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60 Cards in this Set

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Muhammad's 1st revelation
Muhammad's emigration from Mecca to Yathrib
death of muhammad
Death of ali and beginning of the Umayyad empire
end of the umayyad empire and the beginning of the abbasid empire
end of the abbasid empire
What is the Isamic view of Christianity and Judaism
*Christians and Jews have gone astray
*muhammad was sent to restore the true faith
Meaning of Islam
surrender to God
Meaning of Muslim
follower of allah
The arabic word for God
Islam Demography
2nd largest religion
1.3 billion followers
Similarities between islam, christianity, and judaism
*came from the middle east
*one God
*Universal prophetic message
Prophet Muhammad
The ideal believer
Founder of Islam
Received a revelation at mount Hira
*God's words as revealed to and recited by Muhammad
*an authorized edition of the written words that appeared after muhammad's death
*chapter of the Quran
*each one has a new traditional name, derived from an image or topic in it
*pre islamic trad and relious center
*made from a meteorite
*believed to have been sent from God
*cube shaped shrine of mecca
*focal point for muslim's daily prayers and the annual pilgrimage
*before muhammad
*has only a vague reference in the Quran
*muhammad was carried to jerusalem
*ascended to the seven heavens
*met with other prophets like Adam and Jesus
*journey of muhammad and his companions from Mecca to Medina
*Muhammad built a new community of faith
Why is Hijira significant?
*Muslim dates were established
*community changed
*the worldwide Muslim community
*community of a prophet
Why was Yathrib, later called medina, responsive to the message of the Prophet?
*monotheistic influence of Jewish community
*Promise a new moral order
*neutral leader to resore order between tribes
*direction of prayer
*direction toward mecca
*direction toward which muslims pray
When did the civil war start?
When 'Uthman died
*minority branch of Islam
*says that Muhammad's genuine successors descended from his son-in-law Ali
*report of tradition of the sayings and deeds of the prophet
*contains his excemplary practice or sunna
*2nd source of authority for muslims after the quran
*"troden path"
*originally tribal custom of preislamic arabs
*example of the way a muslim should live
Who were the rightly guided Caliphs?
*Abu Bakr
What were the major achievement of the caliphs?
*conquest of Arabia and Persia
*Definitive edition of the Quran (uthman)
*Developement of lunar calandar
*muhammad's unique position as seal of prophets
schools of Jurisprudence
What is sufism?
*"rough wool"
*islamic mysticism
*a group of devotional movements in Islam
*goal is unity with God
What is the origin of the word Sufism?
It comes from the word suf (wool), they wore simple wool clothing
What is the name of a Sufi master?
What is the name of a Sufi brotherhood?
*Sufi group practice of invoking the name of Allah
*rememberance to Allah by reciting his name 99 times
What are two famous Islamic Empires?
Ottoman Empire
Mughal Empire
Who are two important Mughal Empire leaders?
Akbar (tolerant)
Aurangzeb (not so tolerant)
What are the 5 pillars?
-profession of faith (shahada)
-daily prayers (salat)
-alms (zakat)
-fasting (sawm)
-pilgrimage (hajj)
profession of faith
"there is no other God but Allah"
*9th month of Muslim calandar
*muslims fast during the day
*celebrates the first revelation of Muhammad
*Ends with the feast of Eid al-Fitr
pilgrimage to mecca
What was muhammad's tribe?
The Quraysh tribe
The city of Mecca
*when Muhammad was born it was the center of religious pilgrimage
*contained a Kabah
Why was Muhammad's message threatening to Mecca's culture at the time of his first revelation?
*he promoted the need for kindness, honesty, support of the poor, and protection of the weak
*did not support their polytheistic ways
*demanded the destruction of statues and images
*denounced their way of trading
Why is the Hijira significant?
1. it is a time when muhammad's message becomes favorable
2. establishes the first islamic community (umma)
What are the three most sacred cities of Islam?
Mecca, Jerusalem, and Medina
How many times do Muslim people pray in a day?
5 times
What is Eid al-Adha?
The day of sacrifice
*celebrated during the month of Hajj
*every household is expected to make a sacrifice
Women's Roles
*she is veiled when outside
*husband and family are only allowed to see her face
*only expected to socialize with female friends and relatives
*household work, but can keep a job
Umayyad Empire
-661-750 CE
-administrative and military apparatus was adopted
-absorbed the cultural influence of Rome
Abbasid Empire
-750 CE
-golden age of islam
-adopted a lot of persian influence
"tradition" "example"
-focus on the traditional teachings of Muhammad
-does not separate political life from religious life
-created a society surrounding their beliefs
-the whole body of Islamic law
-guides muslims' lives
Who are the twelvers?
-12 successors
-1st was Ali
-legitimate successor of the prophet
-particularly Ali and his successors
grandson of ali
4th caliph, cousin of muhammad
Quran during the Meccan period
suras are short
earliest suras are at the end
an important fast day for Sunni Muslims
-the site of Ali's death
-pilgrimage site for Shiite Muslims