", alongside Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche, while his ideas have been compared to those of Plato and Thomas Aquinas.

regarded the monotheistic God as an illusion based upon the infantile emotional need for a powerful, supernatural pater familias. He maintained that religion – once necessary to restrain man’s violent nature in the early stages of civilization – in modern times, can be set aside in favor of reason and science.
werner sombart
German economist and sociologist

discriminated against jews.
carl jung
considered the first modern psychiatrist to view the human psyche as "by nature religious" and make it the focus of exploration. one of the best known researchers in the field of dream analysis and symbolization

spirituality as a cure for alcoholism
emile durkheim
first major work: division of labor.

seminal monograph, Suicide (1897), a study of suicide rates amongst Catholic and Protestant populations, pioneered modern social research and served to distinguish social science from psychology and political philosophy.
john XXIII
pope from 1958-1963.

He called the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965) but did not live to see it to completion.
john hardwig
euthanasia. Duty to Die
the god of gods. (super god) later came into christianity and became the jesus.
leo XIII
pope from 1978-1903
third longest pontificate

His encyclicals changed the Church's relations with temporal authorities, and, in the 1891 encyclical Rerum Novarum, for the first time addressed social inequality and social justice issues with Papal authority, focusing on the rights and duties of capital and labour.
pius XI
pope from 1922-1939.
classical view, thought industrializing restricted freedoms.
robert putnam
author of bowling alone.

says communities should bridge together people of different backgrounds and not force one religion.

describes how community centered things are falling apart (people not going to town meetings/voting).
bowling leagues diminishing amount of people bowling has highly increased.
Thich Naht Hanh
teachings aimed to appeal people from various religious, political, and spiritual backgrounds intending to offer mindfulness practices for more western sensibility.

impermanence. no two moments are ever exactly the same.
ancient egyptian religion.

william james
WIll to believe: justifies religious beliefs by using the results of his hypothetical venturing as evidence to support the hypothesis' truth. Therefore, this doctrine allows one to assume belief in God and prove His existence by what the belief brings to one's life.

humans have instincts more than animals and humans are the cruelest of animals.
said these instincts could be overridden and many instincts conflicted others.
C.S. Lewis
author of problem of pain, as well as chronicles of narnia.

wrote problem of pain after his wife died and wrote of what he went through and what he gained from it.
george herbert mead
distinguished pragmatist which is a traditional philosophical view centered on linking of practice and theory.
roots of his work are the philosophy of pragmatism and social behaviorism.
josiah royce, william james were his influences.
john paul II
improved relations with judaism. made history by touching (blessed) jewish western wall - holocaust memorial.
called abortion and euthanasia "culture of death"
josiah royce
ideas of working together as a tight community and relationships

objective idealist philosopher.

author of the world and the individual.

longstanding dispute with Williams was called "the battle of absolute"

reconceived his metaphysics as an “absolute pragmatism” grounded in semiotics. This view dispenses with the Absolute Mind of previous idealism and instead characterizes reality as a universe of ideas or signs which occur in a process of being interpreted by an infinite community of minds.
karl marx
author of the communist manifesto, which consisted of 10 planks.
"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." - (comm. man.)
rousas j. rushdoony
proposed old testament law should be applied to modern society and that there should be a christian theonomy - a theory in christian theology that god is the soul source of human ethics.
rick warren
author of purpose driven life.

purpose driven comes from the teaching of warren and came into use as a paradigm taught to pastors and other christian leaders worldwide to help them be more effiicient in leading their churches.
max weber
methodologicial individualism. influenced by kantian ethics, neo-kantianism and german idealism.

which holds that social scientists should seek to understand collectivities (such as nations, cultures, governments, churches, corporations, etc.) solely as the result and the context of the actions of individual persons.

rationalisation: the question of individual freedom in an increasingly rational society, as the main theme of Weber's work.